Ladies (all 12 of you), your G spot may not exist at all vol. Niketalk sex experts > Doctors

penis size is not a dysfunction....while 60 percent of women can't achieve orgasm through penetration....



sounds dysfunctional to me.....

no @***, but little meat, is a defunct....

you canot have proper sex with a cocktail weenie..

maybe its the weenie's fault you can't have an orgasm from penetration, not some make-believe world where 60 percent of vaginas don't function likethey were genetically designed to....

that's alls I'm saying.

I just find it hard to believe a majority of women CAN'T have orgasms through penetration...the way our bodies are designed to have justdoesn't make an ounce of sense...

what DOES make sense is that a majority of women HAVEN'T had an orgasm through penetration, due to the fact that a majority of dudes are average-to belowaverage in the meat dept......

alls I'm sayings.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

I'd be willing to bet a majority of this 60 percent of women just aren't comfortable with their sexuality, have very limited sexual experience OR they just aren't doing it right...
Ill take you up on this bet.
You don't have to believe it for it to be truthful, hell I don't care if you don't believe in gravity. All this just makes you sound like a crappysex partner, all its my way or the highway oh it must be a dysfunction

I mean, the average vaginal cavity is 3-5" (which can extend during sexual arousal or by changing positions) and 90% of the nerve endings are located inthe front 1/3 of the vaginal walls, NOT the back of the vagina near the cervix. You can try and make yourself feel better about having an above average penissize but in the end while no one wants a cocktail weenie, average size penis is perfectly acceptable for most women. And most women will agree that if it'stoo big it's just a painful experience and that's no fun.

There is no one at fault if orgasm cannot be reached through penetration alone. It's not the mans fault, it's not the womans fault. It's up thecouple or individual to know what works for them during sexual intercourse. If it's penetration, great. If it's clitoral stimulation, great.Combination of the two? Sure why the hell not. It just sucks for the woman if she can't orgasm at all.
Nawth21 wrote:
Originally Posted by beaner04

Nawth21 wrote:
I'm sure some women have areas of high sensitivity along the vaginal walls but I've damn near gone spelunking and nada so I gave up on all that years ago
Maybe you've never found the right person....when my guy hits it I explode.
Sometimes being in love has nothing to do with it.

Who said anything about love? I've been sexually active for over 10 years, I know how it works. I have a very satisfying sex life, I'm just not on the quest for the holy grail aka g spot. Plus I'm married, I've found the right person

Just because your married doesn't mean you found the right person. Does your husband prefer your having a +*!% o over penetration o, or just that did hisjob.
I do have to agree that the feelings are completely different,depends on the mood.
If I'm satisfied he's satisfied. Penetration stills feels good even if u don't o from it, I don't see what the issue is. I prefer to o first,then it feels that much better throughout.

I wouldn't have married him if we weren't compatible sexually.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

No ones denying the fact that the placement of the clitoris is so that it can be stimulated during sexual intercourse but hey guess what? Sometimes it doesn't work that way. And if you're going to be a pigheaded lover over it well, that's your problem. Most men realize that not all women work the same way when it comes to sex so you have to tailor the sexual acts to the individual, it goes both ways too. That's what makes for good sex.

Someone needs to look up sexual dysfunctions. Impotence is a sexual dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is a dysfunction. Um..that condition that causes sex to be extremely painful for women (Vagi something or another) is a sexual disorder. Penis size is NOT a dysfunction unless it is an extreme case of under (or over I suppose) devel
Remember though if ejaculation happens right after penetration, it may be that your partner knows exactly what you like, and may not be a problemat all
Nawth21 wrote:
If I'm satisfied he's satisfied. Penetration stills feels good even if u don't o from it, I don't see what the issue is. I prefer to o first, then it feels that much better throughout.

I wouldn't have married him if we weren't compatible sexually.

So even if he's the man of your dreams, your soul mate, and the only one you want to spend the rest of your life with, if the sex sucked you wouldn'thave got married? Are you enough for him and know what him inside and out that he would never look else where for hidden fetishes he may have? Don't wantanother "Tiger" on your hands
lol @ my man with the cervix confusion...

yeah, my girl said it hurts too...when you hit the cervix, that is...

