let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by tim teufel

He didn't change a damn thing. We couldn't even win one playoff game with him and melo.

are you serious? Amare was injured and melo had to put us on his back to even come close to winning a game... we lacked so much depth and pringles was running a 6 man rotation, dudes was huffing and puffing out there.

Amare brought NY basketball back hands down and anyone who doesnt agree is an idiot. This is going to be a tough decision if we do sign chandler because he brings what this team needs, defense and rebounding.

I love stat but saying he brought the Knicks back is reaching. We are still a long way off from a chip

How is that reaching? we havent been relevant for like 10 years, Amare was the best move we have made in over ten years, name someone else, dont worry ill wait
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Hope they trade Amare for Paul, that would be epic LULZ


CP3, Melo, Tyson > Melo, Amare, Tyson
^This! x 10. More athletic and the team would be able to run up and down. Melo is used to that style, and it would be more of the same for CP3 and Tyson Chandler. The next piece to solve would be the coach and bench. I guess this logic would just make too much sense
Wait how is Melo, Amare Tyson less athletic than the other group or less able to run up and down the court? With Pringles as coach currently that's usually what the Knicks offense has done regardless of who is on the roster.  With either group you lose something

I read it wrong my bad, but Amar'e has to be out. He would make them more of a half court team because he doesn't have the ability to run up and down like Chandler does. Amar'e is used to the high pick and roll. Can't you tell from the four games against the Celtics that that type of offense with Melo will NOT work. 

*On a side note: all this Chauncey bashing needs to stop. If it wasn't for him, the Melo trade could have gone sour real soon. He kept things cool when Melo complained about the offense soon after. ADDITIONALLY, he has been a good influence on Tony Douglas' game in the short time he played with him. TD made better decisions and took less 3's and looked more like an efficient PG after Chauncey left. And he did it while not wanting to be here, so kill that noise.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by tim teufel

He didn't change a damn thing. We couldn't even win one playoff game with him and melo.

are you serious? Amare was injured and melo had to put us on his back to even come close to winning a game... we lacked so much depth and pringles was running a 6 man rotation, dudes was huffing and puffing out there.

Amare brought NY basketball back hands down and anyone who doesnt agree is an idiot. This is going to be a tough decision if we do sign chandler because he brings what this team needs, defense and rebounding.

I love stat but saying he brought the Knicks back is reaching. We are still a long way off from a chip
^ Thank you. These are steps TO getting to that level. They aren't there yet.

Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by beh235

^This! x 10. More athletic and the team would be able to run up and down. Melo is used to that style, and it would be more of the same for CP3 and Tyson Chandler. The next piece to solve would be the coach and bench. I guess this logic would just make too much sense
Wait how is Melo, Amare Tyson less athletic than the other group or less able to run up and down the court? With Pringles as coach currently that's usually what the Knicks offense has done regardless of who is on the roster.  With either group you lose something

I read it wrong my bad, but Amar'e has to be out. He would make them more of a half court team because he doesn't have the ability to run up and down like Chandler does. Amar'e is used to the high pick and roll. Can't you tell from the four games against the Celtics that that type of offense with Melo will NOT work. 

*On a side note: all this Chauncey bashing needs to stop. If it wasn't for him, the Melo trade could have gone sour real soon. He kept things cool when Melo complained about the offense soon after. ADDITIONALLY, he has been a good influence on Tony Douglas' game in the short time he played with him. TD made better decisions and took less 3's and looked more like an efficient PG after Chauncey left. And he did it while not wanting to be here, so kill that noise.
QFT, Chauncey knew he was just a pawn in the midst of all this... He was a good sport and I wouldnt mind him on the team as long as that contract wasnt 14 million. The bashing is stupid, Billups has always been a stand up guy.
Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by nightruans

are you serious? Amare was injured and melo had to put us on his back to even come close to winning a game... we lacked so much depth and pringles was running a 6 man rotation, dudes was huffing and puffing out there.

