let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by xbiker47

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Marc Berman @NYPost_Berman
According to source, #Knicks finalizing trade for Ronny Turiaf to Wizards tnt which will create enough cap space to make Chandler official.
Why is Turiaf going to the wizards? Who are the Wizards getting rid of?
To clear cap space so we can sign Chandler. Dunno who we'd get from the Wizards, hopefully a servicable sg, no high hopes since it is for Turiaf corrected by PMatic gues they're just taking him.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

Marc Berman @NYPost_Berman
According to source, #Knicks finalizing trade for Ronny Turiaf to Wizards tnt which will create enough cap space to make Chandler official.
What the hell happened to the S&T ?
I really want that MLE
The S&T with the Mavs is still going down but for a low salary player of our choice like Rautins. We're getting rid of Turiaf to clear cap space I believe. I don't think multiple players were going to be involved in the S&T anyway.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

im HELLA confused with the terms of this trade. smh... the only think Ive been hearing is Chandler is coming. Not much more official confirmed info
It's kinda like what ended up being a S&T with CLE and MIA when Bron went there.
We probably won't get anyone from the Wizards, we need to clear salary that's why we're moving Turiaf. Plus they might need to add salary and not lose it in order to meet the minimum salary cap figure.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I was gonna suggest someone whip it out

I was shook...I thought that NC duke was bout to.
I was getting into a debate with my dude...has anyone left the Knicks amicably in the last 5 years? At all?

David Lee...at best? That's it?
@alanhahn Alan Hahn
#Knicks will have the new half MLE ($2.5M/3 years) to use if they so desire to add another player, or go with vet mins.

@alanhahn Alan Hahn

Mike Bibby is mulling a couple of offers and may not decide until after the weekend. #Knicks are one team in touch with the veteran PG.

@alanhahn Alan Hahn
#Knicks also want to re-sign Shawne Williams, but have not yet offered beyond a one-year deal. Shawne has multiyear offers on the table.
Shawne wants to stay, but doesnt want to be used for just one year.

I'm not so happy for moving Turiaf, but whatever.

I still think we're wasting too much money on Chandler.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

@alanhahnAlan Hahn

Confirming @NYPost_Berman report of Turiaf to Wizards, which would lead to Tyson Chandler signing and kickstart #Knicks roster moves. #fb

38 minutes ago via TweetDeck 

Washington is giving up it's second round pick.
At least we get a pick.
Looks like Bibby's going to be our PG for this year smh

@sam_amick Sam Amick

Source says Mike Bibby is flying to New York in the morning with the intention of signing with the Knicks.

thats lame that we are signing bibby... that guy did absolutely nothing for miami and how would him being on the knicks be any different? total waste of cap space...the offense for this team is actually tougher for a guy like him compared to miami....this better be a 1 year deal...now that we got chandler my only plans were to sign shump, harrelson, jerome jordan and shawne.... and obviously pass on that bum jared and hold out next year for a pg and sg or somehow try to use the leftover money on 1 guy jrich, crawford or barrera
as long as it's for a 15 min a game back up role and for the vet minimum, whatever. (and I assume that is the case)
thats a terrible signing. bibby maybe the worst defensive point guard in the league. its outta him and fisher then again fisher did guard ray allen properly in the 2010 finals...

but bibby has fell way the !+%% off offensively aswell...
Totally bad signing at the 1. With guards like Rondo and Derrick at the 1, they're gonna rue this trade. Hopefully, its for one year.

I'd rather Toney, AC and Shum. At least you know they'll defend and Shum can get his bumps and bruises. Bad enough he can't learn from Billups, then you bring in a guy who's a defensive turnstile.

I hope they reach some sort of deal with Shawne but I'm not banking on it. He's getting multi year offers elsewhere.
hopefully shumpert and douglas completely shut down bibby in every practice from here on out. Smh and I was hoping we threw Shumpert out there in the fire, sorta like what the Celtics did with Rondo.
I’m really excited to have Chandler, but I’m definitely concerned about his durability.

Why is Stoudemire mentioning that he’s 6’11? He should be embarrassed that at that size he struggles to pull down 10 boards. He better not grab less than 10 this year.
I don't get it.

We brought in Billups, champion PG who can defend and run a team. Get the best defensive C on the market who just won a chip. Draft an athletic ballhawking rookie. Our tenative starting PG can defend....

Then we sign Mike Bibby?
Allen iverson is still looking for a team to contribute, I would take him over bibby, but bibby ain't really THAT bad.
NY Post says it's for a back up role.

Shumpert didn't even play PG exclusively last year, so..let's give that kid some time to adjust to the NBA first before he tries to make that transition. He can still get minutes backing up Landry at 2G and think him being on the floor as a combo guard with TD can work in spots.

Think TD is going to prove to be a 30+ min guy here early on and Bibby is going to be 10-15 mins a night. He's not the ideal guy and by all means, he IS as scrub right now, but you're not bringing in a Baron Davis to serve that role. Not sure who else could be targeted, he aint much better than Anthony Carter at this point, but somebody has to do it, I guess.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

hopefully shumpert and douglas completely shut down bibby in every practice from here on out. Smh.

Lol !We need to get B. Diddy for one yr. If hes not in shape we'll bench him for a couple games same way Clippers did before they started winning with him.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I don't get it.

We brought in Billups, champion PG who can defend and run a team. Get the best defensive C on the market who just won a chip. Draft an athletic ballhawking rookie. Our tenative starting PG can defend....

Then we sign Mike Bibby?
We don't get Chandler without waiving Billups, so as soon as we decided to get Chandler.. Chauncey became irrelevant. 
If Bibby is a backup guard who can just spot up and hit a 3, then ok.. assuming he's signing for the minimum. I'm not going to brag about signing Mike Bibby, but oh well.. he could be useful.
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