**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Are we ever gonna get everyone together for an extended period?

Hell I didn't think Bron would play anyway. He looked hurt towards the end of that Pistons game anyway.
Rough week and season so far for LBJ:

-Does ball juggling dance after hitting clutch shots in overtime at Indiana and gets hits with a 15K fine by the league.
-Gets critzied and called a Diva for calling out and having 2 court side heckler fans ejected from the Indiana game.
-Father time catching up season already plagued by injuries.
-Now catches Rona
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Dont see how. I thought its widely known the vax only reduces death potential and may reduce symptoms
the biggest argument is "whats the point of getting it if you can still contract it" lol
He can be vaxxed and still get covid. Why ppl act as if it's otherwise?
bro lol you'd be surprised
a lot of the replies on twitter/ig/etc is "i thought he was vaxxed how he get it?"
folk really dont do their own due diligence nowadays lmao
Lebron Laker era so far:

-1st season missed playoffs.
-2nd season covid bubble ring.
-3rd season 1st round exit.
-This season. Lucky if the Lakers make the playoffs. Most likely another 1st round exit.

Man we still got 1 year left on LBJ's contract with Russ signed @ $47 million for another season.
Covid would have never gotten past Caruso’s defense.

I blame Jeanie for this
Lol at the dummies that wanted Caruso.

I’ll take my teams owner getting wealthier than the well being of my team anyday.

I firmly believe that if we treat our elite wealthy owners with respect and compassion, they will trickle that say feeling toward the common man.

I feel like Jeanie will lower ticket prices next year bc of the 30 mill she will save on the Caruso signing or lack thereof.

also, defense is overrated. We are an elite basketball team that’s easily favored to Win it all and we play melo monk and Ellington.
So unless Bron tests negative twice within the next 24 hours he's out for the next 5 games at least bringing his total to 16 of the 27 we would have played.
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