let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by psk2310

Looks like there's a trade being discussed where CP3 would go the Lakers in a 3 team trade. ESPN.com has the story here.

Why would the rockets give up Martin and Scola for gasol? No sense that won't happen
So Chauncey might go to Miami if we cut em loose? Tell em why you really mad son?!?

As much as I love Amar'e for helping bring us back to relevance, what bothers me even more is trading a big with a bad knee to get smaller, for another player with a bad knee as well. CP3 ain't exactly the biggest guy either, you never know how the wear and miles will reflect on his play and quickness. When his quickness and explosiveness go, he's going to be a completely different player. If and when this happens he'll have tremendous difficulties on the defensive end, not what we need.
And although it feels like we've been waiting for FA's year after year, John Wall sure as hell isn't gonna stay in Washington. Plug the gap for now, IMO let's leave options open at the PG position.

We can win with a core of Tyson, Melo & STAT, barring injury. Not saying we don't need CP3, but it doesn't address our weaknesses. Part of the reason people always talk about a PG when discussing us is bc of our %$%%@@! coach Pringles who for some reason, seems to stress that a PG and 3 point shooters will bring success. Once Pringles is gone, and we are running more of a traditional offense and this team (hopefully) clamps down on D, I think other people will see that we can get by with our PG not being an absolute stud. Is TD gonna get the job done? !!%+ no but it's not like we're bringing in Yuta Tabuse to run the point.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

There will be another work stoppage in 6 years, nature of the beast.

And even if we can't get CP3, I'm confident Nash would come here next year to play with Amar'e/Pringles again and sign for the Vet minimum.

Exactly. That's why I'm all for disregarding cap room in the future. There will be some fundamental changes to the system that will allow for us to get out of the system. So abuse this one. If it means extending Melo and Amare's deals for 3 more years to 2018 as a means to get more cap room to sign CP3, I'm all for it.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Knicks can still get CP3 without trading anyone. Watch.

I posted it in the other thread, but look at this new proposal in the CBA.

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Renegotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

NO CLUE how that got in the CBA, but we'll take it.

Knicks could either extend Melo, Amare and Tyson for 1 year and not add money, or 2 years and add money but at a lower yearly clip to add money to sign CP3.

Just a thought. If I'm the Knicks, I do everything with the idea that there will be a work stoppage after 6 years of this CBA.

stevekylerNBA Steve Kyler
RT @christomasson: Source says Hornets thought they were very close to a deal to send Chris Paul to Lakers but then Lakers backed off. ...
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

There will be another work stoppage in 6 years, nature of the beast.

And even if we can't get CP3, I'm confident Nash would come here next year to play with Amar'e/Pringles again and sign for the Vet minimum.

I hope so
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by The Wizard

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Re-negotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

For those that didn't know.

If that provision is voted in, the Knicks would have to do is convince Melo and Amare to extend their 3/63 deals to 4/63 deals, thus adding 8 million in cap room. Could talk to Tyson Chandler to work out a similar exchange and lower his overall cap number & the Knicks should have 10-11 mil in cap room to get their dream point guard. Trade away a player or two and they should get to a number around 14 million. Basically what the Heat did to play with one another.
Didn't know about this but it definitely makes me feel more comfortable with signing Chandler. Hopefully it gets voted in.
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by beh235

^This! x 10. More athletic and the team would be able to run up and down. Melo is used to that style, and it would be more of the same for CP3 and Tyson Chandler. The next piece to solve would be the coach and bench. I guess this logic would just make too much sense
Wait how is Melo, Amare Tyson less athletic than the other group or less able to run up and down the court? With Pringles as coach currently that's usually what the Knicks offense has done regardless of who is on the roster.  With either group you lose something

I read it wrong my bad, but Amar'e has to be out. He would make them more of a half court team because he doesn't have the ability to run up and down like Chandler does. Amar'e is used to the high pick and roll. Can't you tell from the four games against the Celtics that that type of offense with Melo will NOT work. 

*On a side note: all this Chauncey bashing needs to stop. If it wasn't for him, the Melo trade could have gone sour real soon. He kept things cool when Melo complained about the offense soon after. ADDITIONALLY, he has been a good influence on Tony Douglas' game in the short time he played with him. TD made better decisions and took less 3's and looked more like an efficient PG after Chauncey left. And he did it while not wanting to be here, so kill that noise.
I get what you're saying but all Amar'e did was run with Nash and Pringles in PHX. Besides that you NEED a halfcourt offense in the playoffs. MIA found that out in the playoffs and stepped up. CP3 and Amar'e can pull the pick n roll just as well if not better than Chandler.
Pringles is not part of the big picture people. Dude is on his last year of his contract. Barring a miracle I just don't see how the Knicks can even entertain extending his deal. I think those who watch this team on a night in and night out basis will agree with that too. IMO he got such a free pass bc of the lockout. Season was over, people talked the Heat collapse and the lockout happened. No time to roast Pringles for basically being solely responsible for his team losing games 1 + 2. Casual Knick fans, go ahead and pick out certain plays but throughout the last 4 minutes of those first 2 games, Pringles consistently put his players in positions NOT to succeed. Period.
Toney is serviceable. Post All-Star break he was 13 and 5 with only 1 TO a game and shot 40% from 3. Not bad for a 2nd year player under a coach who is pretty demanding of his guards.
Amar'e Stoudemire 
Leaving practice today. Measured in at 6'11" 260 pounds, with 7% body fat. I'm ready!! All that work on my back payed off, I'm now 6'11
TD is absolutely serviceable but I also think he still has a ways to go as far as becoming a PG. As demanding as Pringles is of his guards the system isn't hard to pick up and understand, it certainly doesn't require a high basketball IQ to get the offense. I just think Toney is a combo guard in transition, but in terms of being ready to be a NBA PG, he'll still have a ways to go once Pringles is gone bc he just didn't have the opportunity to properly learn what most coaches will want out of a PG. Physically, he has the tools *pause*, no doubt about it.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by The Wizard

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Re-negotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

For those that didn't know.

