Lebron's Post Game Antics

Lebron is looked at as a Lerole model to Lekids, he shouldnt do that, he let LeNike down, let LeVitamin Water down, LeESPN, the lekids, the LeStern, and theLefans down with that @%@ move

funny, but true.

when your a dude like him you CAN'T look that leSore because you letting down a lot of people & image is huge for him.

if your ron artest then its fine because i mean no one likes you anyway. even kobe would shake hands & people hate him.
LeBron's at fault whether people want to admit it or not.

If you can win with them and celebrate, you can lose with them...period.
[h1]For the Cavs, LeBron's silence speaks loud enough[/h1]
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports 13 hours, 8 minutes ago

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ORLANDO - Head down and shoulders slumped, LeBron James(notes) headed off the court as the Orlando Magic streamers shot off above him.

Dwight Howard(notes) was hugging Hedo Turkoglu(notes), dreams of Beating L.A. dancing in their heads. James wasn't bothering to stick around to shake hands, offer congratulations or pretend there was a bright side to the Magic ousting his Cleveland Cavaliers from the East finals with a 103-90 victory in Game 6.

James was off the floor before the confetti could hit his shoulders.

He later dressed in silence in a corner of the locker room then put on some gold, oversized headphones and headed for the door. Normally one of the last to leave, he was now one of the first. With anger and frustration evident in each step, he charged through the back halls of Amway Arena without greeting anyone, got on the team bus and soon was off to the airport.

There was no looking for his mother, Gloria. There was no talking with Nike executives. And forget addressing fans and media - Mo Williams(notes) was left to answer for the defeat.

LeBron was gone. The King was silent.

The fallout from this defeat will echo loudly all summer, though, the pressure mounting on Cavs general manager Danny Ferry.

Whether this was James' ultra-competitiveness overwhelming his emotions or a sign of his frustration with a front office that in six seasons has failed to give him the supporting cast capable of winning a championship remains to be seen.

LeBron James, 24, is a free agent after next season and while he's never said he would leave Cleveland, he's never said he wouldn't. As such, this move - his every move, actually - will be analyzed as the psyche of a championship-starved city hangs in the balance.

James doesn't need a bigger market to be a global icon (a now-doomed Nike puppet advertising campaign is proof of that). And he doesn't seem to possess the personality that covets the bright lights of New York or L.A. (he still lives near Akron and mostly hangs out with high school buddies or his longtime girlfriend and two young children).

He may need to leave to win a championship, though.

"Going into the playoffs we were confident that we were going to be in the NBA Finals and we were confident that we were going to win it," Williams said. "I can understand [James'] disappointment because I'm feeling the same disappointment."

There's little sense in criticizing James for not speaking with the media Saturday - it's the only thing he didn't do in this series. He averaged 38.5 points, 8.3 rebounds and 8.0 assists. He offered leadership and defense. He saved Game 2 with an all-timer of a buzzer-beater.

And it wasn't even close to enough.

Cleveland players said James did speak to them briefly in the stunned locker room and, according to Daniel Gibson(notes), said "we just need to keep working." It was clear to everyone, however, he was taking this defeat hard.

A 66-win regular season left the Cavs optimistic they had found the parts for a championship, but deep in the playoffs, where intensity is matched and matchups get intense, the limitations are clear.

The Cavs were swept in the 2007 Finals and now have failed to get out of the East the last two seasons.

In this game, from the time the Magic trotted out the booming voice of 7-year-old Gina Marie Incandela for the national anthem to a fourth quarter filled with chants of "MVP" and "Beat L.A.," it wasn't so much a contest as a 2½-hour pep rally for the Finals.

All of Cleveland's recurring problems kept accruing. Howard had 40 points and 14 rebounds as he tore through the not-prime-time frontcourt of Anderson Varejao(notes) and Zydrunas Ilgauskas(notes). Williams had 17 point, but showed in this series he isn't ready to be this generation's Scottie Pippen.

The entire bench combined for just 10 points and five rebounds. Other than James, the roster lacked the size and athletic ability to deal with perimeter threats Rashard Lewis(notes) and Rafer Alston(notes).

Cleveland had the best player in this series. Orlando had the next four.

"I think this team is right there," Williams said. "We just have to do a little bit more."

What they have to do is get a little bit more. Despite boasting one of the highest payrolls in the league and having a half-dozen years to put together the roster, the Cavs are still a player or two away. Where Ferry finds them is the question.

He has only the midlevel salary-cap exception to spend on free agents. The Cavs discussed acquiring Shaquille O'Neal(notes) at the trade deadline, but the Phoenix Suns balked at taking back Ben Wallace(notes). The Cavs have some pieces, but no margin for error on anything less than the perfect move.

It begins with the need for a big man because it's not like the 23-year-old Howard is going anywhere. The Magic are no fluke, they're more than capable of beating the Lakers.

