**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

D’Lo ain’t nothing but Playoff Harden Jr.

Didnt say a word about DLo here.

James Harden is the antithesis of what any team should want on their team.
Contenders, tanking. Doesn’t matter. He gives up on his team at every stop.

And :lol: at thinkingDarryl Morey won’t make Harden suffer if he’s trading him.
If you’re going to bring up some of my points why AD isn’t a 30 ppg scorer, at least reply or @ me buddy 😂

And every thing I said is pretty much common sense. Yes all superstars get the schemed against, AD is still able to average 25-26 regardless. But there is a ceiling to what he can do because the man can’t dribble very well and he can’t shoot.

Even if AD isn’t the one doing the scoring all the time, as long as he’s here and has defenses shook to the point where all 5 defenders are in the paint…that’s a good thing! Because it means the other Lakers should be wide open and they just have to make their shots…there’s value in that too. Seems like your argument keeps coming back to not liking the AD extension… oh in 2028 he’s going to be making blah blah blah, man who cares 😂 worry about that when the day comes. In the meantime be happy the dude is here and helping the Lakers be a legit contender to win a championship.

It isn't even about you, or anyone else specifically, it's about the group as a whole completely bending over sideways to explain why it's ok for him to be less than what he should be.

Like I said, we had people CRUSH Kobe Bryant, Kobe Bryant fam, daily. He chased off Shaq, he attacked a woman, he doesn't shoot, he chased off Phil, etc etc etc.

That man lived inside a gym and gave his entire soul to basketball to make us better.

We won in 2020.......after a 5 month break. With Bron closest to his peak/prime.
We knew (4+ years ago) we had a limited window with Bron, btw this was all brought up back then that signing a 35 year old, we better win FAST cuz as he ages.......

Well, every, single, year, we wait and wait for AD to be the key face of the franchise. Bron turns 39 in 2 months, and 2 games into the season Bron still seems to be the one the team can't be without. That doesn't bode well. At all. :frown:

He's a complete beast down low.......where he doesn't want to be.
He wants to float and shoot jumpers.......that he doesn't make at a high enough rate.
He has to be force fed or he can't be counted on to score high volume.
He's an elite defender.

And we owe him 300+ million over the next 5 years. While Bron is 39, 40, and likely retired the next 3.

That doesn't sound like a contender. That's what makes THIS SEASON so dire. We have to win THIS year. Have to. I don't expect Bron surviving again at 40, 41 (if he plays that year) etc. Age 39 Bron might be it.

Kareem aged......and Magic absolutely rose to the challenge.
Shaq aged (and then left) and Kobe absolutely rose to the challenge.
AD will be 31 in these playoffs and other than the bubble........after 5 months of rest........ :frown:

It's not about 2028's salary man. It's the next four years after this season. Bron is going to slow. He just is. We have this one last shot this year and then he's basically 40 with the most NBA mileage of any player in history. AD under contract for FOUR YEARS with Bron beginning his retirement tour.

This year, right now, AD needs to be All NBA first team level dominant. No more scoreless halves, or needing 4th quarter double digit comebacks vs KD + 9 randoms, at home......

Ask yourself, who was better in that game? KD, or AD? :nerd:
KD and 9 randoms gave us fits for 48 God damn minutes. KD is older than AD, had his Achilles tear 4+ years ago, he was great on offense and defense, and to your point, we kinda focus our effort on stopping him, and it didn't do ****. He ate our lunch.

AD and 9 randoms give us that same work? :nerd: Be honest with yourself. No mental gymnastics or welllllllll, AD not really the same kind of......no. Would AD and 9 scrubs be able to push a "title contender" like that?

I thought we were going to bury the Suns by 30+ seeing that roster minus Booker/Beal. KD the damn Boogeyman bruh. :lol:

Why can't I expect the same from Anthony Davis? We pay him to be that. We need him to be that.
Expecting AD to play like KD. Lol. AD had an elite AD game. KD had a KD scoring game but with 8 turnovers and 4/11 shooting and 0/1 from the line in the 4th. At one point down the stretch he missed 5 straight shots and 3 turnovers. He was 0/3 with AD guarding him in the 4th. AD was 3/4 shooting in the 4th and 7/7 from the line with 4 rebounds and 0 turnovers. But you're complaining because AD didn't play like KD. 'Less than what he should be'

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It isn't even about you, or anyone else specifically, it's about the group as a whole completely bending over sideways to explain why it's ok for him to be less than what he should be
I have no idea why AD would be compared to Kobe after you get past the fact that they both played for the Lakers there are no other similarities 😂

AD is like a more athletic KG without the jumper and passing ability. Some of us are just more realistic with our expectations based on what we see with our own eyes… I don’t feel as if he’s any less of the player he should be, but if you see it differently that’s your opinion.

