Lebron James had to apologize for quoting "jewish money" lyrics

I'd be the worst if I ever got famous because I'd be quick to tell a ***** to pull me.

This our music bruh. We run the NBA and most other relevant athletics. You ain't gotta fw us.

People playing dumb and it's more so about humbling *****s to say "you at our mercy" than them legitimately feeling hurt that 21 Savage is getting money like the plenty of wealthy and powerful Jewish people in the world.

I'm tired of **** like this bro. I wanna see one of these *****s say **** you. IDK why I even care I just don't like that energy of a ***** just being able to say some dumb sensitive apologize because I SAID SO **** on Twitter and you gotta apologize or "your brand is ruined". Have we ever even seen that really happen?

Good post.

Black Americans need more ownership and investment in things that our group dominates. Our dollar is powerful.
how come the "well they say it"
dont apply to jewish people??? :nerd:
Because they have the power to make it not apply.

So called Black people need to get off that equality nonsense, it's never going to happen.

Either you have power, or you don't.

And those who are currently in ruler ship are not just going to hand over power off of general principles, or in the interest of "fairness", as evidenced by all the begging for equality our people have been doing for decades that has not moved the needle. You can't appeal to the heart of a bully, if they had one, they would't bully you in the first place.

Caucasians will only respond to power, not begging. Their mentality is "We came over here and TOOK what we wanted, and if you want it, you better do the same".

These are God's chosen ppl in the Bible.
Not the 12 tribes.
Just White European Jews.

Are you stating this as being their perspective?
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It's almost as if the American dream includes a permanent underclass to benefit off of and it's understood without contest.

you're righter than you realize, and its da under current for da immigration debate

Bondy: LeBron James' weak apology for his 'Jewish Money' post was a big missed opportunity for the NBA superstar

There was a regular prank at my New Jersey high school, not too long ago in the 1990s, which LeBron James should be aware of. A coin, usually a penny, would be thrown behind an unsuspecting student. If that student turned around and picked up the penny, they’d be mocked with some variation of “You’re such a Jew.” Sometimes it was a Jewish student who was the victim of the prank. But it didn’t matter. If any student of any race or religion were to appear desperate for money — to sacrifice his pride to bend over for a single cent that was somebody else’s — he was being Jewish.

It was that stereotype — specifically that Jews are obsessed and conniving with money — that Adolf Hitler used to justify his mission of exterminating all Jews. It was perpetuated long prior by Shakespeare with his Shylock character in “The Merchant of Venice,” a ruthless money lender. And still today, Jewish business and financial success remain a major driver of anti-Semitism. Just listen to Minister Louis Farrakhan or the far-right’s demonization of George Soros. Which is why LeBron James was treading on dangerous ground by posting the following on his Instagram account this week: “We been getting that Jewish money, everything is Kosher.” LeBron James offers up a weak apology after posting anti-Jewish lyrics on Instagram. (Frank Franklin II / AP) To be clear, I don’t believe James is an anti-Semite or knew this lyric from rapper 21 Savage was perpetuating a negative stereotype. Money, unfortunately, is viewed as the greatest attainment in American society, so the assumption that 21 Savage was being complimentary is understandable. But James then missed an opportunity with a weak apology issued to ESPN on Monday: “Apologies, for sure, if I offended anyone,” James said. “That’s not why I chose to share that lyric. I always (post lyrics). That’s what I do. I ride in my car, I listen to great music, and that was the byproduct of it. So I actually thought it was a compliment, and obviously it wasn’t through the lens of a lot of people. My apologies. It definitely was not the intent, obviously, to hurt anybody.” James has nobly used his platform to shed light on prejudices and social injustices, so, in this instance, the “not my intent” explanation isn’t acceptable without a follow-up. It certainly wasn’t good enough for James when Phil Jackson used the word “posse” to describe his associates. In that instance last year, James said he lost all respect for Jackson while insinuating the comment was rooted in racism. “I believe the only reason he used that word is because it’s young African-Americans trying to make a difference,” James said. Related: The reason Mario Hezonja didn't see salty Bucks, Giannis Antetokounmpo story » James and his business partner, Maverick Carter, used the opportunity enlighten on the inappropriateness of the word “posse.” But with “Jewish money,” James and ESPN — a duo whose relationship pushes beyond the limits of objective reporting — decided that an apology of ignorance, provided exclusively to ESPN, was sufficient. While previewing and reporting on a separate exclusive interview with James that aired on Christmas, ESPN never mentioned the “Jewish money” post. So, in the absence of any further explanation from James, it was important to clarify why it was inappropriate, or why Hitler’s message became so popular that my grandparents had to flee their European countries. Or why my grandfather, at just 17 years old, received his parent’s permission to drive a tank against the Nazi army. body{margin:0; padding:0; background:transparent;} " style="box-sizing: border-box; display: block !important; background: transparent !important; height: 16px !important;"> Back then, as it is now or when I was in high school, “Jewish money” was not a compliment

Interesting article about LeBron's comments. I think it's easy for black people to quickly dismiss this is unimportant because it's not important to us. It's the same way a white person might dismiss black people taking offense to certain comments because it's not a big deal to them.

