let this thread die (NYK)

D'antoni ... yall know that was another Dolan and Isiah pick right?

I'm pretty sure Mark Jackson was supposed to be our coach, because Donnie just got there and wanted to stress defense, but then Dolan stepped in and god D'antoni cuz he's exciting or something.

I swear, Isiah's our own Freddy Krueger. All ill roads lead back to him.
Can't see how Pringles wasn't a Dolan pick. My guess at the time: Dolan said *#*@ it I want to fill the seats with as many people because my team is awful so he went the "entertaining basketball" route, thinking if the team sucks but is putting up 120+ a game people will at least find that watchable. Sorry, not in NY buddy.

Sadly, as always, Dolan played the cards wrong. Out of Thibs, Pringles, and Hand Down Man Down Jax, he still managed to *#*@ up the choice.

As much as I hate Pringles, Dolan will always find a way to *#*@ things up unless he gives full control to someone.

I can't see them firing Pringles until Baron comes back and we prove we still suck. Watch him not fire Pringles too cause he doesn't want to pay another coach. Dolan is a hockey guy at heart also. Rangers look great, Knicks are still selling tickets even though the product sucks...at least Dolan's pocket is doing nice, which is probably how he's thinking
Jennings on why he felt he was able to go off: "With their switches I was able to get going when their bigs switched on me..."
It's not a secret anymore. Last year we halfway got away with it, because Gallo, Wil and Purp could play good man for a while on anyone, but this year it's a joke.

It's like Hack-a-Shaq.

When we played the Suns, they didn't even want to run their plays until they got us to switch. Just pick after pick until we did what we always do. It's why everyone can shoot on us and all these point guards are eating good.
Since most of us here agree that Pringles is gonna get canned soon, what are your feelings on who should replace him?

I can't see Woodson being a good fit at this point. I think we need someone who is a strong personality as far as coaching goes and isn't afraid to get in anyone's face. Someone who is willing to blow up the current mindset and culture around this organization and do it their way (JVG?)

I don't see us being able to bring in someone that fits this mold midseason. Summer? Yes, but hopefully we can find someone like this soon.

As usual, Dolan has to be a concern as far as finding a new coach is concerned. He has all these yes men (Pringles included) and that can't happen when you're trying to change the culture of a franchise. It is what it is and someone has to rock the boat once in a while.

For me the final nail in Pringles coffin was him never once coming out to say something along the lines of "of course I think Donnie is going to return, why shouldn't he, look at the job he's done since I've arrived"

Donnie repeatedly stuck his head on the line for Pringles and that was the least Pringles could have done. Instead he just shut his mouth to make sure he got his 6 mil this year, and on top of that asked for a extension which even +%+!@#! James Dolan declined to even discuss.

Uh, Mike was absolutely someone who Donnie wanted and supported.

He was a focal point of the '2010' plan whether it worked or not.
Yea obviously the JVG / Dolan rift is a huge problem but what I was getting at is someone that is a strong enough personality that Dolan won't get in the way of. But unfortunately I think this is something that Dolan will take into consideration with future coaches especially after the Larry Brown fiasco.
Let's be real for a minute..Yes, this team is trash..But this team has 2 combo guards playing PG, and one of them has played 15 NBA games in his life...When the 2010 NBA Season began, we all hated Felton because he wasn't running the pick n roll effectively. Amar'e had a decent start but nothing crazy. Then suddenly, Felton was running the pick n roll great and the Knicks went on a winning streak and Amar'e was balling out. Of course Amar'e is gonna take jumpers against quicker PFs as opposed to centers because PFs can actually steal the ball since his ball handling isn't that great.

I keep seeing people say "Billups would be a big help if we didn't get rid of him"...Maybe offensively, but defensively this team would be ATROCIOUS. I would not be cool with Amar'e playing Center and Harrelson being the starting PF..Or vice versa..Both of them would get cooked..How about Amar'e at PF and Jeffries as starting Center? I'm about to throw up just thinking about it. People blamed Carmelo for the team only being 14-14 when he came, when that's not even the issue. The issue was C. Billups replaced Felton, which is obviously a negative in terms of passing ability. The only reason Chauncey was good on the Pistons was because Rasheed could create his own shot, and Rip Hamilton just kept running around screens until he got wide open. Ben Wallace had great jumping ability and rarely got set up for easy shots with Billups running the point bc Billups is just an average passer.

Davis isn't gonna be an All-Star but he's gonna set people up. He's gonna penetrate n dish..Who does that right now? Shump n TD sure as hell don't..Who can post up besides Melo? Nobody..Davis is a pretty good post up PG so that will help.. Tyson can't create his own shot but Davis can get him easy buckets. People were saying Davis was a defensive liability, but TD isn't much better. This team will be much better in a few weeks.

They suck now, not gonna argue that. They will be far from a contender, even with Davis..But unless you're the Heat that suddenly got 2 players that were in their prime, one of them arguably the best all around player in the NBA and the other being a top 10 PF, you're not gonna suddenly go from playoff team to NBA Title ocntender within a season.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Uh, Mike was absolutely someone who Donnie wanted and supported.

