let this thread die (NYK)

especially when the cubs are the most overrated franchise by a wide margin. it isn't even close.

fact of the matter is he's obsessed with new york, just like most of the media. Mad that the knicks gets more attention when they are losing than the bulls when they are winning. gallanari and chandler on the knicks were TRASH. Once they leave they are elite talent and melo is TRASH. It's very transparent.

i'm still mad about that GARBAGE call on melo at the end of the first game. %*@@+%@ ridiculous. And then KG tripping TD in the second game.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

The last time we saw the allegedly revamped Knicks, they were going out like dogs to the Celtics; what better place to start anew with the most overrated franchise in American sports ?

Wilbon hates us
 everyone knows we had no shot with no Stat and Billups against the Celtics .

That's a serious inferiority complex.

Chicago lames salty at our city for no reason...I've never seen that at all before
(Shots fired)
The roster looks like this with 14 players
Carmelo Anthony
Amare Stoudemire
Chauncey Billups
Ronny Turiaf
Renaldo Balkman
Toney Douglas
Derrick Brown will pick option but he will decide to accept it or not
Bill Walker
Andy Rautins - will prally get waived
Landry Fields -  will obviously get an extension
Shawne Williams - will get resigned if he doesn't get greedy
Jerome Jordan - will get signed
Jorts - will get signed
Iman Shumpert - will get signed
kwame or possible 1 year rental cheap center

Possible rotation

lineup is not great but definitely serviceable... we definitely got 1-8 players that can get the job done....if the defense holds up under woodson this can be an exciting team that should make the second round if given home court advantage...but this team is more then good enough until next summer when cp3 or dwight eventually fall to us... but it would just be dumb to offer a contract more than 1 year to some random joe this free agency... theres some good free agent centers out there but knicks need to have common sense and pass on that plan... 1 year deals only pretty much
Are we getting new jerseys or what? I thought they were taking the black out. I need to know I want to get both a Melo and Stat jersey
Originally Posted by hustleordie

Are we getting new jerseys or what? I thought they were taking the black out. I need to know I want to get both a Melo and Stat jersey

I guess well see Christmas day
It sucks that Dwight doesn't want to come here . Dwight , Stat , and Melo would be the greatest frontline since Boston's
I don't like Chauncey, Landry and Melo playing together on the perimeter.

Too slow, wayyyy too slow.

Douglas needs heavy minutes and Shumpert has to make an impact.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

what are the chances we get Crawford back?

None. No way dude comes here or anywhere for a 1 year deal , he's gonna try and get one more big pay day

Proph you a fool man
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I don't like Chauncey, Landry and Melo playing together on the perimeter.

Too slow, wayyyy too slow.

Douglas needs heavy minutes and Shumpert has to make an impact.
agreed.... in 2k11 i use douglas, walker with melo and even use shawne at the C 
Here goes the CP3 talk. Get used to it.

RT @Chris_Broussard: Chris Paul's first choice is to play for the Knicks, sources say. He's willing to wait & sign w/NYK as free agent next summer.
My boy's bro ran into CP3 during the lockout and dude pretty much said the same thing. This season needs to move quick.
 CP3 talk already...

Assuming all the picks make the team and Jerome Jordan comes back, we'll have:
Billups, Shumpert, Rautins

Fields, TD

Melo, Walker

Amare, Harrelson, [shawne williams? - would be great to get him back]
Turiaf, Jordan, [jared jefferies? - i'd bring him back on a 1yr deal, why not]

I actually wouldn't mind seeing a lineup of Billups-Shumpert-Melo-Amare-Turiaf, but that obviously depends on what Shumpert can do...

Any useful players getting amnestyed that would take a 1 year deal? A veteran, good shooting SG or defensive-minded PF/C is welcome...To not screw up the salary cap for 2012-2013 season, everyone the knicks sign probably has to be for vet min...I actually really wish we still had mosgov
Would've been nice if they all could have come together at once like Miami.

IF it were to happen, it's awesome but CP3 also will have missed out on 2 prime years of Amare. That would kind of be a kick in the balls, one I can live with..but still.
Originally Posted by xbiker47

Originally Posted by you go boy

so technically the knicks can sign cp3 this summer and use the amnesty clause on amare and use that money on dwight... that would be grimey since he made the knicks relevant but i guess its business... the knicks would probably think about it if he gets injury prone this year...and no im not encouraging this idea but im just bringing it up as a possible option... 

I love Amare and what he has done for our Team making us relevant. If we had Dwight replace him though next to Melo and possibly Paul  
i was just reading random forums on opinions of amnesty used on amare and my idea came up too and they immediately shot it down and said it was stupid... they said why amnesty amare whos a valuable asset and still have to pay him regardless even if we get dwight... they said trade him for an inferior player with a shorter contract and draft picks than amnesty that said player... i was mind blown to say the least 
....so basically the knicks can trade amare to the lakers for bynum 
 and use that amnesty on bynum in the summer and sign dwight and sign either deron or cp3.... mad grimey 
 but the possibilities are endless with our cap relief... regardless we getting at least 1 guy cp3, deron or dwight this summer and i can live with that 
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