Lebron James had to apologize for quoting "jewish money" lyrics

Punishment from "them"
Here is a list of Lebron's injury history for reference. If it is more than all of these then something is up.

*raises hand*

If he is out for an extended period of time, then you know why.

The only person being "punished" in that scenario is the Buss family :lol:

Lebron makes $500K a game...unless you believe they'd secretly be withholding that unbeknownst to the public...how does this punish him?
re: Juicy J

When it comes to going BACK and digging up people's dirt and getting outraged by it, one thing gets lost in the shuffle. The climate of society.

The climate of society (at THAT time) has more to say about the comments than judging it from the current time.

I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
The only person being "punished" in that scenario is (ironically) the Jewish Buss family :lol:

Lebron makes $500K a game...unless you believe they'd secretly be withholding that unbeknownst to the public...how does this punish him?
Is Jerry Buss really Jewish, I've read conflicting information.
I think people were more pissed he said "Ching Chong" which is a derogatory slur towards people of Asian decent and pulled his eyes back which is a racial gesture.

yeah i think you right there :lol:

ching chong don't even mean anything, its a onomatopoeia.
The Link Between Jews and Money Is No Longer Taboo

This anecdote exemplifies the centuries-old stereotype according to which the Jews have an innate knack for dealing with money. It’s an image that clung to the Jews even when they were paupers. After the establishment of the State of Israel, the stereotype seemed to fade somewhat, as the new Jew envisioned by Zionism was purportedly an expert in farming and fighting, not in banking. But today it is perfectly clear that the “Jew and money” stereotype is almost as potent as it was a century ago. Suffice it to recall President Donald Trump’s remark to Jewish leaders during the election campaign, “You’re not going to support me, because I don’t want your money.”

Considering the dark history of the subject of the connection between Jews and money, the actual economic history of the Jews is a highly sensitive issue. Jewish history has been described as “a head without a body.” As the historian Jonathan Karp notes, the character of Shylock – the notorious usurer in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” – has cast “a long shadow of defensiveness over Jewish self-perceptions.” Nevertheless, over the past decade, historians have been increasingly focusing on the economic life of the Jews and trying to dispel the mystery and the myths that envelop the subject. Karp has termed this an “economic turn” in the field of Jewish studies.

Until not long ago, most historians preferred to delve deeply into the history of anti-Semitism, or to study the origins of kabbala or analyze Jewish philosophy – and not dwell, for example, on the story of the Jewish trading and banking empires. That subject was largely neglected by Jewish historians themselves; they left it for thinkers who possessed anti-Semitic inclinations.
I don't think Bron should've apologized, but I understand why he did. He's involved in an industry which has an significant amount of Jewish power players that can make it hard for him to navigate and get his projects off the ground. Black folks aren't strangers to being blackballed in Hollywood. Go Look up Paul Robeson and Hazel Scott.

I get the whole history behind the lyric and why people would be offended, but I don't think Bron meant it in a malicious way. I think this was just a way for people to pile on and humble a "Big Black Brute". There are certain sections of society that believe BM to be inhumane ,big, savage brutes and they get off on dominating them whenever they can. Bron is 6'8 250 and he fits that description to a T. It's nothing for an insecure white person to feel powerful in making someone of Bron's stature apologize. Also there isn't a shortage of people willing to let Black folks know their place in the racial hierarchy of this country.

If we're having a honest conversation here, the Jewish story in America has been one largely of triumph. They're still finding and prosecuting nazis, reparations have been paid to Jewish people and their descendants (Meanwhile Black folks have to debate reparations). No one is seriously negotiating the humanity of Jews on a regular basis like they do Black folks. Why is that? Because many Jews have something that Black folks never did....The ability to fade into whiteness and safely assimilate. They're able to be white and have access to opportunities that those of visible African descent do not have while also trafficking as a "POC". And if you're from NYC, you see their overwhelming influence everywhere.

And given the complicated history between Jews and Blacks in this country, especially in modern times, there needs to be a serious coming to Jesus moment. There have been Jewish power players within hiphop and other Black spaces who have profited off the degradation and mockery of Black people and no one is being held accountable for that. But somehow when people speak on that, we have to debate and argue, but this lyric doesn't get that same treatment. The energy is never the same for us and that truly frustrates me. I'm done man.
*raises hand*

If he is out for an extended period of time, then you know why.

Punishment from "them"

It's hilarious that they're grown men who believe his groin injury is somehow retaliation for his Jewish money comments. Can someone logically tell me how these two things can be related.

Powerful Jews paid the Lakers medical staff to somehow make him pull his groin? Did they pay off the other Laker players and Warriors too?

It's laughable. whenever I read about goofy conspiracy theories I wonder who actually believes this garbage, apparently more people than I thought.
maybe I can add some perspective to this topic. I know a lot of Jewish people because I grew up around a lot of them. Back in HS I was even in a hoops League at the local Jewish Community Center (I was one of three black people in the entire league :lol:)

Obviously, Jewish people aren't sensitive about being associated with having wealth. I think the reason some Jewish people take offense to these comments is because there's a connotation that many Jewish people cheated or stole to get their money. There's also a long history of Jewish people being discriminated against throughout the world because of their wealth. Do I think that LeBron James or 21 Savage meant anything derogatory by their comments? Of course not, but I also understand why Jewish people might take offense.

