let this thread die (NYK)

Melo needs to change his attitude, if he keeps it up the NY media and fans will rip him apart. This isn't Denver anymore.

 Definitely excited to see Baron play.
Brian Mahoney: Last thought, from Amare: "Once we get Baron back and everybody gets their rhythm back again, we should hit our stride pretty shortly."
Alan Hahn:
But I will say this: Amar'e looked most thrilled about Baron's presence. The two spoke at length after practice. Baron did most of talking.
Alan Hahn:
I remember last season was similar. It took Amar'e a few weeks to get that pop in his legs. Once he did it was off the charts.
All hope really lies in Baron

I feel Melo meant what he said about getting STAT involved more but he's not a pg so you can't put that all on him. We were playing fine offensively when Chauncey was here as far as getting those 2 the ball, around equal amount of shot attempts and a nice balance but things have changed with Tyson being here and no competent pg. Lets not forget he spent all summer rehabbing not playing summer ball with friends. I aint giving up on dude the way this team has formed. As for shot selection and choice Melo doesn't trust these other guys and honestly his shot selection wasn't bad he was just missing shots and kept shooting. He's obviously hurt.
Not excited for this Baron news

Would rather he come back and just do what he's supposed to..as opposed to media hyping it up.

Tommy Dee did have a hugepoint though. The media here is the most microscopic in sports. It's part of playing in the media capital of the world.

They're saying Carmelo and Amare are gonna meet up and talk. They should have done that before the season and a few games ago.
Stat AND Chandler though? We'd have even less depth, and I think we would be trading away the wrong combination.

That is of course if that rumor is even true which I highly doubt,
That's the thing it's not even a rumor. SAS has been mad with Amar'e's play as of late so he goes off on a rant and suggests the Knicks should offer that package. Granted him saying that will create a rumor and speculation that ORL might want that or will reach out to NYK about it.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

That's the thing it's not even a rumor. SAS has been mad with Amar'e's play as of late so he goes off on a rant and suggests the Knicks should offer that package. Granted him saying that will create a rumor and speculation that ORL might want that or will reach out to NYK about it.

He said his sources told him that and Orlando of course denied it.

I doubt SAS is lying
Unless the Orlando Magic show BIG interest in the deal, I don't want the Knicks involved in talks..Amar'e already seems bothered by something, so trade talks will just make him play more distracted and he'll try to play hero ball to show his worth to the team
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Stat AND Chandler though? We'd have even less depth, and I think we would be trading away the wrong combination.

That is of course if that rumor is even true which I highly doubt,

I'm saying. In whatever world where this trade is real, Ryan Anderson better be included. They're getting a top 4 defensive center (a leader) and an all-star PF who can put +$*%* in seats...both with 3 1/2 left on their contracts for your franchise center who's gone for nothing in 6 months, and the Turk, a mistake you can't wait to get rid of.

But that world ain't here. That's some fairy tales screamed by a dumb %+%%% leprechaun.

In this one, I can't wait to see what Baron can do, cuz it's literally to the point where all he has to give is someone who'll look off Melo sometimes, hit a wide open shot here and there, keep his dribble, be able to pass off the dribble and run the pick and roll decently.

That's it.

A lot of guards in the league could do all of that. We don't have any of them.
Was SAS a dumb #$@ Leprechaun when he reported Lebron to Miami weeks before the decision ? Or when he said Melo would be here and Gallo and Chandler would both be dealt to Denver ? I know SAS has a big mouth and comes off as ignorant alot but at the end of the day he doesn't pull $#@! out of a rabbit hat and hope it sticks alah a Chris Broussard . When he says he has sources that told him that Orlando asked us about Chandler and Amare I believe him . It doesn't even make sense to discuss right now because the deal can't happen till March 1st the earliest.
Amare/Chandler for Dwight/Anderson ??

Good deal for both teams IMO... the only way I pull the trigger is if Baron Davis is ready to go, full speed... if not, we are just spraying Febreeze on dookie
Gotta wait til around the deadline and see how the teams doing then before making deals. Orlandos gunna wait til then anyways and hope they get a Denver with NY and NJ type situation where Dwight's content with either team and pits them into a bidding war.
Highly doubt this happens with NYK again but I can understand yall desperateness.
SAS just said that Otis Smith has given Howard's agent permission to speak to the Knicks along with the Nets, Mavs, Lakers, and Clippers.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Stat AND Chandler though? We'd have even less depth, and I think we would be trading away the wrong combination.

That is of course if that rumor is even true which I highly doubt,

If the choice is between the best center in the league or the depth of a sub .500 team, I would go with the best center in the league. Such depth will be easy to replenish
After the showing Orlando put on tonight against a Allen and Rondo-less Celtics, I'd expect Dwight to be gone any day now
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Stat AND Chandler though? We'd have even less depth, and I think we would be trading away the wrong combination.

That is of course if that rumor is even true which I highly doubt,
If the choice is between the best center in the league or the depth of a sub .500 team, I would go with the best center in the league. Such depth will be easy to replenish
That's exactly what was said at the end of last season. Hell your whole post reads like something said before the Melo trade went down.
I'd love to have Howard on the Knicks, but I agree giving up Stat AND Chandler makes us too thin in the front court. I'm just wondering what's good with Amare man...dude ain't like himself in a minute. I would think 2 players of his and Melo's caliber would learn how to play off each other, but it looks like it's just not working
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