Lebron's Post Game Antics


And the pit gets deeper.

Saltyness at its finest.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

"One thing about me you gotta understand; it is hard for me to congratulate somebody after just losing to him," James said. "I'm a winner; that's not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you are not going to congratulate them [for] beating you up. That doesn't make sense to me, I'm a competitor and that is what I do. It doesn't make sense to me to go over and shake somebody's hand."

Come on now, WTH is that crap. How are you going to be the MVP of the league and act like that. Kids look up to this dude... What, at their next soccer game are they all going to bug out after they take an L? "Daddy, Lebron says you don't need to acknowledge that someone beat you. That's not what winners do!" I'm sure not teaching my kids that someday.

LeSalty is just digging his own grave. I mean REALLY who says that?

People take losses differently, its just the way it is. I won't judge LBJ, it makes sense to me why he did it.
His excuse is so LAME. I just hate the way this dude talks..."I"..."A Lebron James team"...smh....& yall worship this dude likehe's the 2nd coming of Christ....SMFH
Originally Posted by DTruth07

His excuse is so LAME. I just hate the way this dude talks..."I"..."A Lebron James team"...smh....& yall worship this dude like he's the 2nd coming of Christ....SMFH

his range? pretty much unlimited
i don't blame the guy. i'm sure he wanted his team to make the finals and they didn't get there. of course he's gonna be pissed.

oh well, i'm sure he'll get his chance in new york.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'm go need yall to get off the big homie back. Like he just said in the press conference, he don't like to lose, and if you get in a fight with somebody and he whoop yo $*#, you're not gonna be on some, damn dog, you hit me hard as hell and shake his hand. Cats on this board kill me, GET OFF LEBRON BACK. I like that he didn't go over and kick it with the Magic players after he lost, woulda made him look soft, and thats exactly what yall would be saying if he did. All of the great players walk str8 off the court, stop acting like yall haven't seen it before. People act like he can't be salty after a loss. That has nothing to do with class, lacking gamesmenship, or disrespecting the game. It's all about being angry, and there's nothing wrong with that. I mean hell, whats there to be cordial about, just lost the biggest game of his career thus far after having one of the greatest seasons in history, so whats there to be happy about. Cats on here need to start being realistic and stop living in fantasy. GO CAVS!!!!

LOL. This post is wrong on sooo many levels

You better hope that if the Lakers lose Kobe don't go str8 to the locker room. I will bug you for the rest of the summer on this board if he does. I expect Kobe to cry or spit at the Magic if he lose
First 5 seconds of the clip. Stop posting please.
mytoaster...if u bug mamba mvp...i WILL bug u...you know i will bud...i got my ways i will requote you of your foolishness
...your hero is wrong at this point...hes the best player in the league thecurrent MVP but to show no sportsmanship to your opposition thats pathetic...yet when youre busy sweeping the hawks and detroit and having the best record inthe NBA you do youre little dance and camera and celebration...but when youre losing you dont show love?...what does that say about your character?...even thenuggets a team full of thugs and cocky dudes admited defeated and congratulated the Lakers...Lebron is the best player and cant show love to the otherteam?...c'mon as mark jackson would say youre better than that...i dont understand why ppl here say Lebrons teammates suck?...those same dudes who helpedyou win 60+ games?...best team in the NBA...they had something to do with your MVP trophy too these guys arent slouchers or kwame brown theyre good they justhad a bad matchup with the magic

JD617 wrote:
He has a right to be pissed. His teammates sucked. Mo popped off at the mouth and made himself look like a moron and didn't produce. Bron had to drag this team by his teeth just to get them to a 6th game in this series. But still, at least show a little class, you know? There's no excuse for not shaking hands with the Magic. Like others have said, Kobe shook the Celtics' hands and faced the media like a man last year after the 39-point beatdown. For someone who cares so much about his image and being a megastar and global icon and all that junk, Bron didn't carry himself very well. Kinda surprising.
Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23
got dang, dope sig.

LeBron acting like it was his final chance at the championship.
oh well though, i don't care for his disappointment, i have other teams and players to root for
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

"One thing about me you gotta understand; it is hard for me to congratulate somebody after just losing to him," James said. "I'm a winner; that's not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you are not going to congratulate them [for] beating you up. That doesn't make sense to me, I'm a competitor and that is what I do. It doesn't make sense to me to go over and shake somebody's hand."

