let this thread die (NYK)


10 Things I noticed..

1) We are pitiful

2) We suck

3) Amare has no common sense, gets the balls and just wants to run into a bunch of players and take awkward shots. Has no low-post game, he's nothing without a PG

4) Amare has no defensive awareness

5) Melo is the laziest dude on Defense

6) Our offense looks like we're playing street basketball. 1 on 1's, no teamwork, no cohesivness

7) Our Defense.......oh man, our defense don't get me started.

8  Tyson Chandler regrets signing with us (even though he's been our most important team player)

9) D'Antoni is the 6th highest paid coach in sports, what is wrong with this country?

10) D'Antoni should be fired right now. He brings no leadership, no identity, no system, players don't respect him, he's a joke and the list can go on.

There is no kind of dribble penetration by our point guards thats forcing melo and stat to Play one on one ball. We will never win that way. I see no kind of gameplan by Antoni or even any adjustments what so ever.
There is no shame in losing to the lakers. The anger and disappointment comes from the way we lost. Which is the same way we usually Los

We are like a chicken without it's head. There is an obvious lack of planning. This free for all system is not going to work. This was some of the worst basketball iv ever seen. Seriously. We look lost.

It seems like we seriously don't have any sense of a plan or strategy. That's been consistent since dantoni here
Good game yall. Damn shame yall got a few great guys who gotta throw on that jersey. You can't win no matter how good you are, STATS swag though 
we should fire Dantoni sooner than later, before we get too deep into the season.
with all the new players etc. we might as well have a new system, or whatever Dantoni calls it...
Ernie Johnson:     "Amare Stoudemire is 3 for 3 from the 3 point line this year"
Charles Barkley: "That's exactly what you want from your 6'10 power forward.."
Ernie Johnson:    "That and the 2 rebounds he had tonight"

Using the amnesty rule to get rid of Chanucey was a HORRIBLE move and then turning around to sign Tyson Chandler.

Seriously was Knicks ownership consulting Isaih Thomas for those moves
So if we kept Chauncey and didn't get a center, you would think it's a good idea to have Jared Jeffries as the starting center?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So if we kept Chauncey and didn't get a center, you would think it's a good idea to have Jared Jeffries as the starting center?

Word, who is this dude?
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So if we kept Chauncey and didn't get a center, you would think it's a good idea to have Jared Jeffries as the starting center?

Word, who is this dude?

Lakers aren't sub .500 anymore ... back to the old NT
Dudes act like the Knicks weren't .500 with Chauncey on the team
...When he was on the Knicks, people said "Chauncey is part of your 'Big 3'?
" but now that he's no longer on the Knicks, he was a major piece of this team having any success going into the future? Damn shame
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Evans, Fredette and Thornton are gonna feast.

if so, we'll most likely we'll get blown out again, and then Isaiah Thomas will feast too....
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So if we kept Chauncey and didn't get a center, you would think it's a good idea to have Jared Jeffries as the starting center?

Word, who is this dude?

Lakers aren't sub .500 anymore ... back to the old NT

word.. Chandler was the right move.. we need b diddy to be the answer.. in time we'll see.. but Toney is not the answer.
Our offense is as bad as our defense, it's as simple as that.  It's all coaching despite our current weakness at the point.  True, Melo and Amare are not good passers but the offense shouldn't be this bad.  Melo and Amare don't mesh together at all and Pringles doesn't try anything new.  We haven't been an uptempo team since we acquired Melo so why do we still have Pringles as our coach?  Anyone with basic basketball knowledge knows that if you're a halfcourt team offensively that you need to have ball movement, cutters and continuity to be efficient.  We have none of those characteristics in our offense.  We slow the pace down (which lets the D get set up) and then let Melo do his thing.  Our offense looks like what you see in a pick up game when there's one former D1 player and four guys that never played organized basketball.  It's so simple, so inefficient, so easy to stop and game plan for that unless Melo is absolutely on fire our offense is going to blow.  
We were really running PnR tonight with Bibby SETTING the pick for Melo to come off.  

