Magic Johnson
Cedric Ceballos
Eddie Jone
Anthony Peeler
Elden Cambell
Quotes on Bynum talking after the game about his injury:

"It was pretty scary because it felt like my knee twisted all around. Luckily I'm all right," he said, his knee encased in a heavy brace.

"I didn't hear any pops. I'm able to put weight on it and it doesn't really hurt. Just when I bend it, it hurts."
Ronny Turiaf:

"I was scared. Drewski is like my big little brother," Turiaf said. "We came in together, so I really care about him. I saw him grab his knee and I was real worried."
Ronny being Ronny.

Lately Ariza has been putting up double figures off the bench and so has Luke when he starts. I say keep Ariza out of the starting lineup because he brings alot of energy off the bench. Once Radmanovic comes back I think he'll split with Turiaf for minutes and Ariza may even slide to the 2.
I'm sure everyone has heard this B4 but, why does Phil Jackson take out Derek Fisher when he's hitting shots?

This is not the first time he has done this to Fish this year, I just don't get why you would take out a guy who it hot from the field.
we were in the same situation last year ...too early to tell

it would be sweet though

Ted Green is Senior Sports Producer for KTLA Prime News, a former sportswriter for the L.A. Times and National Sports Daily and, in truth, about the last man who would be accused of being a homer for anyone

Originally Posted by tupac003

For all the laker fans that like these 87-88 throwbacks, I went to my pro image and they do make these up to a 4xl. I got the kobe in a 4xl but to my surpise they also have magic johnson, james worthy, cooper, and the one I want most byron scott. Check your jersey shops.

Tupac... are the jerseys made by adidas too?

What pro image did you go to? I think I have one by my job.
Ah, so there's the real point to this. Farmar, Kwame, and Odom. Damn, that makes it more tough. On the one hand, if we can be sure that Critt can handlethe job in 2 or 3 years after Kidd, then I guess we could swallow letting Farmar go. I guess I'm still in if they can make the move, but I'd still bea little leery about it.
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

At the beginning of the Grizzlies game I was thinking to myself, "Man, I hope Bynum doesn't get a serious injury with the way he's playing."


dude...i was thinking the same thing!!!!...smh at myseLf damn...i hope everyone steps up even more with drew out...i hate this i hate how someone gets hurtwhen we get in a roLe...
...i hope its not Like Last year....GET WELL DREWAND GO LAKERS!!
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

I agree w/ C-Webb... I think it is only a matter of convincing him

They need something now... it was obvious that something was missing against Seattle.

Kobe will have to do more with less (more efficiency, less shots) as will Lamar, until/if Lakers' FO gets something done
They got 3 days to get one of them. I think PJ would be easy to get. He isn't doing anything. We just have to see if he is in basketball shape. Ibet Jamaal Magloire wished he signed here.
If Phil agreed maybe they said a deal is gonna be made that could propel this team. He also must feel that Kobe is staying too.
I like Turiaf, guy plays with hustle. Good for him to stay in the starting lineup.

I have an early question for ya'll. After a couple quick glances now, would you be willing to move Bynum for JO? I say right now, NO. Looks like he's improved, maybe he's not the greatest ever but if he keeps improving, he could be a nice peice for the next 10 years. And here's the other thing. Let's say he keeps it up for a month or two, wouldn't there be a chance that his value goes up, and we could get more than JO for him? Is it possible? What do you guys think?

(Ska, don't flame me for asking about little boy Bynum, I know he hasn't done anything yet. :wink:
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Lakers coach Phil Jackson said following Sunday night's game that Brown would replace Bynum in the starting lineup and Turiaf would serve as his backup.

"Unless Wilt (Chamberlain) comes back from the dead, I don't know what else we're going to do," Jackson said.
why is Phil always making jokes... was he always this funny back in chicago?

yup, always, that's why he gets to rub the magic lamp,or lamps shall i say.
Briank Cook

Really though, Kupcake made a great trade and got a STEAL with Ariza.
Top that with good drafts, the signing of D-Fish.
Kupcake is doing pretty well
If Boston and Phoenix are at home we can get those. I also feel we can get the next 4 road games. We still need to get rid of Odom but it's good to seeKobe is staying with the flow of the system.

Easily could have had 8 + dimes last night but no one could hit and he ended with 30 on a sub par night.
You need a hug man? Someone to rub your feet?

Many many people in the other thread said that they would be ok with moving Odom for the right deal. We didn't want to just "give" him away, wewanted a smart deal that made sense. So blow your nose and try not to hurt your elbow patting yourself on the back for saying we should trade Odom way backwhen. Most of us agreed then, just with a cautious look on things.
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