Interesting article about LeBron's comments. I think it's easy for black people to quickly dismiss this is unimportant because it's not important to us. It's the same way a white person might dismiss black people taking offense to certain comments because it's not a big deal to them.

to be quite honest no other group of people in this country gives a **** about black people's livelihood let alone our feelings, so sorry if i can't empathize with Jewish people about their feelings being hurt because their stereotyped as accumulating a lot of money & owning major industries.

I get Lebron apologizing tho, as it isn't worth the money it could potentially lose him if he were to double down on it.
Good post.

Black Americans need more ownership and investment in things that our group dominates. Our dollar is powerful.
That's why from our perspective, the "jew money" thing is not usually from a point of malice, but from admiration. The perceived wealth and unity is something we strive to. It's the white supremacists that want to do harm with it. That's why I say it's supposed to be a convo/teaching moment like this is how this makes me feel vs. pitchforks.
"My Jewish lawyer too enjoyed the fruits of letting my cash stack" Jay Z
That Jay line in Story of OJ did ruffle some feathers.

ADL Questions Jay-Z Over Jewish Lyric in ‘The Story of O.J.’

“We do not believe it was Jay-Z’s intent to promote anti-Semitism,” a rep for the ADL tells Rolling Stone. “On the contrary, we know that Jay-Z is someone who has used his celebrity in the past to speak out responsibly and forcefully against the evils of racism and anti-Semitism.
The organization, however, finds the particular lyric problematic. “The lyric does seem to play into deep-seated anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money. The idea that Jews ‘own all the property’ in this country and have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false. Yet, such notions have lingered in society for decades, and we are concerned that this lyric could feed into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish ‘control’ of the banks and finance.”

Madonna and U2’s manager, Guy Oseary, who is Jewish and was born in Israel, offered his interpretation in an Instagram post that featured a picture of himself with Jay-Z.

Oseary argued that the line taken out of context could be seen as anti-Semitic, though he noted that Jay-Z uses exaggerated stereotypes in both the lyrics and video for “The Story of O.J.” “Jewish people do NOT ‘own all the property in America,'” Oseary said. “Jay knows this. But he’s attempting to use the Jewish people in an exaggerated way to showcase a community of people that are thought to have made wise business decisions. As an example of what is possible and achievable … In my opinion, Jay is giving the Jewish community a compliment. ‘Financial freedom’ he mentions as being his ONLY hope. If you had to pick a community as an example of making wise financial decisions achieving financial freedom who would you choose? I’m not offended by these lyrics.”

His response

“Of course I know Jewish people don’t own all the property in the world,” he said. “I mean, I own things!” he joked! “It was an exaggeration.”

The rapper went on to reference the music video for the song, which featured a series of racist cartoons and portrayals of black people.

“If even you, as the Jewish community, if you don’t have a problem with the exaggerations of the guy eating watermelon and all the things that was happening... If you don’t have a problem with that, and that’s the only line you pick out, then you are being a hypocrite,” he said in the podcast. “I can’t address that in a real way. I got to leave that where it is.”
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I don't think he meant Harm/Disrespect

I don't think he DIDN'T know saying the word Jewish would cause SOME pushback

Since there was pushback, he will be sure to capitalize from the situation

He knew what he was doing
Someone in the thread about nothing believes his groin injury was "punishment" for this and the NFL comments
Def not as bad as Lil Pump dropping a vid on ig with lyrics, "Smokin' on dope (damn) / They call me Yao Ming cause my eye real low (ching chong),” while pulling his eyes back.
i see ur quote and raise you...

Since black culture admires them so much, why dont they take notes.
Instead of using them in rap line and paying them to defend them in court, study what allows them to become and stay successful and adapt it to the culture.
It aint random generational power, its intentional.
Def not as bad as Lil Pump dropping a vid on ig with lyrics, "Smokin' on dope (damn) / They call me Yao Ming cause my eye real low (ching chong),” while pulling his eyes back.

no one cared when Juicy J proclaimed his eyes "were chinese" on we ride spinnas
no one cared when Juicy J proclaimed his eyes "were chinese" on we ride spinnas

I think people were more pissed he said "Ching Chong" which is a derogatory slur towards people of Asian decent and pulled his eyes back which is a racial gesture.
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