We hardly ever iso Amare on the elbow, where he did so much damage last year.

Our guards never penetrate or create.

No one defends or rebounds outside of Chandler.

Our team is a !%@***@ mess.

1) We have one guy that plays D (Chandler).

2) We have NO ONE on the team that can pass the ball (not that it really matters in Pringles' atrocious offense).

3) We have no chemistry or cohesiveness.

4) Someone forgot to tell Amare the lockout ended, he's been awful offenisvely but part of it is his role in our offense now. Amare just doesn't know how to be a second-fiddle guy without a great PG.

5) TD should be a fringe-rotational guy that comes off the bench to score.  He's not a point guard and he sucks on defense, we might as well have Melo bring the ball up at this point or start Bibby until Baron can play. 

6) Chandler was so pissed off tonight, you can tell his already sick of the loser culture and laid-back, no-defense attitude on the team.  He looked like he was going to kill someone tonight and that's a great barometer of how far we are from even thinking of ourselves as contenders.  He just came from a championship team, he knows what a championship caliber defense is and we aren't even sniffing it.

7) Everything the Knick naysayers chirped about this offseason is correct so far.  Our defense blows, Melo/Amare don't mesh, Chandler won't make up for the gigantic defensive holes in the team, etc.

We don't have a great rebounder.  Chandler does his job, besides that it's gross.

Does Pringles have what it takes to turn things around again this year?  Remember last year, when we started 3-8 or something?  Then one magical game out west (think it was at SAC) our offense looked way better and things clicked.  Will that happen this year?  If not this team is going to lose A LOT of games.  Might not be the worst thing to happen if it gets Pringles fired.  We have four years with Melo/STAT/Chandler, I don't want to waste 2-3 of them with this joker as our leader.
Originally Posted by sircharles2ol3

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Word, who is this dude?

Lakers aren't sub .500 anymore ... back to the old NT

word.. Chandler was the right move.. we need b diddy to be the answer.. in time we'll see.. but Toney is not the answer.

Toney doesn't even understand the question.
Good for the Lakers.

This Knicks team is like watching a JV squad. People tried to gas us wit the signing of Chandler. He's merely a bandaid over a bigger problem. No one on this team plays D and on offense, basically Melo or Amare faces up and the rest of the guys stand around. Melo is more skilled in the post with his back to the basket than Amare is so you know he's not thinking about passing. Amare takes till the second half to find his way to the post and is not like he has a pg like he had Felton last year to get him easy buckets on pick and rolls or pick and pops. Chandler isn't and offensive force but he does have the wingspan to at least finish some of his layup attempts. Lamdrys been paralyzed since last year and our pgs don't facilitate the ball

Watching his game, Melo is more selfish than I thought he was. He can play In the post more than Durant, but Durant isn't a black hole. Amare sacrifices his offense so that Melo can shine. Toney Douglas let Derek Fisher take him off the dribble. Few times. *++$ is embarrassing. This dude will get the ball and just pull with no regard.

Then the coaching, Mike D needs of be relieved of his duties. I can't take this guy as coach anymore. He had those speedball teams in PHX and Pop always had his number in the playoffs. Someone on my Twitter remarked that he wasted Steve Nash years and now hes wasting Amares and Melos. I would kill to have Felton on this squad again. You can't make a player like Toney a starting PG and expect good ball movement. THe guy wouldn't even see the floor playing for the Spurs with the way he plays. There's no accountability. I do hae a feeling that The players will grow tired of not being accountable and Woodson will end up being head coach.

I always felt like the Knicks shoulda made a serious run at Thibbs in 08, but the Bulls did the right thing and snagged him. Now look at the results the Bulls have had over the past few years. Different personnel of course, but the defensive blue collar approach to the game is still there.
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