let this thread die (NYK)

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Great move NYK management.
Originally Posted by you go boy

i rather have vince than gilbert... but if that magic rumor is true and we get jameer and richardson for chauncey, fields and turiaf that would be crazy... talk about a great offseason

Where did you hear this?? Sources?
Originally Posted by you go boy

i rather have vince than gilbert... but if that magic rumor is true and we get jameer and richardson for chauncey, fields and turiaf that would be crazy... talk about a great offseason
I find that hard to believe. It's false. 
Originally Posted by Proshares

remember a couple years back when dudes were getting AMPED for Ramon Sessions in the offseason thread?
++@%@% were straight crying when ol' boy went to the Wolves.

RAMON $+$@%#% SESSIONS bro.

Baron Davis? Gilbert Arenas? Vince Carter? What is this, 2004? Have we not learned anything from the Isiah era?

Just get a decent playmaker who won't command too many shots and isn't a lazy $%# and we'll be straight. And whose heart doesn't pump vagina juice like Vince Carter.
For the record, I have no interest in Gil, just saying what his role would be.
Jameer is a bum.

For that, id rather have Douglas run the offense bc Jameer can't run any offense ... unless its him shooting.
we overpaid but not by a crazy amount. the interesting part, i cany picture too many better center fits

this trade extended amar's career. point blank. that is huge. He can go back to the 4 and not get banged up and damaged.

CP isnt a knick because he didnt wanna wait. his loss though. you dont need a top 3 pg to win chip

im nervous but excited and we got to keep shump and fields which can be flipped. we filled a gigantic need.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Why would you want Gilbert on the Knicks? Do you know how easy it is to buy guns in NYC?


I dont see baron davis as an upgrade from billups. Whats the age difference there?
Now if we get nash....wow!
Originally Posted by MrDozo

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Why would you want Gilbert on the Knicks? Do you know how easy it is to buy guns in NYC?


I dont see baron davis as an upgrade from billups. Whats the age difference there?
Now if we get nash....wow!

Baron is only 32.
u guys should roll the dice on arenas. doesnt he and lebron got beef? it would be perfect.

the more offensive weapons you have the better...

dantoni gotta go tho
Anybody that watched the Magic play last season can clearly see dude doesn't have much left in the tank..Idk how he declined so quickly but he did..At least TMac had multiple knee surgeries so he has an excuse..But Gil just got suspended then returned and sucked
Originally Posted by NobleKane

u guys should roll the dice on arenas. doesnt he and lebron got beef? it would be perfect.

the more offensive weapons you have the better...

dantoni gotta go tho

Dantoni is awful
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Can people stop talking about Arenas and Baron Davis? This isn't 04' man.

why does it matter? you dont need a young pg or a guy in his prime at the point. 
your team is amare and melo.

now all you have to do is find good role players. you guys signed chandler in the middle. now its time to pick up a veteran point guard...
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