let this thread die (NYK)

Melo better fall in line when he comes back. Because if he disrupts this chemistry the Knicks are enjoying, the NY media will run him Str8 out of the city, as they should. I've heard people say, oh he's played with good point guard before. Lin is a whole different situation. I think the worse thing that will happen is Melo feeling he needs to jack thirty shots because of his scorers mentality. If he falls in line and play within the flow of the offense, the Knicks will have a legitimate shot. If his ego gets in the way, its gonna be a cancer on the team. This is must see basketball, especially for a purist of the sport such as I.






lollll at the last pic

im hyped up to see melo back. i see alot of open looks and im very nervous about amare not being able to spazz out like last year

i was nervous about melo but cmon we need him pretty bad if we wanna get outa the first round

at least we are in the playoffs lol. @%$% was soooo bad
The commentators were right...every guard that faces the Knicks from now on is gonna give 100% against Lin
we saw Anthony Carter and Calderon get in his head first half and luckily Lin adjusted.
my only concern is ball security but I'm hoping that will go away as he gets more comfortable..

on another note I'm just as skeptical as everyone else with Melo coming back.
but has anyone seen the decent looks Landry, Walker and our other wing players have been gettin? It's a shame Novak is our only consistent shooter.

Most of Lin's dishes set up good shot selection so I'm hoping Melo gets more confident with his catch-and-shoot game.

Set some screens for Melo, have Jeremy penetrate and STAT and Chandler will always be threats as finishers. We just need more consist shooting to round it out and we should be solid.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Melo better fall in line when he comes back. Because if he disrupts this chemistry the Knicks are enjoying, the NY media will run him Str8 out of the city, as they should. I've heard people say, oh he's played with good point guard before. Lin is a whole different situation. I think the worse thing that will happen is Melo feeling he needs to jack thirty shots because of his scorers mentality. If he falls in line and play within the flow of the offense, the Knicks will have a legitimate shot. If his ego gets in the way, its gonna be a cancer on the team. This is must see basketball, especially for a purist of the sport such as I.

tell us more
Originally Posted by Truballa101

The commentators were right...every guard that faces the Knicks from now on are gonna give 100% against Lin
we saw Anthony Carter and Calderon get in his head first half and luckily Lin adjusted.
my only concern is ball security but I'm hoping that will go away as he gets more comfortable..

on another note I'm just as skeptical as everyone else with Melo coming back.
but has anyone seen the decent looks Landry, Walker and our other wing players have been gettin? It's a shame Novak is our only consistent shooter.

Most of Lin's dishes set up good shot selection so I'm hoping Melo gets more confident with his catch-and-shoot game.

Set some screens for Melo, have Jeremy penetrate and STAT and Chandler will always be threats as finishers. We just need more consist shooting to round it out and we should be solid.

I dont get why everyone is so worried about Melo? Did no1 watch him when he played with Denver? The man is a beast at sealing his man at the elbow and then just getting the ball from his PG with the triple threat options and going to work. He wont need to force anything like he did the first part of the season. His game will go back to the silky smooth game we are all used to from Melo when he was with Denver. No more dribble up the court and shoot the 3, no more dribble around for 20 seconds trying to find someone cutting and then taking a bad shot because he has to be a point forward (Thank you TD). Melo will be fine. He doesnt want to dribble the ball up the court every time but he did it because he was the best option at the time to do that.

From everyones comments you would think D'antoni was screaming at him from the bench to give the ball to Douglas or Bibby to bring it up but Melo was gettin his Willy Beamin on and just calling his own number. 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I think my favorite thing about the Lin game winner was that it was against Calderon..This dude was walking around like he was Lin's kryptonite and doing the JR Smith 3 point sign every time he hit a 3..He was getting extra pumped for no damn reason just because for once in his career he's finally playing well. In the 1st quarter, he hit his 2nd three pointer and the Knicks called a time out and this clown is screaming "LETS %*!+%*% GOOOOO!!" I was watching like "Word? You're that hyped because you're outplaying Lin IN THE FIRST QUARTER?"

Then Lin !++$ on this dude's life and nailed a game winner right in his ugly $$*$*% face. After Lin hit that 3, this lame !$% 30 year old NBA player that looks like he's actually 50 with a fake birth certificate (word to Danny Almonte) turned around and just walked to the bench. I felt like flying to Toronto and camping out in front of the Raptors practice facility just to laugh in this dude's face in person.

Spoiler [+]
Goddamn I hate this dude Calderon

i hate calderon too 
J.R. Smith is supposed to be back in the states today....are ya'll still against signing him? In my opinion we can definitely use him....we still need a legit scorer off the bench, especially one that can knock down the three/create his own shot.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

J.R. Smith is supposed to be back in the states today....are ya'll still against signing him? In my opinion we can definitely use him....we still need a legit scorer off the bench, especially one that can knock down the three/create his own shot.

Any signing that makes walker completely irrelevant im on board with
I'm not even a Knicks' fan but all I can think about is how good it must be to be a Knicks' fan. & I got that Empire State of Mind song stuck in my head, it's so fitting
Originally Posted by endemic415

I'm not even a Knicks' fan but all I can think about is how good it must be to be a Knicks' fan. & I got that Empire State of Mind song stuck in my head, it's so fitting
Need baron back so lin can get more rest. he's playing crazy minutes right now, fatigue is what i'm worried bout. that's why i also can't wait for melo to come back so lin can go to the bench and the scoring will still be on the court. i think he's averaging like 38+ min(not sure), he needs some rest
can't wait for the game tonight
This Jeremy Lin *+%% is the wildest thing I've seen in sports in quite some time.

Tebow isn't as much of an underdog as everyone makes him out to be. He was a big time recruit out of HS...went to one of the most prestigious football programs of all time and was a first round pick. The odds are against him because he sucks...not because of the road traveled.

Lin is something completely different.
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