Lamar Odom hooked to the crack pipe ***update*** pg.7

Nov 2, 2006
Lamar Odom has a hardcore drug abuse problem and it's threatening to derail his marriage to Khloe Kardashian, according to TMZ.

TMZ reported on Wednesday (August 23) that Odom has had a substance abuse problem for at least 2 years. Today another report surfaced that his drug of choice is crack cocaine. Odom, who played for the Los Angeles Clippers last season, was forced into rehab by Khloe last August. She was so concerned that he would bolt the facility that she hired private investigators to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day to make sure he wouldn't leave.

View media item 553552Odom stayed for 3 weeks before leaving. He was clean throughout the last basketball season before relapsing.

Things got so bad that the entire Kardashian family staged an intervention last week to convince the NBA player to get clean, but he refused.

After the failed intervention, Khloe booted him from their home. No divorce papers have been filed by either one of them as of yet, but the marriage is definitely in trouble.

Odom's future in the NBA is unknown. The league does offer a drug rehabilitation program for players who admit to a substance abuse problem or test positive for a banned substance.


Lamar Odom has gone missing and nobody can locate him, according to TMZ

The basketball player has been out of contact with everyone, including family and friends for the last 72 hours. The primary concern is that he is somewhere on a crack binge.


Prolly in one of his secret apartment with white girls. Both of em.
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Crack though? really? That dealer got a mean come up, prolly moved out the hood and everything.
i refuse to believe khloe had any impact on lamar doin drugs idc
Hope its not true man.

They both seem cool as hell.
Him and Khloe seemed good for each other, but all the baggage that comes with being part of the Kardashian family probably took its toll. 

Pray for Yeezus.
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