He was a focal point of the '2010' plan whether it worked or not.

I really really doubt it.

Donnie's been around for a while and will roll with the punches, but when he first got here, he didn't want someone like D'antoni. He wanted a defensive minded coach. Not a coach who just got fired, because he refused to stress defense. That's why they announced Pringles getting hired at night and Donnie had almost nothing to say? You don't remember that whole Donnie player, D'antoni player back and forth over the years?

He's a professional, he's gonna work with what he's got, he's not gonna $$*!+ because his new boss undermined his first decision. And he's not gonna go to war with Pringles, because he wasn't his pick...that's what Isiah would do. Besides Mike was a winning coach, so he was the least of his worries. Dealing with Z-Bo, Curry, Starbury, Jerome James, Jeffries and Jamal's contracts were more important. And demanding that Mike take a defensive assistant was a 'last shot you're gonna get' type move.
Donnie went to Arizona to interview Mike and had been on the job 6 weeks before he hired him. He also interviewed Avery Johnson and Jackson, and went with D'Antoni. Saying that that was a forced Dolan hire is speculation and there's not much substance out there to support it. 

D'Antoni in 2008 was viewed at as a MAJOR bargaining chip to lure LeBron. And at that point, that's what it was all about.
If Dolan thought this was one his 'power moves' why wasn't he at the introductory press conference like he was with Melo, Chandler and Amare's? That says a little, doesn't it? He's an attention $%%@@ that wants to look smart but he wasn't around for that one. 
Adam Zagoria @AdamZagoria 17 Jan
#Knicks have sent Jerome Jordan and Jeremy Lin to Erie of the D-League

Charles Oakley @CharlesOakley34
@AdamZagoria what about the coach

Tommy Dee @TommyDeeTKB 17 Jan
@CharlesOakley34 Oak, you think he should be sent down too? LOL.

Charles Oakley @CharlesOakley34
@TommyDeeTKB the coach yes, u have to many good player on the team to be losing,to bad team bcat, raptors, warrior, Orlando

I may be thinking crazy but if the zen master isn't taking this job I'd LOVE to see Ewing get the job and have Oak and Herb on the staff (and Mase for the hell of it)
At what point does speculation and reality meet?

I can accept that Donnie knew we'd be losing for 2 years and it was all in for the summer of 2010, but we're never gonna know for sure what happened the last 3 years. The most we know about the Knicks management this last decade, we got from Anuncha Browne.

All I knew was that Jackson and JVG were friends, suddenly we went from getting Jackson to Pringles? And our new gm doesn't have a word to say about it? The first important move he makes and they just smuggled dude in at night, put out a statement and called it a day.

The past is the past, but Donnie was saying all the right things when he got here, about how we needed defense in New York, then D'antoni gets hired. Believe what you want to, but if all I care about is selling tickets, that's my guy. Your players don't have to be good to change the culture of the team.
This team is bad to watch.

It's obvious the players have tuned MDA out. Amare has been reduced to being a 4th quarter decoy with bad knees who stands around in the 4th quarter instead of dominating like he should be doing. Shump is a bright spot, but he's a rookie. Harrelson as well. I think they're playing bad because they want and need a new coach. Ya'll are forgetting that Dolan turned down MDA's contract extension request. He has nothing to lose. He's a millionaire and worse comes to worse, he can go back to Italy and coach or get paid by some other idiot team. The most overrated coach in NBA history. Someone said that he wasted Steve Nash and Amare's primes. And I agree

This team suffers from a "need a savior" complex....it's been rooted in the team psyche for years, but I've never seen it as bad as it is now. Part of it is fan expectations, part of it is NYC media but most of it is MSG's own marketing campaigns. The whole Bron sweepstakes and getting MDA to coach. Amare propped up to be best PF in Knicks history...ever. Amare was top dog last year..cool. Then Melo comes and these guys are supposed to be the best forward tandem in the league. Then Chandler gets thrown in the pot. Okay, so it's coming out that the three have issues. Let's count on a unheralded rookie to save the team. Then, said rookie has some struggles, and we're reduced to waiting on a PG with a questionable reputation to get healed from back issues? Keep in mind no one wants amare because his contract is uninsured and he's averaging some of his lowest digits.

Really? Is this what's going on?

Whatever the case, i think MDA is gone if the Nuggets win. He has no respect from the players.
Can't fathom why ppl are mentioning Mark Jackson in here
Talking like the GSW are top 5 defensive team after 15 games and got the best record in the league.

Few pages back ppl just finished discussing the whole GM situation and now want to flip the script about the hiring of Pringles. Stop living in the past. If yall just gonna go back to blaming Dolan might as well stop watching the Knicks until he dies or sells the team.
lmaooo Al Harrington hit me on Twitter and said he was never the #1 option here because i said he was and that it was bad to watch
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