Amare brought NY basketball back hands down and anyone who doesnt agree is an idiot. This is going to be a tough decision if we do sign chandler because he brings what this team needs, defense and rebounding.

I love stat but saying he brought the Knicks back is reaching. We are still a long way off from a chip

How is that reaching? we havent been relevant for like 10 years, Amare was the best move we have made in over ten years, name someone else, dont worry ill wait

Brought the Knicks back to what tho? To being a one and done 7th to 8th seed in the east. Cool. Sorry I need to see this dude play some d and step his game up for me to give him those kinda praises
he initially didn't want to be here...but...what beh said is true too tho. i dunno. *shrugs*
i just want whats best for our team.
We won't trade Amare, CP3 will be dealt elsewhere.

Billups can go cry somewhere else with his millions of dollars he'll earn this year. It's a business, deal with it.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by tim teufel

I love stat but saying he brought the Knicks back is reaching. We are still a long way off from a chip

How is that reaching? we havent been relevant for like 10 years, Amare was the best move we have made in over ten years, name someone else, dont worry ill wait

Brought the Knicks back to what tho? To being a one and done 7th to 8th seed in the east. Cool. Sorry I need to see this dude play some d and step his game up for me to give him those kinda praises
We couldnt even smell the playoffs before amare. If we got chandler, I dont think I would be too made if we traded him for CP3 simpy because we would have above avg players inside and out. But to say Amare didnt make NY basketball more exciting and worth watching is dumb. I am not saying he made us a contender when we got him I just said he brought ny basketball back to relevancy.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

lol @ calling D'Antoni "Pringles"

so what are the chances the Knicks get CP3?

according to this thread slim/none

according to outside sources 10 percent lol
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by tim teufel

I love stat but saying he brought the Knicks back is reaching. We are still a long way off from a chip

How is that reaching? we havent been relevant for like 10 years, Amare was the best move we have made in over ten years, name someone else, dont worry ill wait

Brought the Knicks back to what tho? To being a one and done 7th to 8th seed in the east. Cool. Sorry I need to see this dude play some d and step his game up for me to give him those kinda praises

^ To your point there, this is why Chandler would be a better fit. Doesn't have to share the ball with Melo, plays better D, can run. Trade Amar'e and boom, you're in business. BUT I don't see it happening however, I could be wrong.
If we sign Chandler and Hill is there anyway we can somehow trade for Nash or thats a total pipe dream??
Knicks can still get CP3 without trading anyone. Watch.

I posted it in the other thread, but look at this new proposal in the CBA.

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Renegotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

NO CLUE how that got in the CBA, but we'll take it.

Knicks could either extend Melo, Amare and Tyson for 1 year and not add money, or 2 years and add money but at a lower yearly clip to add money to sign CP3.

Just a thought. If I'm the Knicks, I do everything with the idea that there will be a work stoppage after 6 years of this CBA.
Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

 so what are the chances the Knicks get CP3?
according to this thread slim/none

according to outside sources 10 percent lol

looks like we got him NT/NYK fam....

Looks like there's a trade being discussed where CP3 would go the Lakers in a 3 team trade. ESPN.com has the story here.
There will be another work stoppage in 6 years, nature of the beast.

And even if we can't get CP3, I'm confident Nash would come here next year to play with Amar'e/Pringles again and sign for the Vet minimum.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Re-negotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

For those that didn't know.

If that provision is voted in, the Knicks would have to do is convince Melo and Amare to extend their 3/63 deals to 4/63 deals, thus adding 8 million in cap room. Could talk to Tyson Chandler to work out a similar exchange and lower his overall cap number & the Knicks should have 10-11 mil in cap room to get their dream point guard. Trade away a player or two and they should get to a number around 14 million. Basically what the Heat did to play with one another.
Originally Posted by arrjae2

looks like we got him NT/NYK fam....

Hahn says it's a foregone conclusion, huh?

Aside from pulling Cp3/Dwight out of our #+*, this was as good of a move as possible, I think. Bring on the hate. 
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