let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Stat AND Chandler though? We'd have even less depth, and I think we would be trading away the wrong combination.

That is of course if that rumor is even true which I highly doubt,
If the choice is between the best center in the league or the depth of a sub .500 team, I would go with the best center in the league. Such depth will be easy to replenish
That's exactly what was said at the end of last season. Hell your whole post reads like something said before the Melo trade went down.

They've replaced Felton with Davis, who has been injured. Replaced Chandler with Fields who hasn't played well and replaced gallo with Anthony, mozgov/turiaf with Tyson, and replaced Fields' bench slot with Shump. All of those are either upgrades or lateral moves. The only reason it doesn't seem like that is because of injuries to Davis and poor play from Fields and Douglas and you can't predict injuries or poor play . They replenished the depth just fine IMO
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ill steelo

If the choice is between the best center in the league or the depth of a sub .500 team, I would go with the best center in the league. Such depth will be easy to replenish
That's exactly what was said at the end of last season. Hell your whole post reads like something said before the Melo trade went down.

They've replaced Felton with Davis, who has been injured. Replaced Chandler with Fields who hasn't played well and replaced gallo with Anthony, mozgov/turiaf with Tyson, and replaced Fields' bench slot with Shump. All of those are either upgrades or lateral moves. The only reason it doesn't seem like that is because of injuries to Davis and poor play from Fields and Douglas and you can't predict injuries or poor play . They replenished the depth just fine IMO
What you mean predict injuries? We signed Baron knowing he was injured. The Cavs cut him partially because he was injured. Son was well within prediction. Can't call a dude a replacement when he's not in the plans to start the season. A healthy Baron being a lateral move or upgrade for Felton or Chauncey is questionable.

You're bugging if you think a 2nd year player is a lateral move or upgrade for what Chandler was doing. Just for one thing the switching we do wasn't a big problem for him given the multiple positions he could guard something Fields could never do. Fields played great for like half of last year and has lost and he hasn't shown signs he'll ever get back what he showed in his rookie season.

Regardless of that you talking like a 6th man rotation is all we need. We had bums on the roster last year and there's more this year as far as consistency goes after you exclude the players already mentioned.

Anyway my point still stands, dudes talking like filling out our roster and addressing our depth is as easy as pie when we failed to do it the first time. Don't get why ppl are so eager to go through this again thinking it can't get worse. Gluttons for punishment.
Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

I'd love to have Howard on the Knicks, but I agree giving up Stat AND Chandler makes us too thin in the front court. I'm just wondering what's good with Amare man...dude ain't like himself in a minute. I would think 2 players of his and Melo's caliber would learn how to play off each other, but it looks like it's just not working

They can't coincide at all. 
A jump shooting pf and a jump shooting sf...can't work especially when they both supposed to be the stars.

I didn't even realize til I heard the Stephen A Smith rant that ticket prices rose 49%; God dam...I mean come on they better fix this. People don't pay hard earned big money to watch this catastrophe.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

I'd love to have Howard on the Knicks, but I agree giving up Stat AND Chandler makes us too thin in the front court. I'm just wondering what's good with Amare man...dude ain't like himself in a minute. I would think 2 players of his and Melo's caliber would learn how to play off each other, but it looks like it's just not working

They can't coincide at all. 
A jump shooting pf and a jump shooting sf...can't work especially when they both supposed to be the stars.

I didn't even realize til I heard the Stephen A Smith rant that ticket prices rose 49%; God dam...I mean come on they better fix this. People don't pay hard earned big money to watch this catastrophe.
Do the Miami heat not exist?
Yeah but on the Heat, LeBron and Wade can create their own shot..Amar'e can't..How many times have we seen Amar'e try to dribble into the paint and get stripped? Dude has horrendous handles, which isn't really his fault bc most of his career he was a pick n roll guy. LeBron is a better passer than Melo and D-Wade is better than the 2 best guards on the Knicks combined. Bosh shoots jumpers but dude also plays in the paint occasionally. I think Bosh is soft as Charmin, but at least last season he was complaining that he didn't get enough possessions in the paint..You'll never hear Amar'e say that..Dude is content just taking jumpers from 15 feet
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

What you mean predict injuries? We signed Baron knowing he was injured. The Cavs cut him partially because he was injured. Son was well within prediction. Can't call a dude a replacement when he's not in the plans to start the season. A healthy Baron being a lateral move or upgrade for Felton or Chauncey is questionable.

You're bugging if you think a 2nd year player is a lateral move or upgrade for what Chandler was doing. Just for one thing the switching we do wasn't a big problem for him given the multiple positions he could guard something Fields could never do. Fields played great for like half of last year and has lost and he hasn't shown signs he'll ever get back what he showed in his rookie season.