Also, there's also the stereotype that Jewish people have alot of money because they're cheap. I remember hearing comments like "stop being a Jew" whenever somebody was being cheap or arguing about a small about of money, etc.

Am I comparing what Jewish people have gone through to what black people go through throughout the world? No. I think a lot of black people beleive that because other groups haven't gone through what we've gone through they have no right to speak when that's not the case. Yes, black people have it considerably worse than Jewish people but that doesn't mean Jewish people can't speak on discrimination at all.
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It's hilarious that they're grown men who believe his groin injury is somehow retaliation for his Jewish money comments. Can someone logically tell me how these two things can be related.

Powerful Jews paid the Lakers medical staff to somehow make him pull his groin? Did they pay off the other Laker players and Warriors too?

It's laughable. whenever I read about goofy conspiracy theories I wonder who actually believes this garbage, apparently more people than I thought.

I was insinuating the injury might be fake because the timing is too much of a coincidence. In another thread I mentioned he might not be the same again when he returns. He wil still be an all star, albeit second string and no longer in the discussion for best player in the league.

Most people will not agree with me or think I am nuts, and I am fine with that. I've made off the wall predictions before and have no problem being the odd man out. I was certain that Trump will win the election when most thought Hilary Clinton winning was a foregone conclusion. I predicted that the Cavaliers will win the 2016 NBA Finals, and doubled down when they were down 3-1.
I don't think Bron should've apologized, but I understand why he did. He's involved in an industry which has an significant amount of Jewish power players that can make it hard for him to navigate and get his projects off the ground. Black folks aren't strangers to being blackballed in Hollywood. Go Look up Paul Robeson and Hazel Scott.

I get the whole history behind the lyric and why people would be offended, but I don't think Bron meant it in a malicious way. I think this was just a way for people to pile on and humble a "Big Black Brute". There are certain sections of society that believe BM to be inhumane ,big, savage brutes and they get off on dominating them whenever they can. Bron is 6'8 250 and he fits that description to a T. It's nothing for an insecure white person to feel powerful in making someone of Bron's stature apologize. Also there isn't a shortage of people willing to let Black folks know their place in the racial hierarchy of this country.

If we're having a honest conversation here, the Jewish story in America has been one largely of triumph. They're still finding and prosecuting nazis, reparations have been paid to Jewish people and their descendants (Meanwhile Black folks have to debate reparations). No one is seriously negotiating the humanity of Jews on a regular basis like they do Black folks. Why is that? Because many Jews have something that Black folks never did....The ability to fade into whiteness and safely assimilate. They're able to be white and have access to opportunities that those of visible African descent do not have while also trafficking as a "POC". And if you're from NYC, you see their overwhelming influence everywhere.

And given the complicated history between Jews and Blacks in this country, especially in modern times, there needs to be a serious coming to Jesus moment. There have been Jewish power players within hiphop and other Black spaces who have profited off the degradation and mockery of Black people and no one is being held accountable for that. But somehow when people speak on that, we have to debate and argue, but this lyric doesn't get that same treatment. The energy is never the same for us and that truly frustrates me. I'm done man.
LeBron James needs nobody in the regard of getting his projects off the ground. He apologized because a minority group found it offensive, it really aint that serious ya'll.

Shocker, if you not apart of said minority don't speak on them in a satirical way, and especially not on dumbass social media. Can't it just be that LeBron made a dumb (minor) comment?

There are a lot of folks who hate Jews as much if not MORE than black folks. Also, while Jews can assimilate easier because of their skin, lets not go around hating on Jews for their successes and competence.
no one cared when Juicy J proclaimed his eyes "were chinese" on we ride spinnas

Ching chong and pulling your eyes back both have history of mocking Asian people in history, in cinema, and in people's personal experiences.

Matter of fact, there was some news recently of some candidate telling people publicly to not vote for her Asian opponent by saying "do not vote for ching chong. she doesn't belong here."
LeBron James needs nobody in the regard of getting his projects off the ground. He apologized because a minority group found it offensive, it really aint that serious ya'll.

Shocker, if you not apart of said minority don't speak on them in a satirical way, and especially not on dumbass social media. Can't it just be that LeBron made a dumb (minor) comment?

There are a lot of folks who hate Jews as much if not MORE than black folks. Also, while Jews can assimilate easier because of their skin, lets not go around hating on Jews for their successes and competence.

I don't think anything he said there can be interpreted as "hating on Jews"
I don't think anything he said there can be interpreted as "hating on Jews"
It's 2018, anything said about another race can and will be used against in the court of social media.

People are too smart for their own good and the fact that EVERYONE has a platform is probably more bad than good.
I was watching A Christmas Story and the narrator said the dad "loves to bargain more than an Arab trader." I was shocked. That line wouldn't fly in 2018.
re: Juicy J

When it comes to going BACK and digging up people's dirt and getting outraged by it, one thing gets lost in the shuffle. The climate of society.

The climate of society (at THAT time) has more to say about the comments than judging it from the current time.

I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
I am not saying the behavior is RIGHT because it is more accepted because at one point, it WAS more acceptable to hang black men from bridges.
i actually think when you post repetitively like this its actually having the opposite effect.
maybe bolding it would be the better move..it was just an eyesore to me and made it harder to read
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