Ben's contract is ridiculous, but we need defense.

We're fine on offense, but we need defense. That needs to change. We're trying to get past the Suns, not mirror them.
Nice video buddy.


at Bynum.
One more question for Laker fans. If Bynum decided when he was a free agent that he did not want to play with Kobe because of the whole video thing, would youtrade Bynum or trade Kobe. Kobe is the heart and soul of the team but for me as a Laker fan it would be a tough decision.
Yo...what's the latest on Kwame? Reports said it was moderate ankle and knee sprains...Do they have the MRI results in yet? I'm really anxious becauseas bad as this guy is on offense, we NEED him
on Defense. He's done a good job this year on opposing big men. And Ronnie is still injured which meansour front court depth includes Mihm and Cook

I hope this injury bug is just an abberation...i can't go through another season like last year again
we cant sign arenas unless its a sign and trade.

its damn near impossible to get him. so don't even think about it.

don't worry, I'm not. I'd rather have Caron back...
Hey guys dont know if you saw this after the game last night.I saw some of it and it's a really good little doucmentary about Ronny Turiaf. FSN West isalso replaying it tonight @ 10:30PM.Also whoever is at home right now and has nothing else to do the Lakers vs. Grizzlies games is being replayed on FSN West @12 noon today.

Here is the download link to to the documentary "Before The Bigs: Ronny Turiaf";9433769;/fileinfo.html
Solved the problem....the guy with the paper roll who sits on the floor's name is Norman Pattiz. He owns Westwood One and is stanky rich. Go figure.
Fam...sorry to burst y'all optimism....but 8 Weeks sounds just about right for that injury.

Just this past year, my teammate had the same exact injury...landed funny on knee, diagnosed to be a dislocation/sublaxtation and his doctors told him 8-12weeks is the recovery. He missed the rest of the season but was back in time for the playoffs...from the time he was injured until the first game he played,i'd say it was about a 10 week period...but mind you, he was still wary and cautious and he only played about 5-10 mins. The time I saw him play like hisold self was after about 12-13 weeks...

Given the amount of medical attention that Bynum will recieve, i think in 8 weeks time he'll be back running but he'll be fully back to his old self in10 weeks time.

The good thing about this is that there's no ligament damage/tear and no surgery is required. But losing AB for that time period is a HUGE loss for us
If that trade went down, we would be a top 4 team in the west with Dallas, San Antonio, and Phoenix.
The only problem is Kwame is our only interior defence guy, we need him
I gotta admit, he's even got better seats than Jack. And you know Jack is the man when it comes to the Lakers.
Seriously, he does.

I mean being able to give the Lakers a high five from your seat

Just makes you want to take out a mortgage just for that

But Jack is still the man.
I like Kobe's game as of late, he is blending in with the offense, and other players are contributing more than ever.

It used to be Kobe would bail us out or we only win when Kobe scores 60. When Kobe scores 10-15 pts. and other guys are involved, it's a much cleanervictory.

We need to see more play in the low post by Lamar and Bynum... I don't like seeing Lamar out in the perimeter being guarded by someone 6'4" -6'6" and not posting them up.
Originally Posted by 4fitness

Did you jus break out discombobulate? Lakers fans IQ > other fans. I hate that B. Cook shares my last name and our #s are similar. I'm sure he'd school me but he is a scrub by NBA standards. 4fitness > Brian Cook.

COOK # 45
get fit.

I have always wanted to ask you about your sig.
Kidd works in the team because, #1 he is a good reboundin PG.

#2 he can easily run the triangle.....the Nets half court offense consist of a lot of movement similar to the triangle, Kidd is great at finding the lanes andmaking the right passes.....(Sidebar, him and luke making passes would be cold)

#3 Kidd will make us less dependent on the half court sets, he gets the ball and runs like hell......with Kobe on the wing and lamar trailing.... that's agood look. We need one more swingman to run the break wit Bean, (Mo evans would have been perfect)

#4 J Kidd can defend the PG's in the west...Nash, Parker, Paul, Iverson, Terry....and he also will make them work on the defensive end and they won'tbe able to relax.

#5 Kidd is a proven winner...everywhere he goes the team gets beter, with lesser talent. The Lakers needs this, Kobe would be happy, the fans would get amodern day showtime, and we would have a chance to compete in the west.
Hey it's somewhat true, Shaq was a dominant center because he can pile right over you, and make that baby hook jumper, but Bynum has such a nice touch around the hoop, and he can even hit a jumper... He has the softest hands, catches the ball over 3 defenders then makes it look easy..

Let's see where he is 5-10 years from now.
looking forward to this game. glad to see that constant pressure will be put on tony parker by fisher and especially farmar. gona be interesting to see turiafshustle and desire against duncan, well see how that plays out. gona be a good game, hopefully bruce lee doesnt injure the kobester.
Get rid of Odumb now!!! As a basketball player I absolutely hate his game period. When he needs to step he doesn't at all and he's mediocre at home.Farmar is our second best player and making it clear now with Bynum close behind.

That was garbage last night and Kobe refused to take over and I'm not sure how long he will continue this mentality. I say give it till All-Star break andthat's it he's going off if we don't pick it up.

He'll be tired once again by playoffs.
So many moments

All the moments stated were great...Horry/Fisher's shot were classic...and a personal favorite would be the comeback against the Mav's...down like 30points in the fourth, i sat their and watched every basket...great feeling
Free agents for next year:
Trevor Ariza
Kwame Brown
Chris Mihm(I think he has a player option though)
Ronny Turiaf
Sasha Vujacic.

I say re-sign Turiaf, Ariza, and Kwame for cheap.
With Kwame's fat contract coming off the books, do you think we'll have enough $$$ to pursue
lets's say Ron Artest or Elton Brand?
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