let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by mjmoney23

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Thats true too.
Them two need to start getting on the same page and playing to their potentials. 

I don't know why D'antoni never puts them two in pick and roll situations with each other.
Not enough plays being consistently ran through them. I understand there needs to be ball movement but their best scoring games will result in them getting the ball in back to back possessions.
What constitutes as a play running through them though? Mello getting the ball in isolation and making a strong drive to the hoop or settling for a bad jumpshot. Mello can create good looks for himself, but some of those shots he took were terrible. As for the Big Useless down low, what can you possibly run for him? Some one needs to SET HIM A SCREEN so he can get a layup since his useless self can barely get up to dunk anymore. He is really starting to remind me of 99 Patrick Ewing when the team played at a fast pace and he slowed them down. Now the situations aren't exactly the same, but the defense played by the rest of the team is screwed with him jogging back and being afraid to guard his man.
Making sure either or both touch the ball on each possession giving them the option to score. I mean that's why they're first option players. Now whether that's a screen, pnr, or iso for Melo that's what it should be. Melo can catch and shoot and even score off the curl but is that what you want and expect all his offense to come from? That's just another way of making him not play his game. Same for STAT as far as iso, pnr, screen, or pick n pop. Dudes are gonna need to be in a rhythm to produce on offense since that's what they're there for. I aint even gonna bother talking defense in regards to STAT. As much as he's been a no show, he's been less involved in the offense just as much. I understand there are some easy plays to run with Tyson but you also got dudes like Jared Jeffries being part of plays he should not be part of, I still cringe when I see Lin or anyone pass to him down low expecting him to finish when we're just hoping he gets a foul call cuz we know he's gonna miss. I don't care how many corner jumpers or 3s the man makes. He should only take wide open shots and when a screen is ran with him Lin should take it to the hole himself or dish out for a 3. There's still not enough plays being ran with STAT and Lin.

Most importantly, Pringles needs to get this rotations right. I can only hope he's reviewing game tape over this break trying to figure out what works and who works best together. Cuz he just gets more players to use when Josh and Shump return.

@ Tim with his Melo had 3 straight bad games since he returned. I didn't know Melo's role in the ATL blowout constituted a terrible game. I'm pretty convinced you hate Melo since you have no where as much slander for Amar'e.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Amar'e is done

It's going to be really painful watching this dude over the next 3 years

looks psychological to me tho. the vibe he shows on the court its like he lost the love to play ball. sons body language is of someone that just does not care anymore.
He's just not exploding this year though.  He looks like his vert has decreased significantly.  So many times I see him go to the hole and not finish this year on stuff he would have dunked last year.
That's not a good recipe for a guy whos game is based off athleticism.  If he can't do that he is not a good player.  He plays no defense, does not rebound well so what is he giving us?

This is his move.  He gets the ball near baseline does a couple jab steps or heistations, goes left and gets stripped/blocked or puts up a horrible shot.  He has zero low post moves.  Plus there is the pyschological aspect as well.  He liked being the man last year and he's not anymore.  So he just goes through the motions.

Dude needs to have that ##++ Kobe did to his knees or something cause the next 3 years will only get worse.
Dudes are killing me in here. This thread used to have some sense.

The "big 3" had 20+ each for the 1st time this season.

We had the best team in the L (MOST TALENTED as well) coming into last night the "back story" of the game. Dudes had the target on Lin and they were motivated to make Lin look regular. They attacked Lin and had him rattled.

Lin was scared. I don't think this is the type of player he is, because he has shown he can play in the big moment already. There is no doubt that he mentally had NO chance last night. He looked NOTHING like the confident player he was the previous 10 games. I believe he was nervous and he was caught off-guard by how intense the Heat played him.

It's a good lesson tho. He has a bar to get to now. He knows the level the Heat are going to be coming at us with. He's a smart dude and I think he can use this game, and the game film to get better.

Dudes acting like we 0-1 in a playoff series. Still another 30+ games left.

Looking at the schedule, we can win 20 of the next 30. Even though it's a tough stretch.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist

Nah, tim teufel is right.

PG position shot the ball 1-18, thats Melo's fault.
Team had 19 turnovers, Melo had one, but lets be serious, the other 18 were his fault as well
Shumpert was out, so was Jorts, Melo's doing I suppose
Melo was guarding Chris Bosh so it's his fault that Bosh was unstoppable
Lin shot 1-11 and was lucky enough to have some BS calls go his way so he could score some pity points at the line, Carmelo got inside his head and punked him pre-game


nice like christ
Originally Posted by MaxElite

You want to get into an uptempo game against one of the fastest teams in the league?
1.Turning the ball over in a deliberate half court offense is what Miami feeds off of more than anything. They're trying to stifle you in the half court, force a turnover or bad shot, and then get out and run.

2. So why let them get a chance to set up their half court D all the time? 
1. More uptempo = more possessions = more opportunities to turn the ball over. Factor in that the knicks are 29th turnovers, their primary ball handler is a turnover machine, & they're playing arguably the best ball hawking defense in the league & you're setting yourself up for failure.