What exactly do you want to see him do that he’s not doing in general?
What exactly do you want to see him do that he’s not doing in general?

Not have to rely on a 39 year old to beat a team missing two stars?

Not go scoreless vs a team that boat raced us 5 months ago then told us about it all summer?

Play 70 games a season?

Stop floating around the perimeter? (where's he's nowhere close to as effective as he is down low)

We pay him as a Top 3 player in the league, is he a Top 3 player in the league?

How bout Top 3 MVP candidate, is that a fair request? Top 5?

Somewhere, Pau Gasol is wondering where all the relaxed-patient Laker fans were in his day. :lol: That man would get crushed daily by fans for being too soft now folks will make every excuse they can to save AD's name. :lol:
Not have to rely on a 39 year old to beat a team missing two stars?
AD played 39 minutes, scored 30 points 12 boards 3 blocks and 3 steals. Lebron scored half of his points in the 4th, and most of those came in the two man game with AD. So I think it’s fair to say he did his part.

Almost all of everything you’re bringing up (besides health) is offense related… score more points, winning offense-based awards, etc. Again, if you can’t shoot and you aren’t surrounded by snipers this is what you get.
Somewhere, Pau Gasol is wondering where all the relaxed-patient Laker fans were in his day. :lol: That man would get crushed daily by fans for being too soft
I’ve said it’s fair criticism to point out when he’s playing soft, and but that doesn’t really sound like what we’re doing here now does it?
I’ve said it’s fair criticism to point out when he’s playing soft, and but that doesn’t really sound like what we’re doing here now does it?

My guy.....you just threw 39 min, 30/12 at me for beating 9 YMCA guys and KD.

I'm not being fair to AD by pointing out that's a concern????? :lol:

You think Book and Beal gon sit out the whole season? :lol:

Do you want to maybe bring up his numbers vs Denver? :nerd: :lol:

You gonna hype him up for a 30/12 in damn near 40 minutes if he beats Denver.......with Jokic and Murray not playing? C'mon.

Come on man. I get it, you gon defend him cuz he's a Laker. That's fine. If he was on any other team you wouldn't be defending him one bit and you'd be sayin the same **** I am.

We need him to be THEE GUY. #1. Not Bron's sidekick, THEE. GUY. A Top 3 player in the NBA, MVP candidate, All NBA First Team.

Jokic, Giannis, AD.
Embiid, Jokic, AD.
Luka, Giannis, AD.
Jokic, Luka, AD.

Whoever your 3 are, he has to be one.


Basically the same list, minus Joker who probably could average 30ppg if he wanted but instead basically settled for a 25 point triple double every night.

“We need AD to play 70 games, is that too much to ask”

Here’s a question - if we looked up every starting center in the NBA and the number of games played, how many of them hit that magic number?
We need him to be THEE GUY. #1. Not Bron's sidekick, THEE. GUY. A Top 3 player in the NBA, MVP candidate, All NBA First Team.
No WE do not.

You seem to have this idea of that’s what YOU want to see, in general I’m fine with what he’s bringing to the table.

Doesn’t matter if I’m a fan of the Lakers or not.

Seriously 😂 how many top 3 guys can’t really dribble pass or shoot?
No WE do not.

You seem to have this idea of that’s what YOU want to see, in general I’m fine with what he’s bringing to the table.

Doesn’t matter if I’m a fan of the Lakers or not.

Ok, then I'll be interested to see who you point to when we come up short again.

Can't imagine you can blame a 39 year old.

Shouldn't be DLo, Reaves, Rui, Vando level guys.

Ham? :nerd:

Will be interesting. 55ish games, no All NBA team, 40 million dollars. No prob. Happy with that. 👍
Ok, then I'll be interested to see who you point to when we come up short again.

Can't imagine you can blame a 39 year old.

Shouldn't be DLo, Reaves, Rui, Vando level guys.

Ham? :nerd:

Will be interesting. 55ish games, no All NBA team, 40 million dollars. No prob. Happy with that. 👍
Got the wrong guy, I don’t really do the blame game… sometimes other teams are just better. And if that’s the case so be it. And I’m also not a checkbook watcher, I don’t care how much any of these guys are making. Get as much as you can while you can I’m all for it.

