let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by ehh

6) Chandler was so pissed off tonight, you can tell his already sick of the loser culture and laid-back, no-defense attitude on the team.  He looked like he was going to kill someone tonight and that's a great barometer of how far we are from even thinking of ourselves as contenders.  He just came from a championship team, he knows what a championship caliber defense is and we aren't even sniffing it.
Amare's production is going to fall so far off the cliff without a legit PG out there.

And Novak needs more PT not Balkman. Only player that can stretch the floor consistently.
Novak definitely deserves more time and considering that Jeffries is out, I'm shocked they don't use him more.

The ball movement of this team is shameful. I don't get why its so hard to just pass the ball.
Hate to say it everything Chuck said about us is right, rarely did agree with him about the Knicks and his attitude to even addressing the Knicks was the same as well.
yep had high hopes for this squad but damn if i wanted to watch one dude dribble a ball while 4 other players around him just watch I woulda just went to the gym
Let's get FireD'antoni trending on Twitter. Dude needs to leave now. Mike Woodson could do better than this crap. Most pathetic looking offense, makes my CYO team look good and we're trash b.
Mike Woodson is on his Jason Garrett tip. He saw the horror and is just sitting back, waiting.

We puttin beaucoup hope on a guy who got waived coming off injury...I still remember T-Mac
i know its early in the season. but damn we look so bad thats its sad. And all of it stems from our "offensive mastermind" of a coach.

Also,I dont think a single knick has ever pissed me off more than Douglas (including nate, duhon, maurice taylor, qyntel woods, and sometimes even jamal). Holy +@#! TD pisses me the @**! off.
I think the reason TD annoys us so much is because we have never had a chucker on a team with 2 players like Melo/STAT on the squad..When Jamal chucked, you thought "Well, who else is he gonna pass to? Eddy Curry?"...When Duhon took a dumb shot, we figured "He can't pass it to David Lee on every possession."...But now when TD takes a ridiculous shot, we think "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! MELO WAS WIDE OPEN!!"
I don't see how B. Diddy is going to help the Knicks out. Just another guy who can't play defense. One quick move and his back is done for the season.
D'antoni has to GO, if Marc Jackson can come to the Warriors and changed the mind set and has them working defensively, there is no reason why we shouldn't be doing the same, the worst part is our offense is horrendous which makes me wonder why the hell do we still have D'antoni if our offense sucks and u know hes not preaching defense, i sometimes wonder if we can get a Mic on him and see what hes actually telling the players in the huddles or if hes even drawing plays, its disgusting all i wanted to see was them Pass, Rebound, and Defend, i coulda cared less if the shots dropped or not
Last night was an utter disgrace. As previously mentioned Melo played very selfish and kept settling for the J, when he was able to drive the entire game. Amare fell in love with the Jumpshot and is scared to go to the basket. Pringles HAS TO GO, He brings nothing to our team. Like Mentioned Mike Woodson is just chilling in the cut because he knows his number is going to be called soon. TD is FOREVER TRASH, I pray to god he has a vision problem because if not he just really doesn't like running the pick and roll. TD shot selection too, super frustrating. I'm trying not to push the panic button but It's frustrating when you know we are 30x better than this. If we lose to the kings on saturday, panic button definitely getting pushed.
Offense just needs to run more man, this is slowly becoming a slow moving, iso, half court offense with no PG.

STAT is just off to a slow start, you guys over-react way too much. Everyone gets too damn sensitive and frustrated.
Yeah...Amare's missing shots his normally makes. Then he starts forcing it because of that. The minute he gets his shot back we'll be able to open up the offense more. For now Melo is our only dependable scorer, the role players aren't hitting anything. I haven't seen a Melo/Amare pick and roll as of yet, which I'm sure the two of them are capable of building on together.

This is more than not having a true PG. These guys just aren't on the same page right now. Last year started the same way...let's give them a chance to get it together.
Our defensive schemes suck. People were left wide open. Minus whale play zone. Kobe was hitting tough shots all night tho.
I'm not even that frustrated because they will gel in time because they basically had no time to make a chemistry.

Melo and Stat should of been around each other in the summer like the other group.

I only have a problem with Balkman shooting 3's. I only want that guy in the paint throwing elbows.

The most ridiculous play was watch Toney, Stat, Melo at the top of the key. Both melo & stat waiting for the ball. WTH is Stat doing at the top of the arc

This team looks like they already don't trust each other. Watching Stat get the ball stolen by Kobe cause he didn't want pass it to Toney was embarrassing.

I see in this game that Toney was relieved of his ball handling duty
If D'Antoni doesn't make you an elite offensive team then why is he there?
Obviously he can't make them Phoenix level, but this team shouldn't be struggling to get to 80 points either
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Offense just needs to run more man, this is slowly becoming a slow moving, iso, half court offense with no PG.

STAT is just off to a slow start, you guys over-react way too much. Everyone gets too damn sensitive and frustrated.

You win in the playoffs with a half court offense. The game slows down. So I'm more than fine with being a half court offense. However not with this joke of a coach. That's the problem.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Yeah...Amare's missing shots his normally makes. Then he starts forcing it because of that. The minute he gets his shot back we'll be able to open up the offense more. For now Melo is our only dependable scorer, the role players aren't hitting anything. I haven't seen a Melo/Amare pick and roll as of yet, which I'm sure the two of them are capable of building on together.

This is more than not having a true PG. These guys just aren't on the same page right now. Last year started the same way...let's give them a chance to get it together.

That's the thing. A point guard's job is to get these guys on the same page.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

If D'Antoni doesn't make you an elite offensive team then why is he there?
Obviously he can't make them Phoenix level, but this team shouldn't be struggling to get to 80 points either

Been saying this since last Spring.  Thank you!
Baron is at least five weeks away from playing, according to D'Antoni.

That sucks more than the loss.
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