2. Because you make MIA have to play offense in the halfcourt also, where they've shown that they're very very beatable.
Great learning experience for J.Lin . He had no shot to play well this game since hes never seen a athletic defense like this so commited to stopping him and were game planning against him for the past week. All in all with Miami playing like it was game 7 of the ECF with intensity through the roof we still didn't get blown out and was a run away for the majority of the game . Our PG's wont shoot 1-18 again and JR Smith won't be the best player for us on the floor again next time we meet. Lin will adjust and when we meet them again in april i expect Dantoni to adjust and have players come up and set screens right after the inbounds to neutralize the miami pressure and have JR do more ball handling also . The Knicks are not scared of the heat and imo when we click we are the only team in the eastern conference who can beat them in the postseason . Miami played their best game of the season (wade , james , and bosh all scoring 20 +, battier's corpse rising from the dead) while Lin and Tyson playing their worst games of the season , Melo and Amare still struggling , and Novak and JR being the only players on our team who can score. I feel very confident about this team in the second half .
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Great learning experience for J.Lin . He had no shot to play well this game since hes never seen a athletic defense like this so commited to stopping him and were game planning against him for the past week. All in all with Miami playing like it was game 7 of the ECF with intensity through the roof we still didn't get blown out and was a run away for the majority of the game . Our PG's wont shoot 1-18 again and JR Smith won't be the best player for us on the floor again next time we meet. Lin will adjust and when we meet them again in april i expect Dantoni to adjust and have players come up and set screens right after the inbounds to neutralize the miami pressure and have JR do more ball handling also . The Knicks are not scared of the heat and imo when we click we are the only team in the eastern conference who can beat them in the postseason . Miami played their best game of the season (wade , james , and bosh all scoring 20 +, battier's corpse rising from the dead) while Lin and Tyson playing their worst games of the season , Melo and Amare still struggling , and Novak and JR being the only players on our team who can score. I feel very confident about this team in the second half .

My man.
Can't even front. If Lin is rattled, Baron will need to do a way better job setting up our other guys. It makes me wonder how he'll fare against more physical point guads and defenses....

Whatever the case, Melo was saying that he wouldn't demand the ball and all that, but I think everyone knows that when it's crunch tme He's the one you'd want taking those shots. He just can't say it.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Great learning experience for J.Lin . He had no shot to play well this game since hes never seen a athletic defense like this so commited to stopping him and were game planning against him for the past week. All in all with Miami playing like it was game 7 of the ECF with intensity through the roof we still didn't get blown out and was a run away for the majority of the game . Our PG's wont shoot 1-18 again and JR Smith won't be the best player for us on the floor again next time we meet. Lin will adjust and when we meet them again in april i expect Dantoni to adjust and have players come up and set screens right after the inbounds to neutralize the miami pressure and have JR do more ball handling also . The Knicks are not scared of the heat and imo when we click we are the only team in the eastern conference who can beat them in the postseason . Miami played their best game of the season (wade , james , and bosh all scoring 20 +, battier's corpse rising from the dead) while Lin and Tyson playing their worst games of the season , Melo and Amare still struggling , and Novak and JR being the only players on our team who can score. I feel very confident about this team in the second half .

I've been telling dudes that STAT is the black hole in this team, offensively and defensively. It is really hard to defend him as he's playing like this. After TD & Bill Walker, he is actually now the last person I want touching the ball. I personally think he has been that bad. At this point in the season, I rather have Jared Jeffries out there.

Jeffries plays significantly better defense.
Jeffries hustles more.
If given the same amount of minutes, I believe Jeffries can pull down the same amount of rebounds.
STAT's jumper results in the same backrim brick. Jeffries is probably hitting that corner jumpshot just as consistently.
When driving to the basket, STAT either loses it out of bounds going baseline, drawing offensive fouls by driving into 4 people, getting stripped, or blocked at the rim as if he was a 6'2" guard. Don't get me wrong, Jeffries can't finish either but for the past several games, neither can STAT.

I really hope this a psychological thing and not physically. Otherwise dude needs to take a hefty paycut or we are looking foolish paying this man $100 million
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

I've been telling dudes that STAT is the black hole in this team, offensively and defensively. It is really hard to defend him as he's playing like this. After TD & Bill Walker, he is actually now the last person I want touching the ball. I personally think he has been that bad. At this point in the season, I rather have Jared Jeffries out there.

Jeffries plays significantly better defense.
Jeffries hustles more.
If given the same amount of minutes, I believe Jeffries can pull down the same amount of rebounds.
STAT's jumper results in the same backrim brick. Jeffries is probably hitting that corner jumpshot just as consistently.
When driving to the basket, STAT either loses it out of bounds going baseline, drawing offensive fouls by driving into 4 people, getting stripped, or blocked at the rim as if he was a 6'2" guard. Don't get me wrong, Jeffries can't finish either but for the past several games, neither can STAT.

I really hope this a psychological thing and not physically. Otherwise dude needs to take a hefty paycut or we are looking foolish paying this man $100 million
I hope this break give him the mental rest he needs.  When he is full force we are a 3 seed in the East contending to make the finals.  When he is not full force we possibly gave max money to a dude who has Greg Oden knees 
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

Originally Posted by NobleKane

baron was actually a + 5 on the court while lin was a - 19 good lord

Wow, I don't remember baron making more than one shot the entire game! Lin was like a deer in the headlights, scared and playing with no confidence.

im pretty sure he didnt make any shot dude lol but they were still a plus when he was in.
i really dont think the lin melo thing is that big of a deal. you guys just ran into a buzz saw in the heat. i dont think anybody will beat them this year. 
Now that we have a good team out there can everyone chill on the blaming and just let them take their wins and losses while they gel?
Frank Isola: Carmelo just made 5 of 6 shots from half court. Mike D'Antoni should try to work that into the Knicks offense

I was watching the Beat yesterday and this guy Isola really thinks and gets ahead of himself with us becoming a 6th seed, beating Chi in the 2nd round and then going to the ECF. I think we can be the 6th seed and maybe even take the Atlantic but one step at a time man.
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