let this thread die (NYK)

Charlotte, Toronto, Phoenix, and Milwaukee (if they win tonight) are 4-1 against the Knicks at Madison Square Garden this year. They’re 2-25 against everyone else on the road.

Melo woulda punched Delfino in the throat if he aint foul out
Melo dying @ the Giants chants
I think I'm about ready to join you guys on this team being garbage.

Brandon Jennings ballin' like Kenny Anderson....of course.
^you just described the '11 Packers tho

I promised I wouldn't give a #$+# til B.Diddy was playing, but this is disgusting.
6-10 by tomorrow night.  I'm pretty sure that deserves Dantoni being fired.  Right before Bdiddy comes back and before the road trip.  DO IT!!
The only good that could come out the knicks losing all these games is D'Antoni being fired. PLZ happen 
0-4 during our home stand
but meh, everything that's been said about this team has been said.

At least Melo looked himself despite all the missed shots. STAT too although once again I feel he didn't get the ball enough.

Don't like how Shump was looking with that knee.

Amar'e @ the end of the game disillusioned to this losing streak. Hope he's wondering what happened to that STAT that was leading this team to wins. I hope he decides to make the change and start demanding the ball and being the sole leader of the team just for the change of atmosphere.

Coaching staff was looking extra clueless this game. Pringles couldn't do anything to motivate this team. Right now they're playing with no heart.
Clyde and Bernard were right about rock bottom. Our schedule does not get easier.

Also Broussard needs to kill that noise about Deron Williams having us on our list to sign here unless Knicks planning on trading Melo for expiring contracts or STAT for expiring contracts or Tyson and the rest of the roster. Plain nonsense for us to even be on the list. If Deron wants to stay in NY he should go play for the Mets.


At this point yall are bugging about firing Pringles only. We need to scrub the majority of the coaching staff. Yall don't want Woodson taking the helm. Maybe make Herb interim.
I always thought Herb deserved a shot, don't think now is the right time though. Our team is build for failure at the moment.

Amar'e needs to lose that 20 pounds he put on over the summer. He looks like a shot player, barely finishing wide open dunks.

Team is a mess and its gonna take some serious soul searching and camaraderie to get it in order.
damn. this is kinda depressing. smh
something needs to change.
tomorrow is going to be a horrible game. well, hopefully they show up, because they play a 'contender'
i give up on tryna make sense of this %+%*.

will i ever get to go to a damn NYK ticker tape parade? 
 that's what the yanks are for i guess
Unfortunately, rock bottom will be tomorrow night if they lose and Gallo drops 28, 11, 8, and Mozgov gets 18 and 16.
Looked like Melo was trying to get suspended for tomorrows game.
I ain't like how he bullied Jennings.

D'Antoni gotta go ASAP.
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