If the Lakers don’t go all the way it will be because of their offensive limitations… basically they can’t shoot. Maybe they’ll make enough, but that’s mostly the issue with this roster.

We shall see
Pau Gasol is wondering where all the relaxed-patient Laker fans were in his day. :lol: That man would get crushed daily by fans for being too soft now folks will make every excuse they can to save AD's name. :lol:
Solid point, and I would hope that everyone can see the truth in that little snippet, regardless of where their opinion lies on Eyebrow.


Basically the same list, minus Joker who probably could average 30ppg if he wanted but instead basically settled for a 25 point triple double every night.

“We need AD to play 70 games, is that too much to ask”

Here’s a question - if we looked up every starting center in the NBA and the number of games played, how many of them hit that magic number?

70 is my number, means nothing I agree.
68 wouldn't upset me. Even 65 would be closer to the mark.

He played 56 last year. :frown:

That 70 number, he's hit twice in his NBA career.

Speaking of.....the last time he hit 70, he played 75 games. At age 24.

28 and 11 a night, and led the NBA in blocks.

It's "unfair" of me to ask for that production NOW, when he has a 300 million dollar contract from us?

It's unfair of me to be critical of him, NOW, on my team, vs what he did BEFORE we traded everything we had to get him AND THEN paid him like a mega star? :nerd:

Because sir, if he was doin 28-11, leading the NBA in blocks, 75 times in a season, FOR THE LAKERS....I can assure you, I'd have his face tattoo'd on my ***.

(*Ok went too far on the last part :lol: )

The other part tho, 28-11, blocks, 75 games, I'd be quiet as a church mouse about him. He'd be my favorite player in the league and a guy I'd back fully. Maybe he gives us that this year. Because this is likely our last chance with Bron. We need a huge year from AD, just like his 2017-18 season. 🙏
Solid point, and I would hope that everyone can see the truth in that little snippet, regardless of where their opinion lies on Eyebrow.
😂 I think AD plays soft or lazy every so often and have said that on multiple occasions… I also think Luka is soft as baby poop, cries way too much, is a turnstile on defense but he’s still one heck of a player. I don’t believe anyone said AD is above any criticism.

The issue seems to revolve around expectations, and what is fair vs unfair to place on AD that’s all.
70 is my number, means nothing I agree.
68 wouldn't upset me. Even 65 would be closer to the mark.

He played 56 last year. :frown:

That 70 number, he's hit twice in his NBA career.

Speaking of.....the last time he hit 70, he played 75 games. At age 24.

28 and 11 a night, and led the NBA in blocks.

It's "unfair" of me to ask for that production NOW, when he has a 300 million dollar contract from us?

It's unfair of me to be critical of him, NOW, on my team, vs what he did BEFORE we traded everything we had to get him AND THEN paid him like a mega star? :nerd:

Because sir, if he was doin 28-11, leading the NBA in blocks, 75 times in a season, FOR THE LAKERS....I can assure you, I'd have his face tattoo'd on my ***.

(*Ok went too far on the last part :lol: )

The other part tho, 28-11, blocks, 75 games, I'd be quiet as a church mouse about him. He'd be my favorite player in the league and a guy I'd back fully. Maybe he gives us that this year. Because this is likely our last chance with Bron. We need a huge year from AD, just like his 2017-18 season. 🙏
I’d love it if AD could stay healthier as well, we all do…AD himself included. All agreeable there.

So his late great season in NO was 28/11 and league leader in blocks you say…well let’s look at last season

More boards, a half block less and 2pg lower… in league that trends more and more towards 3pt shooting and fewer block opportunities at the rim (although AD loves to foul him some jump shooters…mostly at the end of games)

Now I don’t know off the top of my head who he was playing with back then but surely it wasn’t the quality of offensive players he’s with now…or he wouldn’t have wanted out.

There’s only one ball, sometimes it’s gonna be an AD quarter or half and then maybe Bron takes over or Austin gets hot… or DLo gets it going, Prince might hit a few threes. The team can win with him having a dominant offensive game. But at the same time regardless of who has it going EYE would like to see AD involved in the action in the 4th quarter. Even if it’s throw it to him in the post, have the defense collapse and then a kickout to a wide open shooter. Or just spam the pick and roll game like what happened the other night.
I do appreciate Sunday night games more than any other night as an East Coast Guy.

Hopefully DLo, Reaves and Gabe get going a bit from outside.

Hoping for another big Christian Wood game as Sacramento isn’t a big team. So second unit minutes he should have a lot of room to breathe.
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