LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

Bron is planting that seed that he might be leaving. He just don't know how he going to leave, so he's begging his buddies to help him out.

He also know that his team looks like they have no chance to beat an elite team like the warriors or spurs and he is panicking about being able to win another ring.

He's such a ***** that he left Miami out of spite to the fans (emotions) rather than staying ...

I wish I could invent a word that would encompass lebron cause you need multiple words right now to describe him. Or maybe in the future if we see this type of actions we can call that person a Bron ... Ugh
This dude cares more about recruiting next years team than his current teammates. What a great leader
I just hope the hungry for relevance Lakers don't panic and actually try and facilitate this sure to be train wreck.
I just hope the hungry for relevance Lakers don't panic and actually try and facilitate this sure to be train wreck

When Bron Bron played for us I was blinded by homerism, but since he left I've been able to analyze his antics from a less skewed point of view.

Dude is a certified lame, there's no other way to put it.
If lebron leaves after this year or nextd whenever his contract is up and forms a team with those 4 being together and this thread doesnt have 25.000 new posters in it i will be embarrassed to be a human.. If anyone remains a fan of his i will not consider them my friend. The question is where would this take place?
Just cause a guy plays for your favorite team doesn't mean you miss or not notice with their antics. It just means you generally keep quiet about them :lol:
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Just cause a guy plays for your favorite team doesn't mean you miss or not notice with their antics. It just means you generally keep quiet about them :lol:

Or you have a different perspective. I thought LeBron was mad cool when he played here. Meanwhile, the rest of the country thought he was an herb and now I see why.
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I thought he was the truth when he first came into the league. Then I saw how he just flat out quit against Boston and Orlando and I knew something wasn't right. Then him going to Miami sealed it for me.

He's nice, but not worthy of all the praise and sloppering.
Used to be a big Bron fan especially when he came to Wade county but ever since he bounced,the homer goggles have come off and I've noticed and become pretty turned off by his *****made tendencies/tactics...

Now you've got him sending subliminals and talking about making a new super team when his bumass decided to blow up his original one with who he actually accomplished great things for some fugazi/half assed attempt at another "big 3" :rolleyes. He should reap what's he's sowed but knowing him, he'll probably try to bounce again as things are getting tough :lol:
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Heat fans did defend him, I understand why, but it was hilarious for a while there.
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I thought he was the truth when he first came into the league. Then I saw how he just flat out quit against Boston and Orlando and I knew something wasn't right. Then him going to Miami sealed it for me.

He's nice, but not worthy of all the praise and sloppering.
I used to fight with ****** in HS over Bron.

"He played D2" was the biggest knock on dude.

No homo but I had his magazine covers on my wall.

99% of Bron fans are bandwagon fans and it's sickening!
This dude lebron is so wwf man! Why in tf would you say that nonsense right there after game in front of cameras? Hidden under jersey or not like folks couldn't make it out...like they can't text or talk in person?

Corny asf
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