LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

Avy and name check.


Dude calling him GOAT but has MJ on his avy.

Has a name as LameKilla but constantly caping for a lame.

Come on son, I told you about relinquishing your SN. I be more than happy to take it and show you the true meaning of a lamekilla.

:lol: I know you like my SN but you can’t have it keko jones keko jones also when have I ever called Lebron GOAT? I do however mention that he’s a top 5 player of all time and has been the best player in the league for about a decade. My name can also be interpreted two ways; A killer of lames or a lame that kills :lol: :lol:

Kyrie. Had surgery B , how you expect any human being to go play a high intense sport coming off of surgery. Be realistic he couldn’t play in the playoffs. That’s that.

Of course he couldn’t play but I say that to highlight that Kyrie hasn’t been this dynamic player that we’re all in love with since he left the Cavs.
:lol: I know you like my SN but you can’t have it keko jones keko jones also when have I ever called Lebron GOAT? I do however mention that he’s a top 5 player of all time and has been the best player in the league for about a decade. My name can also be interpreted two ways; A killer of lames or a lame that kills :lol: :lol:

Of course he couldn’t play but I say that to highlight that Kyrie hasn’t been this dynamic player that we’re all in love with since he left the Cavs.

2018-2019 post surgery kyrie will negate your statements about him. You make it seem like he’s was bum all season which Isn’t the case.
:lol: I know you like my SN but you can’t have it keko jones keko jones also when have I ever called Lebron GOAT? I do however mention that he’s a top 5 player of all time and has been the best player in the league for about a decade. My name can also be interpreted two ways; A killer of lames or a lame that kills :lol: :lol:
In your eyes he has been the best player in the last decade. In the last 4 years the best player has won 1 ring. Curry has won 3 rings ... hmmm and KD has won 2. But wait theres more out those 4 years Lebron has played in the finals just 1 time with Kyrie which coincidently it happen to be the only time that Lebron won the chip. LoL

Do you want me to continue? Ok ....
In your eyes he has been the best player in the last decade. In the last 4 years the best player has won 1 ring. Curry has won 3 rings ... hmmm and KD has won 2. But wait theres more out those 4 years Lebron has played in the finals just 1 time with Kyrie which coincidently it happen to be the only time that Lebron won the chip. LoL

Do you want me to continue? Ok ....

Basketball is a team sport. The best player isn’t necessarily the best team. Golden State wouldn’t have won the 2015 chip had either Kevin Love or Kyrie been healthy let alone BOTH like originally intended. They went and pitched for Kevin Durant because Lebron made them stare their own mortality in the face after the Cavs who didn’t even win 60 games that season was spearheaded by the best player in the league and beat them being 1.) Defending champs, 2.) a 73 win team (most in NBA history) that was being spearheaded by a back to back league MVP who won the award that season unanimously (only time in NBA History) and they lost it while they were up 3-1 with homecourt advantage. Can you name any other time in NBA Finals history a road team won a game 7? Only 4 times in history. Last time it happened before Lebron did it was ‘78. And none of those teams were down 3-1

Lol @ Kyrie only playing one finals. Really Keko? Then again Kyrie did nothing during the 2017 finals so it’s understandable why you would forget he played.
I wonder if a certain fanbase keeps posting in here :nerd:
The only fan based tolerated here is the ****
L3-6ron fan based. We dont hate on any other person or team. Everyone welcome .....

Literally the only person I hate on. Funny how I go to the NBA thread and hate on just Bron and *****es run and report and get me band. Although them *****es be hating on everyone .. Curry, KD, Simmons, Embid, Fultz, Green, Etc, etc and everything is hunky dory. I wish nothing but the best for them cats but **** a fake GOAT.

Have a nice day. :smile:
Basketball is a team sport. The best player isn’t necessarily the best team. Golden State wouldn’t have won the 2015 chip had either Kevin Love or Kyrie been healthy let alone BOTH like originally intended. They went and pitched for Kevin Durant because Lebron made them stare their own mortality in the face after the Cavs who didn’t even win 60 games that season was spearheaded by the best player in the league and beat them being 1.) Defending champs, 2.) a 73 win team (most in NBA history) that was being spearheaded by a back to back league MVP who won the award that season unanimously (only time in NBA History) and they lost it while they were up 3-1 with homecourt advantage. Can you name any other time in NBA Finals history a road team won a game 7? Only 4 times in history. Last time it happened before Lebron did it was ‘78. And none of those teams were down 3-1

Lol @ Kyrie only playing one finals. Really Keko? Then again Kyrie did nothing during the 2017 finals so it’s understandable why you would forget he played

I stop reading after ...

Funny how is a team sport, but is always Lebron winning and everyone else losing. It never his fault when they lose, but gets and takes all the credit when they win. So which one is it?


Yet when you point out all the setbacks, it's a team sport.

Well, please answer me this, how can a best player let cant wilt a team to one victory in the NBA finals? Oh I forgot, he was so mad a JR that he shut down and didnt score a ******* point in OT. LoL ******* Houdini
LoL ......

Now that so call phantom tweet that wasnt sent to KD about Lebron telling KD he will be joining the Lakers would he join him seems very plausible. Hahahahaha ...

What's a ***** boy.

Now PG deciding to stay with OKC because he didnt want to play with Lebron, seems very plausible. I'm sure PG was made aware of what was going on.

Now that comment by Magic make it seems like he knew before the season that Lebron was going there. Tampering? LMAO
I’m only a fan of Cleveland Lebron. Hated him on the heat and hate him even more now on the Lakers. Why did you do this Lebron? His legacy is now running whenever he gets his *** whooped and leaving a slew of finals losses wherever he goes :smh:
Can't wait for the Cavs Lebron James jersey burning ceremony 2.0, hitting the nearest social media app nearest you.
Sign me up for the Steph Curry bandwagon. Lebron is gonna need to take a hard look in the mirror when he realizes all of Steph’s rings game from him snuffing him out with ease.

I'm here thinking. Why would KD leave the Warriors?

I mean honestly speaking they have about 2 more years of uncontested route to the finals (excluding the rockets) and no one from the east that can match that Firepower.

Can this move be the one that makes GSW a legit 5 straight champs?

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