**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Said this in the nba thread but it’s a discussion better had here:

We know Russ can’t play well as a 3&D / secondary ball handler. Is it worth it to say eff it and make Russ the primary ball handler and have Bron/AD play off him?

We all know that Bron as the primary ball handler > Russ as the primary ball handler and when it comes down to crunch time in the playoffs, the ball will be in Bron hands… but we also have to acknowledge that Bron can excel in any role and he’s better as a secondary ball-handler / playmaker than Russ could ever be.

Problem is we only have 30 games left and I’m not sure that’s enough time to change the entire team identity.
Bazemore should have all the minutes THT have.
Especially in a switch everything scheme. He struggled early bc of our complex defensive system. Now that it took Vogel 45 games to realize his mistake, baze should play in this new style of play.

He won’t though bc bradley is vogels wife’s favorite meat
We lost this game (by 3) because of rotations.

Bron DNP
Monk DNP
Dwight DNP
Nunn DNP

bruh how is starting deandre jordan and having him play center for the majority of the first half not vogels fault?

mind you deandre jordan hasnt played since jan 15 when he was benched due to poor play.

why did dwight get a dnp? he was dressed and ready to go.

would have been ten times better than what deandre jordan did out there.

I can’t unsee it. No wonder I blame Ghost


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Shame we wasted a rare game from Russ where he makes many layups and threes. I don’t care about the injuries, we lost to plenty of teams with injuries. Remember Memphis without Ja and Brooks beat us when we had our Big 3?

It’s about effort. Play hard and you have a shot to beat anyone. Having said that, that charge call at the end decided the game
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Said this in the nba thread but it’s a discussion better had here:

We know Russ can’t play well as a 3&D / secondary ball handler. Is it worth it to say eff it and make Russ the primary ball handler and have Bron/AD play off him?

We all know that Bron as the primary ball handler > Russ as the primary ball handler and when it comes down to crunch time in the playoffs, the ball will be in Bron hands… but we also have to acknowledge that Bron can excel in any role and he’s better as a secondary ball-handler / playmaker than Russ could ever be.

Problem is we only have 30 games left and I’m not sure that’s enough time to change the entire team identity.
He's not worth accommodating to.
Re: that trade.

Don’t think this trade works with Vogel as coach. He’s too stubborn and would need 35 games to see how players fit lol
Rambis gonna rambis lol
lets not blame rambis on this. hes not the coach.

for all we know the reports could be bull **** of him wanting to play the bigs.

i remember them saying it was pelinkas pushing to get russ then it was lebron and ad pushing to get russ.

just **** being thrown at the wall at this point.
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