let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

At this point I hope we really play with some fire tomorrow, need to redeem ourselves all around. Forget about the officiating and just play, everything falls into place as long as we play the way we know how.
Team never even had a CHANCE to make any sort of comeback and they just gave up, if the officiating just lets them play I'll be happy.
Damn, prayers go out to Shump and D Rose.

Hate so see such young talented players get sidelined because of injuries.

Game 2, lets steal this one boys.
I remembered Shumpert was out this morning.

Wade is going to eat Landry alive.

Our luck.

I hope the refs let us play tonight. The quick double tech Saturday was a sign of how much the refs would impose their will on the game. It's playoff basketball. Let 'em play ball. Please.

Watching the Sonics defense on MJ video makes me really sad at what the game has turned into.
I still have some optimism regarding the series. This team has responded well to bad losses since Woodson has taken over....I'm hoping that trend continues and we win Game 2.
I refused to watch anymore of the game 1s after that poor product the NBA put out in our game. I know my single TV prolly means nothing to the NBA but I just cant watch that #*+# anymore if they are blatantly gonna shaft teams out of chances to win.

And im not blaming that lose solely on the refs either. Because Miami didnt need them to win that game the way we were shooting. I really hope that was just a lets get Miami game 1 so there isnt a chance at us taking it and that taking over all the talk of the weekend when there were so many other games on. I really hope things are called down the middle, especially now that we have our best perimeter defender out for the rest of the season. We are clearly shorthanded now, there is no reason to have us so obviously playing 8-5 for the rest of the series.
Game 1 was one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen in my life.

LeBron was allowed to push, pull, grab, lock up and do whatever he wanted to Melo to deny him the ball and not 1 foul was called on him. But Bron flopped all over the court and got every call.

The whole display really disgusted me and deflated my whole interest in the sport for the time being. I can't take seeing stand up individuals punished while unscrupulous cats get rewarded.

Without Shump its a wrap. I would love to see us return the favor and blow out Miami but to honest...I really don't care anymore. Don't care about the NBA or who takes the chip.

This is not a product that I'm willing to devote much emotion into anymore.

I'm still gonna root for my team but my passion has been drained.
We were playing them close until the refs blew the game wide open...
Yea i been heading in that direction. Tbe product just isnt what i grew up on. Physical basketball isnt coming back so im just kind of disinterested. I mean think about it. Mutumbo wagging the finger woild be techs. Reggie miller would get a game for the choke grab. Rodman banned. Oak and mason lol fhey aint playing

I been mad since stern suspended ewing for putting his foot on the court
i cant even blame anything on the refs in game 1 we got destroyed by Bron. at this point im hoping we can find any team that can take stats contract. he is done and lets face it we aren't going to win anything with someone that simply cant play defense or rebound the ball. against the tough elite teams in the east Chicago and Miami he is non existent. 
we have to come to the realization that we're playing the Heat. 90% of the time they will get more calls than any other team, thats the sad nature the nba has come to.

My only hope for game 2 is mike woodson's streak of never losing 2 in a row as a knicks coach. Other than that, we have to play damn near perfect basketball to beat them.
I honestly wish our coach/team thought like the celtics.

And I hate the celtics. Doc rivers said if u get thrown out then u might as well keep talking. He also said he was glad that rondo went at that official and that he thought he was right.

Our team is too soft. if they are going to take us out of the game ten we need to give them a reason to. nobody respects us and nobody expects anything of us...and it's like we don't want to prove them wrong. We are content with just making it into the playoffs and getting swept. it's embarrassing.
Its cowardly of lebron to flop. The greatest physical athlete ever has to resort to those actions? The flop with jr smith was the worst

But the truth is, its the leagues fault. They could easily take this out of the game in half a season

Plus melo was bricking easy shots. Very bad

But im not impressed with bron. He had baron davis on him and he settles for jump shots. Its pathetic. Even i was yelling at the tv DRIVE ON HIM. He only went beserk when he knews we coukdnt breathe on him and the game was in hand
@ Those gifs.

The thing that irks me most is he doesn't have to do that. He's the most gifted player in the game. No need to flop.

I can understand less talented players doing it. Not respect, but understand.

This guy though. I'm glad Van Gundy was calling the game to call out this nonsense.
I hope Van Gundy is doing all our games. Hes the only one who calls it like it is. So does Hubie, but hes not as adamant about it being bad for the game. He kinda just points out that yea they just flopped on that play. But Jeff is like a passionate fan who is just as disgusted as all of us with what the NBA is turning into.
I was just thinking about what Tim Donaghy said years ago about how there were other refs taking bets among themselves and how there were some other shady stuff going on behind the scenes.
Tonight's game better be officiated fairly because if i see a repeat of game 1, 

But besides that, i hope the knicks make the proper adjustments as well
But im not impressed with bron. He had baron davis on him and he settles for jump shots. Its pathetic. 
I agree, I've noticed he only takes jumpshots (specifically 3s) when the Heat have a comfortable lead.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

please stop posting those gifs, i get mad everytime i see them
Seriously.  We all know they flop hard and wouldn't get favorable calls in Miami.  Deal with it.  Let's not dwell on this #**+ for the whole goddamn series.  Let's move on to Game 2.

Colin cowerd killing melo right now. Saying how does a super star let a team go on a 32-2 run on his team in a playoff game.
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