Come on now, WTH is that crap. How are you going to be the MVP of the league and act like that. Kids look up to this dude... What, at their next soccer game are they all going to bug out after they take an L? "Daddy, Lebron says you don't need to acknowledge that someone beat you. That's not what winners do!" I'm sure not teaching my kids that someday.

LeSalty is just digging his own grave. I mean REALLY who says that?

People take losses differently, its just the way it is. I won't judge LBJ, it makes sense to me why he did it.

It's good to see you jump on the bandwagon early

and to think i would start respecting this man like all the analysts and refs after he hit that shot with a second left
Good I'm glad he got eliminated. especially with a Corney name like KING JAMES. the guy hasn't won anything and even before he came in the leaguehe's called king James. shoot i didn't hear Jordan called KING until game 5 of the 1997 nba finals against Utah when jordan had the flu. this league issooooooo hungry for another Jordan, give it up mj is mj Kobe is who he is and so is lebron. why do u think Dwight Howard murdered lebron???????/ cuz heisn't expected to win like that, lebron is. so no pressure on Dwight. but major on lebron. and if he were so great even under the pressure he would havecame through. yes it's a team sport, but the media, nike make lebron look like the best ever and he hasn't earned crap. I've been telling the younBuck's in my hood this same exact thing since lebron came in the L. last night they finally opened there eyes. call lebron James KING when he gets morethan mike, other than that. he's just a lil prince.

1 point in the 4th quarter............ pleaseeeee
I have no problem with him not talking to the media, but he should have acknowledged the Magic.
He should have shook hands with those guys, but I doubt he was thinking about it at the time trying to show them up. And why is everyone make such a huge dealabout something that doesn't even matter? The guy was pissed becuase he just got his +$! kicked and he was the only one doing anything.

And **** with saying he is MVP. He could be the biggest douche ever and still be the MVP. He doesn't have to do anything, and if someone said go shakehands. He prolly would have no problem with it. Doubt he was thinking about it like that
SCuse7 wrote:

And **** with saying he is MVP. He could be the biggest douche ever and still be the MVP. He doesn't have to do anything, and if someone said go shake hands. He prolly would have no problem with it. Doubt he was thinking about it like that

I am sorry but I will have to respectfully disagree. The media votes for the MVP, and if he was the biggest douche ever he would not be MVP. I hate to bringup Kobe but because how he is viewed in the media he was robbed of multiple MVP's. Character speaks a lot about a person regardless if they're good ornot. Barry Bonds is a great baseball player, but because his relation to the media, and being a "douche" his legacy will always be tarnished, whileothers who also took steroids are fine.
bron still wearing his ny yankees fitted. (saw the screenshots didn't see the vid posted)

gray = neutral/borderline (on leaving the cavs for NYC)
nobody should give a damn if he ever wins anything in the future cuz they're "competitive" too.
Originally Posted by BIGBEN1986

Good I'm glad he got eliminated. especially with a Corney name like KING JAMES. the guy hasn't won anything and even before he came in the league he's called king James. shoot i didn't hear Jordan called KING until game 5 of the 1997 nba finals against Utah when jordan had the flu. this league is sooooooo hungry for another Jordan, give it up mj is mj Kobe is who he is and so is lebron. why do u think Dwight Howard murdered lebron???????/ cuz he isn't expected to win like that, lebron is. so no pressure on Dwight. but major on lebron. and if he were so great even under the pressure he would have came through. yes it's a team sport, but the media, nike make lebron look like the best ever and he hasn't earned crap. I've been telling the youn Buck's in my hood this same exact thing since lebron came in the L. last night they finally opened there eyes. call lebron James KING when he gets more than mike, other than that. he's just a lil prince.

1 point in the 4th quarter............ pleaseeeee

i believe it was 4 ... but i get ur point ...
@ his press conference ... made it seem like it was beneath him to go shake a few hands and bounce ... you ain't get beat up .... u played a basketballgame .... he a clown ...
kobe said it best. EXPERIENCE will make you come back harder and you will be much hungrier after defeat. will lebron come back next year with the cavs andmotivate his team like kobe has? who knows. but watching this series, i feel as if he shouldnt give up on the cavs yet. the team needs to grow strongettogether. if he gives up on his team, he doesnt deserve it. his team didnt support him enough to pull through with the series. his team needs to work harderand he needs to continue to work hard with his team to come back next season and take it all.
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