LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

Call me cynical but this is exactly what Bron wanted.

The Cavs to get embarrassed on national tv without him.
what else is new? Dude decided to take off a nationally televised game. He is 1. Trying to make himself look great 2. Preparing excuses 3. Being a *****.

At this point, I just can't see how any sport fan can like this dude as a person.

And the world shouldn't be in outrage, he has done this in HS and throughout his career.
That second video was really uncomfortable to watch in that link
All I could make out from Lebron was " No I'm not "

JR probably clowning his Coach K skill 
Man I hate this clown .... I thought the dude was trying to take out a wedgy, but he was just with his hand on his back. Smh
Cleveland doesn't make it out of the east I'm calling it now
I called this in October.

Whats the over/under on who gets blamed? I say Kyrie gets thrown under the bus. "Certain leaders on this team, that bring the ball down the court at the point guard position, need to step their game up and focus on things if I'm gonna bring a championship to cLeveland."

I'm going with this guy:


Dan Gilbert let Lebum hijack the franchise, forced this guy to stand behind and take credit for the moves, and when it's all said and done, they'll make him the fall guy. 

"In order to compete in this league, you need players. And although we love the guys we have here now, we felt as though more could have been done in building a championship caliber team. We have a phenomenal team as it stands, but we feel as though we are a piece or two removed from truly competing for a title." 
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So this BAN keeps sittin out big national telivised games so his team can lose and he can be like "see Im why we win"

Meanwhile Steph out here runnin every night for a regular season accomplishment.

Kobe can only play when the duck tape his joints together.

Pops a known troll but at least he only sits players in their 60s!

Bron out here benchin himself off GP.

I cant do this anymore bruh, he's a cancer to the game.
So this BAN keeps sittin out big national telivised games so his team can lose and he can be like "see Im why we win"

Meanwhile Steph out here runnin every night for a regular season accomplishment.

Kobe can only play when the duck tape his joints together.

Pops a known troll but at least he only sits players in their 60s!

Bron out here benchin himself off GP.

I cant do this anymore bruh, he's a cancer to the game.
he's a cancer ... He was one of the main advocates for fewer games in a season. Stating this long seasons that have been in place when legends played are to long for his body and take a toll .... He's a ....
Bron fans gone be like, "at least we lost to the best team in history, nobody was gone beat em. How far did your team get?" :smh:
So who's your guess for the team who knocks Cleveland out of the east? I'm saying Boston
Lebron loses before finals and goes on record stating "I told you guys last year, that I'd rather lose before the finals because it hurts less."

Any predictions on who's winning the finals "GSW, I never seen a better team in history. There's no one beating that team this year. But next year when I get my guys healthy it'll be a different story"
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