let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by d3simet



This season has great potential.
With billups gone, who is running point now?
Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!
damn u shoulda posted this in the season thread. this is an interesting story
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!

Spectacular23 wrote:
Damn u beat me to the pic.

I saw the report he literally just signed that an hr ago and then he took his first steps at the garden. Sources said that his words were " this is the greatest feeling in the world, no other arena felt this powerful ".

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!
I really wanna see him get claimed to somewhere he doesnt wanna be, if only for entertainment value
Chaunceyis mad...not that I totally blame him as a father and a veteran, you want that stability but its a business.

I think we're really gonna get exposed at the 1 spot this year. I just hope that Bibby and Baron don't find their way here.

Shawne should be a Knick too but we'll see where his priorities lie.
Ya'll gotta stop doggin Bibby.

As long as he can handle the ball and knock down an open 3 he'll be fine.
Even though he was a scrub for the Heat last year I think he'll wake up tis year
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!

that good heel turn
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

LarryCoon Larry @#*$
...But the start out over the cap, so it looks like they preserve their full MLE. (Again, this is pending my looking in detail). @shortross9
19 minutes ago 

LarryCoon Larry @#*$
I need to see the final details & do the math. RT @shortross9: can you explain what exceptions the Knicks have after all the Tyson deals?
19 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Ya'll gotta stop doggin Bibby.

As long as he can handle the ball and knock down an open 3 he'll be fine.
Even though he was a scrub for the Heat last year I think he'll wake up tis year
But son, his defense is THAT poor.
as a Dallas fan I'm so sad to lose Chandler, but for you Knicks fans and living in NY, I'm happy for you guys.

He is a great player and will impact your team right away.

You guys will see leaps and bounds of difference in defense and rebounding, he should provide a ton of fast break opportunities too.

Enjoy my dude Chandler
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Billups is furious

- For teams considering claim on Chauncey Billups, he tells Y!: "A leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive..This is about me now."
- Billups: "People take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with (getting claimed). I won’t be OK with this."
- Billups wants freedom to choose team. Warns those who'd claim him: You'll regret it. "I'm tired of being the glue guy." Story soon on Y!
Son must've been sleeping during the lockout and CP3 trade veto. The league runs this shh most of the time, especially if you not a star player. Don't think a team won't be fine with claiming you and letting you ride pine all season.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

:Rollin at Bibby guarding Rondo or Rose.
Bibby will probably end up getting "hidden" on the other team's worst offensive player like he did in Atlanta.
Mike Bibby for one year at league minimum.

15-20 minutes a game, let him spot up for the 3, don't make him guard athletic 1's.. I can live with it.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Not many teams are going after Marc Gasol because he's a restricted free agent so any offer a team like the Knicks made could have been matched by Memphis...And Gasol stated many times that his preference is staying in Memphis. He would have gotten a salary similar to Chandler's, except Chandler is a better shot blocker, defender, and rebounder. Gasol is a better scorer but he's a half court guy..Not a fast pace guy that D'Antoni would want in his system. The team needed defense more than offense so I'm not mad at the Chandler signing.
It's a good signing and he's a real good fit for the team...  The only problem now is that they have zero flexibility and what we have is not nearly enough to be a real contender (imo).  
D'Antoni is an offensive genius (I know everyone likes to hate him on this board) but even with him it's hard to see this offense really clicking and moving the ball like they did before the Melo trade.  They really only have two good offensive players on the whole squad.   It's hard to see Chandler functioning well on offense without a good PG (which is ok, not necessarily his job) but I'm seriously worried about the backcourt not being able to shoot or score.  It could be really hard to get buckets if the Knicks are relying soooo heavily on two players surrounded by incompetents like TD, Jeffries, Bill Walker, Chandler, uggggghhh
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Not many teams are going after Marc Gasol because he's a restricted free agent so any offer a team like the Knicks made could have been matched by Memphis...And Gasol stated many times that his preference is staying in Memphis. He would have gotten a salary similar to Chandler's, except Chandler is a better shot blocker, defender, and rebounder. Gasol is a better scorer but he's a half court guy..Not a fast pace guy that D'Antoni would want in his system. The team needed defense more than offense so I'm not mad at the Chandler signing.
It's a good signing and he's a real good fit for the team...  The only problem now is that they have zero flexibility and what we have is not nearly enough to be a real contender (imo).  
D'Antoni is an offensive genius (I know everyone likes to hate him on this board) but even with him it's hard to see this offense really clicking and moving the ball like they did before the Melo trade.  They really only have two good offensive players on the whole squad.   It's hard to see Chandler functioning well on offense without a good PG (which is ok, not necessarily his job) but I'm seriously worried about the backcourt not being able to shoot or score.  It could be really hard to get buckets if the Knicks are relying soooo heavily on two players surrounded by incompetents like TD, Jeffries, Bill Walker, Chandler, uggggghhh
Which one is it b ?
Get down or lay down

AC da hustla is going to the Raps...


no to bibby, unless he's coming off the bench....
and those warmup jackets look dope!


looks like we're signing him.

and obviously bibby isn't here to play defence. he's here to sit at the three while STAT/Melo do work...

and i think it would be good if we got barea...
Mike Bibby couldn't guard me, honestly. I'll be saddended if dude touched the floor, Dogulas is much better than this guy at this point.

If we have the full MLE, i'd rather go after a SG let Douglas run Point for this year and then hope Nash signs with us next summer for the Vet. minimum.
Bibby is going to play a minuscule role, especially if Barea comes.

not to thrilled with Barea eating into whatever bit of room we have left.

Chauncey..good riddance.
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