let this thread die (NYK)

hope it ain't too bad, but if he had to take off for it...
A practice off is probably a good thing for him. The man been playing with a messed up wrist, sprained ankle and his back was just recently bothering him. In the meantime I hope his family issues get sorted out.

Amare will eventually get it together. I don't think he can play any worse than he has recently, and I've seen some flashes from the last game.

I refuse to write this team off so soon, lol
What's going on with Melo man ? I hope he isn't going through a divorce or anything like that dudes sister just died last year plus coming here from Denver mid season I can't imagine the stress he has been going through these past couple years
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

What's going on with Melo man ? I hope he isn't going through a divorce or anything like that dudes sister just died last year plus coming here from Denver mid season I can't imagine the stress he has been going through these past couple years

Lets not act like the stress he received throughout the league wasn't caused by him.

Not to sound hateful or anything, but what did you expect to happen when you traded away 3 of your 4 best players for the most one sided player in NBA history?
Cold but true. I don't really agree with the one sided argument though, Melo has been a good defender since he's been with the Knicks and also a great rebounder and a very good passer. He's not Lebron level with the passing but he's the closest to it at the SF position.
I noticed Lala left at the half on Wednesday. Thought nothing of it until I read that he wasn't speaking after the game b/c of family reasons. Hopefully all is okay.
I don't see any reason to look in to his play being affected by w/e family issue he has. I chalk up that one performance to his wrist. No need to speculate.
^^agreed, just saying hope all is okay with whatever he's dealing with though. he's banged up already, last thing we need is for him to be mentally taken away from the game.
People are down to ship Melo already? Not even before we get a new coach? Or at least like 20 games with Baron?

I still wonder if Walsh really got canned or if Dolan drove him out. The 'official' story is Walsh resigned due to health issues but if the Knicks actually made the decision to just let him go or not accomodate him if he was unhappy, that would be some bs. The Billups/Tyson move was good considering we wouldnt be able to afford a 3rd max (D12/DWill) anyway next year if they even hit the open market (if Im not mistaken)

But otherwise Grunwald hasnt done $+@$ for me to have any faith in him. Donnie would've BEEN held pringles responsible by now privately or in the media and I at least had confidence in his craftiness. I bet he would've tried to make a run at Nash this year. My point is we dont even have a GM (Grunwald is still interim) After we set one in stone we need a new coach.

I keep hoping the master plan is they're waiting for Phil Jackson at which point hed have control of personnel anyway and a bonafide GM wont be needed (crack pipe dream)
Donnie defended dantoni multiple times through the media. He always took the blame himself. His past actions make me think he wouldn't have held him responsible.

Especially with the lockout as a convenient excuse.
Donnie quit because Dolan wouldn't give him full control. And a new coach isn't going to help us. Especially if they want to implement a new system. I am praying to jo-boo that Barron comes back healthy.
Donnie quit cuz of the Melo trade, when he finally realized that Isiah still had more power in the FO than he did.

And Donnie took the blame himself with good reason. He knew the team was still very young without a real center or much time together and he knew he hadn't been building a team for Pringles for the last 2 years, just ripping one apart for 2010 capspace. If he was responsible for that Melo trade, he'd be taking responsibility now too, cuz it's the GM's fault if your team starts the season without a backcourt, backup SF or backup C.

Dantoni is who he is. He sets his lineups 3 months in advance and only changes them for injury, but this start is on the GM.

Doesn't matter though...no one's gonna remember how this season started in 2 months, unless Baron gets hurt again.
I was at the Knicks-Suns game on Wednesday night and here are some of the things I saw in person:

1-Amar'e gets fouled A LOT when he goes to the basket. Sometimes on TV they seem like 50/50 calls but in person you can see that he is 100% getting fouled on a lot of plays. The problem that ties in with this is when Amar'e gets fouled, he gets frustrated. When he's frustrated, he doesn't hustle back on defense. There was this one play where he went up strong and got fouled, then fell down. He took his sweet time getting up bc he didn't get a deserved call, and even like 6-7 seconds into the shot clock, he was just strolling up court.

2-Melo's shot selection was really bad..Like terribly bad. He was taking some shots with 10 seconds left in the shot clock that most players wouldn't force at the buzzer. His demeanor was off though and now that we're hearing about "family problems," that may have had something to do with it. When he yammed it on dude's head though, the crowd went nuts.

3-Fields looked sharp and aggressive. He missed a few open corner 3s which were huge considering the Knicks only lost by a few points. But it looked like he got his confidence back. There were a few times where he had an open perimeter shot but pump faked and drove hard to the hoop. He goes to the hoop more aggressively than STAT
I'm hoping that good game will get him back to the early 2010 season Landry.

4-Shumpert's offense seems to be improving day by day but he has become extremely hesitant since that game where he shot like 21 shots and made only a few of them. I respect dude for not being a chucker on a team full of them, but most of the game before the 4th quarter, he wasn't shooting at all. He was also being defended by Nash at some points which we all know should be easy buckets all day. He also runs the fast break well which is huge bc this team doesn't have many fast break guys. The one thing I thought was impressive was how clutch he was in the 4th. The pressure of missing a shot late in the game at MSG didn't phase him. He just pulled up n took big shots knowing the stars weren't hitting anything.

5-At half time, Novak was out on the court before everyone else. He was shooting around and damn, this dude has a great 3 point jumper. He was hitting like 15-20 in a row with ease, and a lot of them were not just stand still shots. He had a few falling away and off 1-2 dribbles. Why this guy gets no playing time is beyond me. With STAT n Melo getting doubled most of the time, he would be easy points all day.
Jared Zwerling: In only 57 minutes, Stoudemire has been most effective playing w/ Harrellson (not Tyson) - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York http://es.pn/ApixXv
Marc Berman: For those asking Melo is supposed to play tnt despite family issue.
Marc Berman:
Nene may miss big Denver showdown vs. Knicks at Garden tomorrow night. Already sitting out tonight in Washington, Denver Post reports.
Marc Berman:
With Melo absent, Stoudemire says #Knicks need to buy into coach Mike D’Antoni’s ball-moving, up-tempo offense http://nyp.st/zkZTCP
Alan Hahn: In a few weeks, look for Clyde's Wine & Dine restaurant - yes THAT Clyde- walking distance from the Garden at 10th btwn 37th/38th.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Stephen Jackson missed the team bus and won't play.

every little bit helps

interesting about STAT and Jorts...is it cuz Jorts plays most of his minutes in the 2nd when STAT's "allowed" to do him?
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Stephen Jackson missed the team bus and won't play.

interesting about STAT and Jorts...is it cuz Jorts plays most of his minutes in the 2nd when STAT's "allowed" to do him?
That plus dude be camped out at the 3pt line more times than not.
It hurts having three 1-dribble players out there: Tyson, STAT and Fields.

Especially when only one of em (Tyson) can pass well.
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