let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I don't get it.

We brought in Billups, champion PG who can defend and run a team. Get the best defensive C on the market who just won a chip. Draft an athletic ballhawking rookie. Our tenative starting PG can defend....

Then we sign Mike Bibby?

im not sure but if you sign chandler you cant have billups too

I do understand that. Billups was on his way out either way you cut it. Just...you go from Billups to Bibby.

Helluva downgrade. Smh.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I was gonna suggest someone whip it out

What the hell man?!

edit: Didn't read the last page with tina cervasio...so that's what you were referring to lol...i thought you just made a random comment...I was like whats up with you tonight, man 

8 players

Turiaf traded (WAS)
Rautins traded (DAL)
Derrick Brown (CHA)

Jerome Jordan
Baron Davis
Earl Barron
Kurt Thomas
My biggest concern with Bibby is that he loves perimeter shots and Lord knows in D'Antoni's system, you can take 50 threes a game and he will not criticize you at all for it. Dude is gonna pass the ball to Melo at half court, spot up on the perimeter and just let it fly any time it touches his hand. I'm hoping he doesn't get more than 10 minutes a game. It would be huge for us if we could sign Redd to the MLE..I know he's a much different player than he once was, but even if he can give us 10 points a game on top of STAT and Melo's 50ppg combined, that will be good enough.

Also, that move by the Celtics to get David West makes it obvious they're worried about their Atlantic Division rivals, the NY Knicks..I don't see them making that move if the Knicks don't sign Tyson..I'm not worried though...KG's old knees+David West's fresh off of surgery knees<Amar'e and Tyson
With the schedule the way it is, we're probably gonna have a 10 man rotation. Wish we could get rid of Balkman too and we're probably gonna have to get someone to fill Purp's gap.

TD/(probably Bibby)
Amar'e/(backup needed, I'd hope we sign Jordan so then we can use Jeffries @ the 4)
You can't have a roster of only 10 players..The minimum is 12..The most you need on the bench at any one time is 8 but you must have at least 10 signed players.
Am I still not getting the big picture and still lost in wanting to sign a 3rd allstar? Like, is it not possible? Either way, Baron > Bibby. Oh, how sweet it wouldve been if we got CP.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

You can't have a roster of only 10 players..The minimum is 12..The most you need on the bench at any one time is 8 but you must have at least 10 signed players.
I know that I'm just talking about our rotation. Pringles aint playing all 12. Even if we had a full 15 to me it doesn't matter who the other guys are after the 10th man.

Forgot about Carter, he might get some burn if Pringles got his mind right.
Originally Posted by petermans

Am I still not getting the big picture and still lost in wanting to sign a 3rd allstar? Like, is it not possible? Either way, Baron > Bibby. Oh, how sweet it wouldve been if we got CP.

Small part of me got this hope tucked back that with no one coming to NJ...
we can renegotiate with Tyson, Amar'e and Melo and make room for Deron.

I mean renegotiation might not exist like I think
+even if it does all 3 probably wouldn't agree
+even if they did, we'd have to gut our roster all over again
or we'd trade a lot from the little we have left, and somehow none of our 'Big 3'
...sometimes I think we do this to ourselves.
The renegotiation can work, it's just stretching the money they're going to get over more years to give us more money for a specific off season. It's the blowing up our roster except Chandler-Melo-STAT that bothers me and is messed up.

Wish we could be gifted a trade of w/e scraps we have for a 3rd star like the Gasol trade to LA.
CP3 would still be nice but that looks like it would require a salary cap miracle.. in the meantime I hope Chandler can stay healthy and try his best to not look like Jared Jeffries on offense
. If he can do that, I feel our young talent plus our stars will put up some good numbers.. the last few years we have been great at having surprising unknown players play at a high level.. either way I'm excited for Xmas
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Add another 7-footer to the team.

The Post has learned 7-foot center Jerome Jordan, a 2010 second-round draft pick, will be the next addition to the Knicks' roster as he was involved in heavy contract negotiations late last night to bring him to New York, according to his agent Todd Ramasar.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knic...r_jerome_ntbrMaA7dYHvzrz4vEn4wK#ixzz1g90OgVLC


Looking like we might have the best front court in the league.
unless he had an unreal transformation since college -- he's a soft bum. But we need depth and he's 7'.


+ Balkman, Jorts (maybe?) = 12

3 spots left
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Add another 7-footer to the team.

The Post has learned 7-foot center Jerome Jordan, a 2010 second-round draft pick, will be the next addition to the Knicks' roster as he was involved in heavy contract negotiations late last night to bring him to New York, according to his agent Todd Ramasar.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knic...r_jerome_ntbrMaA7dYHvzrz4vEn4wK#ixzz1g90OgVLC


Looking like we might have the best front court in the league.

Best front court, worst back court unfortunately.  
Bibby was serviceable (offensively) for MIA in the regular season, but then the playoffs came and dude was just historically unproductive. He literally had a PER of 1 at one point during the playoffs. By the end he pulled it up to 3.6.

Completely inexplicable. Maybe he turns it around.
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