If that provision is voted in, the Knicks would have to do is convince Melo and Amare to extend their 3/63 deals to 4/63 deals, thus adding 8 million in cap room. Could talk to Tyson Chandler to work out a similar exchange and lower his overall cap number & the Knicks should have 10-11 mil in cap room to get their dream point guard. Trade away a player or two and they should get to a number around 14 million. Basically what the Heat did to play with one another.

I pray the Lord my soul to take.

[h3]Players Can Renegotiate Existing Contract For Smaller Amount Over Longer Period[/h3]
Dec 08, 2011 4:20 PM EST


A big part of the NBA's new CBA will be a "renegotiation and extension" provision.

It will allow players to be paid a smaller amount over a long period, but the salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent.

A renegotiated salary previously could only increase a salary.

ViaLarry +$!*, Marc Stein/ESPN


Read more:http://basketball.realgm.com/wireta...aller_Amount_Over_Longer_Period#ixzz1fz10xDix
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Pringles is not part of the big picture people. Dude is on his last year of his contract. Barring a miracle I just don't see how the Knicks can even entertain extending his deal. I think those who watch this team on a night in and night out basis will agree with that too. IMO he got such a free pass bc of the lockout. Season was over, people talked the Heat collapse and the lockout happened. No time to roast Pringles for basically being solely responsible for his team losing games 1 + 2. Casual Knick fans, go ahead and pick out certain plays but throughout the last 4 minutes of those first 2 games, Pringles consistently put his players in positions NOT to succeed. Period.

Besides last year when has Dantoni had a real team for us to do anything with? I agree there have been times that ive questioned his play calls but wait until this season is over with to decide were going to completely get rid of him. Now he has the star players and well see just how good of a coach he is.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by The Wizard

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Re-negotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

For those that didn't know.

If that provision is voted in, the Knicks would have to do is convince Melo and Amare to extend their 3/63 deals to 4/63 deals, thus adding 8 million in cap room. Could talk to Tyson Chandler to work out a similar exchange and lower his overall cap number & the Knicks should have 10-11 mil in cap room to get their dream point guard. Trade away a player or two and they should get to a number around 14 million. Basically what the Heat did to play with one another.
Didn't know about this but it definitely makes me feel more comfortable with signing Chandler. Hopefully it gets voted in.

It was agreed upon by both sides.
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

So Chauncey might go to Miami if we cut em loose? Tell em why you really mad son?!?


AlexKennedyNBA Alex Kennedy 

That's why Billups is upset. He wouldn't be able to sign with a team like Miami or Los Angeles. He would likely go to a team under the cap.

10 minutes ago

https://twimg0-a.akamaihd...x/img/tweet-dogear.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 24px; height: 25px; background-position: 24px 25px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">


AlexKennedyNBA Alex Kennedy 

Teams under the cap would bid for Billups and he'd go to highest bidder. He wouldn't pick his next team, unless nobody bids (won't happen).

13 minutes ago

https://twimg0-a.akamaihd...x/img/tweet-dogear.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 24px; height: 25px; background-position: 24px 25px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">


AlexKennedyNBA Alex Kennedy 

If the Knicks use the amnesty clause on Chauncey Billups, he'll have a long list of suitors. There are a lot of executives who love Billups.

19 minutes ago
Nothing to do with players. You can have 10 all stars but not knowing how many time outs you have left in game 1 of a playoff series? This has nothing to do with him and having a real team. He doesn't call plays either, our offense is predicated off ball movement and reads, we have about 2-3 sets offensively.

Players got nothing to do with his defensive philosophies either, which are basically nonexistant. Pringles stays consistently lacking the knowledge to put this team in a position to succeed defensively. His only principle? Switch every pick.... I seen girls HS teams fight through picks harder than some Knicks during this Pringles era.
Sick and tired of people hearing say give Pringles a chance, give him a chance to show he doesn't belong coaching at this level? Sure he got his Suns teams far but they were shooting 40% from 3 scoring 140 a game. I think anyone can coach his players to spot up behind the arc, swing the ball and shoot it when you're open.

How many times a game to we get quick buckets out of time outs? Never? How many times has Pringles refusing to foul cost us a game? 4, 5? And when this happens in the playoffs you're going to say Pringles choked in the spot? No. He's been coaching this way for years.

Mother ++$+ Mike D'Antoni.
Who is running our FO? Allan Houston? Glen Grunwald? or is Donnie still making power moves from the shadows? I need to know should be getting all the praise since we were pretty dead on rumor circuit a few days ago.
We lost Grant Hill. Amnesty-ing Chompsy and getting under the cap means we can't afford him anymore. He's either going back to Phoenix or San Antonio.
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