Regardless of that you talking like a 6th man rotation is all we need. We had bums on the roster last year and there's more this year as far as consistency goes after you exclude the players already mentioned.

Anyway my point still stands, dudes talking like filling out our roster and addressing our depth is as easy as pie when we failed to do it the first time. Don't get why ppl are so eager to go through this again thinking it can't get worse. Gluttons for punishment.
With the injuries I was referring moreso to Shump, but I omitted his name by accident. I should've been clearer. And Baron was 15/8 with LAC the last time he was healthy. Billups was 17/5 with NYK, Felton was 17/9. They're certainly comparable players when healthy. Baron was 13/6 in only 25 mins with a bunch of nobodies on CLE. If he was playing starters minutes that translates to 18/9. So it's certainly not a "questionable" comparison

Part of the reason NYK moved Chandler in the first place was because of how well Fields was playing just before Melo arrived & how poorly Chandler was. Wilson was a 14 point guy on 41% shooting in the month of January compared to Fields' 10 PPG on 56% shooting while being solid defensively & exceeding Wilson's contributions on the boards. He was a better fit for D'Antoni's system anyway because he was shooting the 3 much better than Chandler was last season before the trade. The point being, they're comparable players. Nobody could've predicted how poorly Fields would play alongside Melo.

I never said a 6th man rotation is all you need. I said that after the trade, NYK replaced the guys that they sent out with comparable players on paper.
Never liked Dwight, Always thought he was corny as hell outside of that Fast Don't Lie commercial.

But then I never cared either way bout Melo til he got here...so ehhhh. *ye shrug*

I mean year and change ago, I was cool with Bosh on our team, if it meant we could win a title.
Amar'e's and Chandler's crumbling knees for the best defensive player in the league who never gets injured...You do that deal with no hesitation.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

What you mean predict injuries? We signed Baron knowing he was injured. The Cavs cut him partially because he was injured. Son was well within prediction. Can't call a dude a replacement when he's not in the plans to start the season. A healthy Baron being a lateral move or upgrade for Felton or Chauncey is questionable.

You're bugging if you think a 2nd year player is a lateral move or upgrade for what Chandler was doing. Just for one thing the switching we do wasn't a big problem for him given the multiple positions he could guard something Fields could never do. Fields played great for like half of last year and has lost and he hasn't shown signs he'll ever get back what he showed in his rookie season.

Regardless of that you talking like a 6th man rotation is all we need. We had bums on the roster last year and there's more this year as far as consistency goes after you exclude the players already mentioned.

Anyway my point still stands, dudes talking like filling out our roster and addressing our depth is as easy as pie when we failed to do it the first time. Don't get why ppl are so eager to go through this again thinking it can't get worse. Gluttons for punishment.
With the injuries I was referring moreso to Shump, but I omitted his name by accident. I should've been clearer. And Baron was 15/8 with LAC the last time he was healthy. Billups was 17/5 with NYK, Felton was 17/9. They're certainly comparable players when healthy. Baron was 13/6 in only 25 mins with a bunch of nobodies on CLE. If he was playing starters minutes that translates to 18/9. So it's certainly not a "questionable" comparison

Part of the reason NYK moved Chandler in the first place was because of how well Fields was playing just before Melo arrived & how poorly Chandler was. Wilson was a 14 point guy on 41% shooting in the month of January compared to Fields' 10 PPG on 56% shooting while being solid defensively & exceeding Wilson's contributions on the boards. He was a better fit for D'Antoni's system anyway because he was shooting the 3 much better than Chandler was last season before the trade. The point being, they're comparable players. Nobody could've predicted how poorly Fields would play alongside Melo.

I never said a 6th man rotation is all you need. I said that after the trade, NYK replaced the guys that they sent out with comparable players on paper.
Fam you said "Such depth will be easy to replenish" and from your response all you talked about were the main players we got through the trade and the Tyson signing. You aint address that we gave up 5 guys + picks for 3 (Balkman being the guy that doesn't even get much play).

They gave up Chandler one because with the plan at the time looking at CP3 we had no room to resign him in FA. That thought in mind was coupled with the fact of Fields' impact compared to Chandler's at the time. I didn't want Fields involved in the trade either but that was because of his potential not cuz I thought he was a better piece at the time than Chandler. As for the Baron talk love the guy but I'm not about to say it was a lateral move from Chauncey and Felton when going in to the season he was not the guy we eagerly pursued even if you bring up his stats with the Cavs as a backup when coming in we knew he was injured. When you're depending on if he's healthy.