I never cared to ask any other broad if she liked getting her cervix pummeled...

lol@the penis doesn't make contact with the +*$@.

like shox said, our hips/pelvis is what's supposed to stimulate the clitorus.

think, rubbing a girls +*$@ with your public region....

that's how our bodies were designed to have intercourse and achieve orgasm.

so to say 60 percent of women can't orgasm that way, then also claim there is no dyfunction is ludicrious, imo.

if you can't get it in like our bodies were designed by nature...there is a dysfunction SOMEWHERE.
This thread is bananas. As much sex as you guys claim to have you know nothing at all.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

This thread is bananas. As much sex as you guys claim to have you know nothing at all.

It seems to me that Enphan, Blackmagnus, and myself are all pretty knowledgeable about the topic at hand
Oh, I'm not worried about you thinking I'm a "sucky sex partner" just because I don't think 60 percent of women can't orgasm frompenetration.

you have no idea what I do or don't do....

this isn't about me.

its about 60 percent of women that consider themselves unable to orgasm from penetration....even though or genetic makeup designed us to have sex AND achieveorgasm from penetration.

most scientific sex studies, I've found, are bs. not just the condom thing...I was reading an article where this woman swore that the vagina cannot bestreached all. in no way, shape or form...

that's bs.

and diego, take the bet then.

you're telling me that out of the 60 percent in whatever study that was....none just have wack sex, none aren't in touch with their bodies to KNOW howto cum anyway, none? not one?

all 60 percent have had a broad enough sexual history to where they can make the statement "#%%$ nature, I can't cum the way my body was designedto"?

all of them?

I'm willing to accept like 20 percent of women can't cum off penetration...and I would label them dysfunctional...if you can't cum off having sex,its dysfunctional...period.

but 60 bro? that means more woman than not, can't cum the way our bodies were designed...

that's hogwash.

I'd say that more women than not are not having good sex, though...

if 6 inches is average, then, only about 40 percent of males are above "average" correct?

it must just be a wild coincidence that 60 percent of women, the same estimated percentage that mean are average or below average, can't cum offpenetration...

dudes like me, shox and blackmags must just be extremely lucky

and only run into that 40 percent, and have only had sex with that 40 percent...

cause real talk, only time I ever heard any female on some "I can't cum off penetration' steez, she was dogging the specific dude and his sexualprowless

nawth, lol @ splunking tho

so what is that ribbed patch of skin on the other side of your lower abdomen?

I think I'm being misunderstood, like always,

nawth, I know every woman is diff, please believe, I just find the notion that a majority of women PHYSICALLY cannot orgasm off what our organs are designed todo pretty ridiculous...

I'm rambling at this point, I hate posting on my sk...

why is it so ridiculous that maybe it isn't the vagina of the woman that physically can't orgasm off penetration

instead, its the object that's penetrating that cannot cause the vagina to orgasm?

why is that so wrong and ridiculous?

"the sex was're an amazing lover, but I don't orgasm from the actual sex...just the foreplay/oral....."

I've never heard of such....

instead, it goes more like

"he can't #%%$......I mean, he had to finger and eat me out to get me to even cum, he's lucky he can even do that......but after that? his strokegame is boring...and put me to sleep...and not in no good way."

I've really never heard a girl turn orgasm-less sex back on herself like "oh, no, I just can't cum off penetration"


not sex in the city

not waiting to exhale

not reality


except, of course, in this post, on NT from a married chick and basically a muslim virgin...

(yes, those were
k,(just saw your quote drop)

"I have to go to the hospital today, you broke something. my ovaries are shifted or something. my insides will never be the same"

of course its ducktales, you can't REALLY shift ovaries.
He's not my soul mate or dream husband if were not sexually compatible, bottom line. But it's a moot point since we did get married
Enphan, your argument is that women should be able to "O" through penetration. That the cl*toris is where its at because the man should be able tohit that spot with his pelvis as he penetrates.
If thats the case, what does penis size have to do with? If your argument stands, wouldnt a smaller pen*s be better so that it takes less time between thrustsfor you your pelvis to make repeated contact with the cl*toris? Basically, your big pen*s argument does not support your hitting the cl*t with your pelvis boneargument.

Lets take it one step further. Lets just assume that women should be able to "O" from penetration, that this is the way a properly functioning womanshould be able to climax. Why is it that when women pleasure themselves, they "O" by rubbing ther cli*t as opposed to penetrating themseleves with atoy or their finger?
If what you say is true, wouldnt all women please themselves more by penetration than by cl*toral stimulation? Just dont make sense.
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