**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

OMG OH NOEZ! The tweets!
Sounding like some Trump supporters out here hmmmmm. 

Lol obviously I'm joking. Kind of... 

But yea I agree you can't go by all his tweets. A lot of times it's just a retired guy being nice to everyone. 

But still. You put your name next to those stupid comments 
This was some Game of Thrones type ish. Entertaining to say the least.
Good to see the Lake show headed in the right direction. Mitch did a lot of good things for the franchise fans should be thankful for especially that Pau trade
What could go wrong? :smh:

I don't know if its fair to judge him off tweets when he was nothing more than just a retired player.

I don't know man....I really don't.

What else he got? He ever been in a draft room? Ever managed a cap? Ever built a team, both with great players, AND with the stiffs that just fill roles? Ever traded with other execs tryin to get over on him?

That's all he is, is a retired player, with some Starbucks and movie theaters.
jab step jab step

feel free to post what I said about Mudiay if you want to discuss, it must've been many months ago if anything at all. I recall pointing out Dlo cowering at the 1 on 1 match up vs. Mudiay when Mudiay was dominating and going hard at him. I haven't been a fan of Dlo's game because of his inabilities that I don't think will "develop" over time. I like Ryan West because he's an outside of the box guy and he's young; and has been groomed by Mitch and his dad. As I said, let's see what happens with D'lo, especially now that a legendary PG is at the helm.
What else he got? He ever been in a draft room? Ever managed a cap? Ever built a team, both with great players, AND with the stiffs that just fill roles? Ever traded with other execs tryin to get over on him?

That's all he is, is a retired player, with some Starbucks and movie theaters.

I get the concern...I do.

But it's out of our hands. I hoping for the best because we truly don't know for sure how this is going to work.
let's hope we just move Lou for a pick and nothing more

I'm worried without a GM, Magic may rush into giving up young pieces for washed "stars"
I'll tell you this, I'm listening to ESPN 710...and they are saying Bryon could end up back in the fold. If that happens this yes this is the worst day in Lakers history...
Anybody with any sense knows this is a step backwards

Its a Byron Scott type hire but on another level of stupidity.
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