You're talking about the ease of regaining our depth as if we currently have it. How are we easily getting a decent pf to replace STAT? Not to mention how terrible our bench is.

I mean it's just like I said ppl thought FAs would flock here after the trade when we gave up so many guys and that FA pool last off season wasn't that good and guys we wanted did not come here. Yet ppl want to go through this again and if it happens flippantly say we'll replace anybody we give up.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Amar'e's and Chandler's crumbling knees for the best defensive player in the league who never gets injured...You do that deal with no hesitation.
It's like you haven't been a Knicks fan the past 10 years the way you're jinxing us.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Yeah but on the Heat, LeBron and Wade can create their own shot..Amar'e can't..How many times have we seen Amar'e try to dribble into the paint and get stripped? Dude has horrendous handles, which isn't really his fault bc most of his career he was a pick n roll guy. LeBron is a better passer than Melo and D-Wade is better than the 2 best guards on the Knicks combined. Bosh shoots jumpers but dude also plays in the paint occasionally. I think Bosh is soft as Charmin, but at least last season he was complaining that he didn't get enough possessions in the paint..You'll never hear Amar'e say that..Dude is content just taking jumpers from 15 feet
I was mainly talking about Bosh pairing with Wade or Bron going off what I put in bold. The comparison still stands though. If you want to call Melo and Amar'e jump shooters (I have to assume one would ignore when Melo posts up or when Amar'e drives) and say they can't work then I can look at the Heat and ask how they make it work. Bosh is a jump shooting pf as well. All that better passer and Wade being better than our 2 guards doesn't have anything to do with it.

I don't even know why you're saying Amar'e would never publicly ask for the ball when this is the first time he's been faced with this problem (along with how he's started this season similar to last season). I mean Bosh ended up saying that during a Heat losing streak anyway.
Yeah this trade going through isn't very likely..I wouldn't be surprised if the Knicks are being used as leverage.. Deron Williams openly said he wouldn't resign with the Nets unless they got Dwight..So what would make the Nets more desperate to spice up their deal than to risk losing a SECOND star to their crosstown rivals? Nets went hard after Melo and struck out so they're not about to let the same thing happen with Dwight..So don't be surprised if the Nets throw Kris Kardashian-Humphries into the deal to spice it up..Wouldn't even be surprised if they threw in another role player like Morrow. Mark my words
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Yeah this trade going through isn't very likely..I wouldn't be surprised if the Knicks are being used as leverage.. Deron Williams openly said he wouldn't resign with the Nets unless they got Dwight..So what would make the Nets more desperate to spice up their deal than to risk losing a SECOND star to their crosstown rivals? Nets went hard after Melo and struck out so they're not about to let the same thing happen with Dwight..So don't be surprised if the Nets throw Kris Kardashian-Humphries into the deal to spice it up..Wouldn't even be surprised if they threw in another role player like Morrow. Mark my words

If I'm Otis Smith theres no way I'm taking Anthony Morrow, HUmphries and Brook (as part of a losing team) over Amare and Chandler for Dwight
I am NOT with that trade but something nobody is thinking about; The NYC media will eat dwight man-child @#$ up!!
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

I'd love to have Howard on the Knicks, but I agree giving up Stat AND Chandler makes us too thin in the front court. I'm just wondering what's good with Amare man...dude ain't like himself in a minute. I would think 2 players of his and Melo's caliber would learn how to play off each other, but it looks like it's just not working

They can't coincide at all. 
A jump shooting pf and a jump shooting sf...can't work especially when they both supposed to be the stars.

I didn't even realize til I heard the Stephen A Smith rant that ticket prices rose 49%; God dam...I mean come on they better fix this. People don't pay hard earned big money to watch this catastrophe.
Do the Miami heat not exist?
This is one of the rare occasions that it worked out.
I also think Bosh/Bron work because Bron plays as a point-forward, where Lebron is trying to be get everyone involved. Also Bosh has a way better post up game than STAT
If I'm Orlando Shump would have to be part of the deal
Cause they can get Gasol or Bynum for Howard

These next 2 games can be the cure for us

Oh yeah F Dolan
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

Gallo's gonna be a star. Improved in almost every category since being traded.


Does anyone else think if Melo is having trouble working with Amare and Chandler hes going to have that same problem with Dwight?

Get Steve Nash in here and our offense would be leaps and bounds better
Don't think Dwight is built for this city, and secondly if you think Melo and Amare is bad, just imagine Dwight slowing the game down.

.....but I can't go in one direction with that, both scenarios have its pros and cons.
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