"How many games could [Cleveland] win without LeBron James?" Jerry West asked rhetorically to Reuters. By way of comparison, when Michael Jordan skipped the 1993-94 season to play baseball, the remaining Chicago Bulls won 55. West likely doubts the non-LeBron Cavs would get to 40.

In the same interview, West declared James a superior player to Kobe Bryant(notes).

Yet it is Kobe's team, rebuilt on the fly after a stretch of mediocrity from 2005-07 that will host Game 1 of the Finals on Thursday. The Lakers will meet the Magic, who have surrounded their young star, Howard, with the perfect complementary parts.

Meanwhile LeBron waits. He's never publicly criticized a teammate, coach or front-office decision. And he didn't Saturday.

Maybe Gloria James taught him that if you don't have anything nice to say, then it's best to say nothing at all. Just head for the bus, the booming beats of the headphones droning out the questions about the immediate past and the long-term future.
Originally Posted by vctry20

I like Lebron, but I think that it's kind of funny he did that, especially since he was leading the

[Jim Rome] 48 minute dance party on the bench with a bunch of grown men hugging in a permanent state of 'oh no he didnt' [Jim Rome]

His teammates say that he is the ultimate team player though, and it seems like he has been all season. So i'm not going to take what dude did in the ultimate state of disappointment/anger/whatever other feelings he had as "thats how he is"

im remember the interview with MO WILLIAMS before game 6 and MO kept saying how Lebron is a "real" dude. He's easy to talk to and is like abrother to everybody. This same LeBROTHER walked out on his NBA family (magics and media/league) the same NBA family that put him high on a throne calling him"king" before he even conqured a major battle and straight up walked out on them.

He walked out on the Magic!
He walked out on the Media!
He walked out on his Team!

These are the same people that had his back calling him "KING" "the BEST"

If the Cavs would've won the game....he would've been at the podium, hat backwords with a nice suit and that big smile ....but since he lost..hecouldnt face the music.


This the same dude that represents the whole state of OHIO!
Everyone is taking this too far, just because it's Lebron and people love to nitpick the superstars. Get over it. Next year hardly anyone will rememberthis nor care to remember this.
If I see one more post with OD "Le", I'm gonna Lekill somebody.

Lesike! keep it lecoming.
I tihnk Lebron is about to talk to the media on ESPN NEWS....I dont know if they were joking but apparently he is wearing a yankees hat. One guy said no bigdeal he always does, another guy said yea but he has to know that is going to shake somethings up.

EDIT: his hat was too big ( i think he's ready for NY), but he just said he is a competitor and after losing he didnt want to shake anybodies hand. Hecompared it to a fight, saying if you just got beat up you're not going to go over to the guy and say good job. Mentioned preparing himself for next yearand taking the summer off to relax, thats it.

Say what you want and I can see where he is coming from, but I still see poor sportsmanship, and poor leadership.
I wonder if he will be fined for not speaking with media.

I can understand his frustration. His actions might not have been "professional," but he could have said some tough stuff after that game. It'sprobably best he did that to avoid saying something he regretted.
Originally Posted by EB4President

I tihnk Lebron is about to talk to the media on ESPN NEWS....I dont know if they were joking but apparently he is wearing a yankees hat. One guy said no big deal he always does, another guy said yea but he has to know that is going to shake somethings up.
Probably a smart move. It's gonna let Cleveland know they better move quick or he's gone.
If you guys don't think he's sending a message then I don't know what to tell ya.

its funny that they're bums now
but lebron was good enough to win 66 games with these same "bums"
only lose 1 real game at home with these "bums"
and sweep the first to rounds with these same "bums"

what's difference now?
Originally Posted by SHUGES

If you guys don't think he's sending a message then I don't know what to tell ya.


Z was rocking the Montreal Canadians hat...

Lebron knows exactly what he's doing, this will be an interesting summer. I think this might have been Clevelands best chance to win it before 2010,because next year KG will be back, Jameer will be back. I guess we'll see
Originally Posted by K I N G x B

its funny that they're bums now
but lebron was good enough to win 66 games with these same "bums"
only lose 1 real game at home with these "bums"
and sweep the first to rounds with these same "bums"

what's difference now?
b/c lebron is just that good? just sayin'. theres a reason he HAD to put up 35, 9, 7 for them to get to the conference finals. there's areason his PER nearly topped MJ for the reg. season. he had to do THAT MUCH for them to get that record.

if mo williams was the 2nd best player on the lakers... well just think, would they even get pass the first round?
WoW if i was a Clev fan i would be beyond pissed
....thats like a slap in the face.....but i hate Cavs fans so
to lebron for pulling that....
Originally Posted by grittyman20


But seriously, it's not like NY has a better team to offer Lebron...I don't get it
Walsh is already building a better team around LeBron than Paxson or Ferry ever have so far
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