let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Not many teams are going after Marc Gasol because he's a restricted free agent so any offer a team like the Knicks made could have been matched by Memphis...And Gasol stated many times that his preference is staying in Memphis. He would have gotten a salary similar to Chandler's, except Chandler is a better shot blocker, defender, and rebounder. Gasol is a better scorer but he's a half court guy..Not a fast pace guy that D'Antoni would want in his system. The team needed defense more than offense so I'm not mad at the Chandler signing.
It's a good signing and he's a real good fit for the team...  The only problem now is that they have zero flexibility and what we have is not nearly enough to be a real contender (imo).  
D'Antoni is an offensive genius (I know everyone likes to hate him on this board) but even with him it's hard to see this offense really clicking and moving the ball like they did before the Melo trade.  They really only have two good offensive players on the whole squad.   It's hard to see Chandler functioning well on offense without a good PG (which is ok, not necessarily his job) but I'm seriously worried about the backcourt not being able to shoot or score.  It could be really hard to get buckets if the Knicks are relying soooo heavily on two players surrounded by incompetents like TD, Jeffries, Bill Walker, Chandler, uggggghhh
Which one is it b ?
Get down or lay down
Since my favorite team growing up no longer exists I've been a Knicks fan since I'm a native NYer....   But you know true fanship doesn't happen overnight so I give myself a grace period to be wishy-washy about it.
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by 10027

It's a good signing and he's a real good fit for the team...  The only problem now is that they have zero flexibility and what we have is not nearly enough to be a real contender (imo).  
D'Antoni is an offensive genius (I know everyone likes to hate him on this board) but even with him it's hard to see this offense really clicking and moving the ball like they did before the Melo trade.  They really only have two good offensive players on the whole squad.   It's hard to see Chandler functioning well on offense without a good PG (which is ok, not necessarily his job) but I'm seriously worried about the backcourt not being able to shoot or score.  It could be really hard to get buckets if the Knicks are relying soooo heavily on two players surrounded by incompetents like TD, Jeffries, Bill Walker, Chandler, uggggghhh
Which one is it b ?
Get down or lay down
Since my favorite team growing up no longer exists I've been a Knicks fan since I'm a native NYer....   But you know true fanship doesn't happen overnight so I give myself a grace period to be wishy-washy about it.


Welcome home.
Ek, welcome to New York, Mister Bibby. Honestly, I never thought he'd end up with the Knicks. 
EDIT: Here are some pictures. Finally, somebody is taller than Herb Williams.


makes no sense to sign bibby when you can throw that money at barrera or shawne williams or both... now bibby is just taking up that cap space... i see him as someone coming off the bench but still if it prevents us from signing other guys im against this
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Do not want Barea, aren't there some SG's out there that we could possibly make a deal for?


do we have enough to sign AP?
he could have the same role as Bibby, just sit on the three...

I think we gotta be patient on this PG situation. I like signing Bibby for the minimum. Let's find out what we got with Shumpert and see how things are going before we get desperate for a point.
I don't know what to make of the current roster.
as much as I know billups is making millions, I can't help but feel bad for him. dude was a finals MVP and I'm sure he doesn't wanna go back to that journeyman status that he once had. dude got pride which I ain't even mad @.

as far as signing Bibby, I don't even have a comment on it. I just don't want to fill up the roster too quickly and a better PG becomes available, or better players from any position for that matter. JJ Barea better put some work in if he comes.

can someone give me a list of players we currently have?
I don't know what to make of the current roster.
as much as I know billups is making millions, I can't help but feel bad for him. dude was a finals MVP and I'm sure he doesn't wanna go back to that journeyman status that he once had. dude got pride which I ain't even mad @.

as far as signing Bibby, I don't even have a comment on it. I just don't want to fill up the roster too quickly and a better PG becomes available, or better players from any position for that matter. JJ Barea better put some work in if he comes.

can someone give me a list of players we currently have?
Mike Bibby will get waived before the season is over.


Hollinger's analysis of Chandler deal.

If I would characterize the New York Knicks organization in one word, it would be "impatient."
Over the past two decades, the Knicks have looked for every shortcut and thrown money at every problem. The ultimate result is that they've spent twice as much as everybody else, but the results haven't been much different.

So it was when they gave a fully guaranteed $95 million to Amare Stoudemire, an uninsurable (and thus untradable) player who has had two microfracture surgeries, and so it was when they threw in pretty much every useful asset they had in order to get Carmelo Anthony from Denver.

But here's the thing: Given those parameters, what they did with Tyson Chandler makes a lot of sense. If you start from the assumption that there's no such thing as a bad contract with the Knicks because they don't care if they pay luxury tax and they'll never be under the cap again in the next half-decade, then paying $58 million to Chandler over four years isn't that big a problem.

Make no mistake, this deal will be untradable the second it's signed. But given the decisions New York has already made and its unique immunity to fiscal sanity, it still made sense.

The Knicks will have this cap space once and only once. It behooved them to use it on the best player who would take their money. Moreover, using it on a center -- the most expensive position -- made all kinds of sense. Guards are dramatically less expensive; you can get good ones using the midlevel exception. So the Knicks will more than happily use that exception each of the next three years. ...

... and this one! Because in a nice bit of cap management, the Knicks set this up as a sign-and-trade, meaning they never signed a free agent using cap space and thus retain all their exceptions.

In the meantime, New York can add two backcourt pieces with the newly generated exceptions -- if you're wondering, they can't sign Chauncey Billups, whom they intend to amnesty the rest of this season -- and plenty of good guards are still available. And while we're at it, I'll just throw this out there now: In the summer of 2012, Steve Nash and Grant Hill can be had as a combo deal with the midlevel and biannual exceptions, respectively.

