**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Pelinka seems mindful of the second apron. I think they should dip past it this upcoming season, but maybe that's just me.
Pelinka seems mindful of the second apron. I think they should dip past it this upcoming season, but maybe that's just me.

That's the thing. DLo opts in and you can move him, but youre capped regardless. If he opts out, aren't they below the 2nd apron, get access to some MLE and can sign buyouts?

My DJM/Nick Richards trade was contingent on him opting out, but if he doesn't have any market (which is understandable), may have to hold off. But for how long?

Still feel like the most skilled player ever may end up seeing the writing on the wall and forcing his way out again....
Shouldn’t be a surprise that JJ would own this press conference… dude works in the media and played for some good coaches throughout his career.

Overall, really liked what I heard from HBC. The AD Hub is what really stood out amongst the desired shift to a more analytical approach. Don't see the roster as currently constructed at all to be able to deliver much on the latter, but that's where Rob has to work some magic.

Please just get Ratsull off my team dawg and let's roll.
So are we keeping this pick? I haven't heard much chatter about potential trades and the draft is only a few days away. It seemed like we were hell-bent on going all in and trick as many first rounders as possible. Is that not the case anymore?

Local LA media outside of Bill Plaschke has been overwhelmingly positive about JJ in spite of him only having 4th grade Swoosh league coaching experience. I wonder if the reception would be the same had Rondo been hired without college or Pro coaching experience? 🧐

No idea how this will all unfold but I do think the biggest things working in JJ’s favor are that Lebron really likes him and that JJ, via his illustrious Podcasting career (🤣) has demonstrated that if nothing else, he fully understands, respects and appreciates and is a part of NBA culture- unlike Hurley who would have been a square peg, round hole situation as most successful college coaches have been.

The way a coach is able to relate to his players plays such a huge role in winning and whether or not the team ultimately has success.

And I know some won’t like this but I feel like we gotta go after Klay and CP to fill very specific roles on this squad. Especially Klay because I feel like there’s very minimal risk (assuming the $ figure is reasonable) taking a flyer on one of the greatest shooters of all time. CP’s might be too outspoken for this team even with Bron’s presence.

I can’t do another season of undefined roles and Max Christie airballs.
So are we keeping this pick? I haven't heard much chatter about potential trades and the draft is only a few days away. It seemed like we were hell-bent on going all in and trick as many first rounders as possible. Is that not the case anymore?

Think it's being kept.

I don't think they're going for a home run level trade. Maybe a solid double though.
So are we keeping this pick? I haven't heard much chatter about potential trades and the draft is only a few days away. It seemed like we were hell-bent on going all in and trick as many first rounders as possible. Is that not the case anymore?

If Mitchell is off the table there's no all in trade that makes sense. But I think any worthwhile trade would involve moving this year's pick
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