let this thread die (NYK)

I don't know how to feel about Bibby. I feel like he could be a good General on the court with the ball in Melo's and Amar'e's hands most of the time. He'll knock down the open 3. Defensively he will be hidden like someone said. Maybe some team success will cause him to want to get back into decent shape and he's knocking down that mid-range shot off the pick and roll again. At the end of the day Bibby was and elite player in the league and I think he can help. I'd start him too. Just limit his minutes to 15-20. T.D. and Shumpert will be fighting every practice and game to take that spot from Bibby and it should cause for some great production from both of them.

The Chandler signing has me hype though. We got somebody holding the paint down. Hopefully his rebounding and defense will rub off on Amare. Quiet as kept Amare was a good shot blocker for us last year.

I don't get why we would go after JJ if Bibby is here though. Instead, I feel like the 2G position is something we should be looking to fill. Is Anthony Parker to expensive?

Hopefully we can bring Shawne Williams back too. I feel like he has a great NY type of attitude and toughness. And he's gonna continue to feast from 3.

Overall I think we're def. Improved and thats all I can ask for. Last season was one my favorite Knick seasons ever. Hopefully this year surpasses it.
nice pickup in Chandler
AND you got Bibby 

I have no problem with the bibby signing. I have no idea what people were hoping for. When we barely have wiggle room.

I rather have the West> Barera
Originally Posted by d3simet


Tyson 'mirin STAT's chest

@ Billups'  statements..Dude doesn't wanna get picked up by any non-playoff contender because he wants to go to the Heat or Bulls (as a backup) just to teach the Knicks a lesson..I know 100% if he doesn't get picked up by a below average team, he's gonna fly straight to Miami and sign a contract on the spot out of spite
I'll take Shawne over JJ personally...Imagine a lineup of Shawne, Melo, Tyson, STAT, and Landry..That would be a lot of length and rebounding. If the team has the lead and that lineup is in the game, the team is in good shape to maintain or extend the lead.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Realgm posted we making a strong run for barea, but due to the bibby signing their exploring trades to get barea.
I say yes to this

Pringles is getting everything he said he always wanted and now he got it. If a trade is worked out he has his defensive c, a go to 3, a pf to pick n roll with, a spot up 3pt shooter in Bibby, a penetrating pg in Barea that can finish and a group he can send out there that can keep running.
How do we still have black in our Jerseys and we don't have any in our logo ? I thought the league had strict rules about colors in your logo HAVE to match your uniforms ?
I'm for giving Shawne Williams more than one year, dude deserves it. Dont like JJ Barea, dont like Bibby even more, not as a starting PG anyway. Give Tony and Shump the opportunity.

Douglas- Bibby
Fields- Shump
Melo- Walker
Amare- Purp
Tyson - Jerome Jordan

I like it, good enough for ECF imo.
Yeah, sadly we still have black in our uni's.  Awful.  

Bibby signing was necessarily, at least we have one true PG on the roster now. 
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

That line up is crazy too bad nobody can bring the ball up court
I'm saying. You want Landry to develop pg abilities and run point? You could've at least said Shumpert.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Do we know exactly who else is making offers to Purp?
Not for long if they get Dwight or give Nene the max.
Wait Amar'e had 2 microfracture surgeries?
I think Shumpert could play spot PG minutes this year.
You got to decide now if your going to make him a PG though.
i got wild mood swings. happy but i dont see us winning a chip. who knows though

so we have around 60 million to play with when are 3 main guys come off contract or wat
If we sign JJ we have TD, Bibby, and JJ all to play pg?

I guess thats what Dantoni's system calls for
thats why i dont understand the signing of bibby if we are trying to get barea... if we dont get barea than i guess the bibby signing makes some type of sense... they should have signed purp before thinking of giving bibby a contract though
My biggest fear is Pringles not giving Shumpert enough minutes for him to flourish..He has a bad reputation for not letting young players get too many minutes..Landry was an exception last year but he had no choice but to start him because that roster was thin as hell..If they didn't have Landry in there, the team was getting killed even more on the glass.
i figured that landry would ask amare to wear #1. since andys gone...
*cue forever alone meme*
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

My biggest fear is Pringles not giving Shumpert enough minutes for him to flourish..He has a bad reputation for not letting young players get too many minutes..Landry was an exception last year but he had no choice but to start him because that roster was thin as hell..If they didn't have Landry in there, the team was getting killed even more on the glass.
If he doesn't impress when he does get the chance or in practice I'm not sure he should be getting a lot of playing time or anything close to the minutes Fields got last year since we're basically trying to win now.
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