The Knicks did one other cute little piece of cap management: They've set themselves up for a four-year run with the Melo-Amare-Chandler group, and then they can bust out the TNT and try again. All three players have deals that expire after the 2014-15 season, as will whomever the Knicks pick up with this year's midlevel and, if he signs a three-year deal, Nash. (And yes, I am getting ahead of myself. Thanks for asking.)

Again, it's the Knicks, so they are taking every shortcut, are overpaying every free agent and ultimately aren't going to win a ring this way. For goodness' sake, they set $10 million on fire by guaranteeing Billups' final year and then using the amnesty on him months later. (Again, with feeling: 10 million dollars. Burnt to a crisp. The New York Knicks, everyone!)

But the more you look at this deal with respect to decisions New York has already made, the more sense it makes, and the more you have to tip your cap to basketball operations VP Glen Grunwald and player personnel director Mark Warkentien for thinking outside the box.

Additionally, the fit for New York is impeccable. Since the Knicks have two forwards who are somewhere between agnostic and allergic to defense, Chandler can protect the rim for New York and provide some modicum of resistance for what was previously a lineup full of DHs. Stoudemire will also be saved from the banging of playing the center position, which he did much of the time last season. If Chandler (with a little help from Toney Douglas) can make the Knicks just average on defense, the two forwards will take care of the rest.

As for Dallas, this isn't quite in Florida Marlins territory (when they were still representing more than just Miami), but it has to be a little deflating for the locals to see a defending champion talking about things like "preserving cap flexibility." It has become very apparent that while the draconian luxury-tax penalties that start in 2013-14 may not sway the Knicks much, they will have a big impact on the way Dallas does business. The Mavericks, like New York, threw money at every problem, only they were smarter with how they did it. Now they have to completely change their philosophy.

Chandler was the first domino in that, but there will be others -- J.J. Barea is as good as gone, the Mavs will amnesty Brendan Haywood in a season or two when it becomes more advantageous, and Jason Terry may not be long for this roster either.

But the Mavs aren't done with this offseason either. Dallas gets an enormous trade exception in the deal (oh, and Andy Rautins, who will be cut on arrival), and can use that to sign-and-trade for another free agent now or in a future trade. Losing Chandler takes the Mavs off the A-list of contenders, but if they can get a halfway decent starting center (Sam Dalembert?), they'll win a bunch of games again.

As for the chance of Dwight Howard's joining Dirk in Dallas, that has no chance of happening unless he becomes a full-fledged free agent after the season. Sorry, Mavs fans, you're not getting the best center in the game for Rudy Fernandez. Try again.

Meanwhile, Washington also scored a nice little coup by getting Ronny Turiaf more or less for free. Turiaf is owed $4.3 million this year, but that prorates to $3.46 million over a 66-game season. With New York throwing in the league-maximum $3 million (hey, it's only money), the Wizards get a useful center for virtually nothing. He doesn't help with the rebuilding plan much, but Washington should be able to flip him at the trade deadline for a more useful asset.

Nonetheless, the big story here is New York. With a Melo-Amare-Chandler skyline and two exceptions remaining, the Knicks will be a force for as long as Stoudemire and Chandler can stay in the lineup. They're throwing money at their problems again, yes, but this time you have to admire the creativity with which they're doing so.

Dude never has anything good to say about the Knicks so if he likes it then you know it was straight.
To those wondering why pick up Chauncey's option ($14 mill) when they could have bought him out ($4 mill) and not had to pay the extra TEN...if you buy him out, that money counts toward cap space. Which most likely means no Chandler deal. The amnesty clause wipes everything out.
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Blankman contract screwed us. They shouldn't have never pick up chauncey option

If we would've bought Chauncey out for 4 million instead of picking up his option there would be no Chandler.
That 4 mill would've counted against the cap this season , smart move by Donnie , Grunwald , and Warkentein.
not feeling the signing of bibby. dude is not even a good passer. definitely dont like going after barea either. but maybe he will perform well in our fast paced offense
I don't know how to feel about the Bibby signing. Hopefully he can be useful. And we NEED to resign Shawne. Like without question. His shooting is necessary.
Gotta say for as much as the fans hate him and he gets talked bad about I gotta applaud Dolan for continually spending millions and millions yearly and getting the right ppl to spend it.
Be easy though fellas.
1 year, vet's min...
we're still looking for another PG (hasn't been named starter)
he's there for depth cuz of the injury problems last year
What's with so much Bibby hate, though? Y'all really making him out to be Smush Parker. 1 year for the vets minimum is literally nothing. Worst comes to worst we cut him. No risk, high reward if Bibby can produce anything.

I really hope Shumpert can be our PG of the future. I won't get my hopes up, though.

Just want to say that I'm ecstatic that the front office decided against waiting on another superstar signing and instead began to build an actual well-rounded TEAM. I always felt like we were more focused on who was coming next. We can finally focus on the present and actually going for it. No more waiting, ladies. This is what we've been waiting for for about 10 years. A team that is ready to actually compete, and not focusing on the next move.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

What's with so much Bibby hate, though? Y'all really making him out to be Smush Parker. 1 year for the vets minimum is literally nothing. Worst comes to worst we cut him. No risk, high reward if Bibby can produce anything.

I really hope Shumpert can be our PG of the future. I won't get my hopes up, though.

Just want to say that I'm ecstatic that the front office decided against waiting on another superstar signing and instead began to build an actual well-rounded TEAM. I always felt like we were more focused on who was coming next. We can finally focus on the present and actually going for it. No more waiting, ladies. This is what we've been waiting for for about 10 years. A team that is ready to actually compete, and not focusing on the next move.
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