let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by swooshallday

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Now let's trade all these new assets for a third superstar!

Watch us do it too.
Originally Posted by you go boy

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Douglas should be getting play time over Bibby tho.
werd. just cut bibby already 
Nah, they're about equal in my eyes. Right now I'll still take Bibby going 1 for 10 or 0 for 7 over TD tos, fouling, killing momentum and going 2 for 14 and I'll stick to this even if Pringles gives him another chance and he has a breakout game for 19 3s.

Bibby hasn't hurt us like TD has.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I've seen a Harvard assistant coach on twitter say the kid looks he's going to pass out during warmups..him looking gassed is normal. So, in that case..I'm not too concerned with him playing 38 minutes.
That's believable. Against the Lakers it looked like he was breathing heavily two minutes into the first quarter, so it makes sense if that's just how he always is.
The best thing about this 5 game winning streak (besides Lin's emergence) is that the role players have made this team much deeper. With Jorts coming off the bench once he returns and B Diddy doing the same, now we don't have to sigh every time a player gets up off the bench. B Diddy, Harrellson, Jeffries (Defensively), Shump, and Novak off the bench? That's huge.

Edit: I'm all for starting Balkman over Bill...Balkman is a better rebounder, better defender, he's longer (pause), and most importantly HE CUTS TO THE BASKET. With an unselfish PG like Lin, he could be much more effective than Walker jacking up 3s or taking layups from the foul line.
sidenote: we have 113 team nyk members (pre-melo) and not including the bandwagoners that just arrived this week. How is this thread shorter than the Lakers?? lol
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

sidenote: we have 113 team nyk members (pre-melo) and not including the bandwagoners that just arrived this week. How is this thread shorter than the Lakers?? lol
A lot of us stopped posting because it's become absurd in here at times. "Trade Melo", "Trade A'mare", etc. And that was all months before Jeremy Lin stepped up.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

D'antoni doesn't care about cutters. It's all threes, Skywalker will still be doing his thing.
I thought this about Td. I think dude is a really a player's coach and doesn't want to dishearten bench players on this team so they end up playing worse so he tries to manage it until it interferes with the team too much and then he eventually gives up on you. Plus he doesn't have a lot of faith in unknowns. Although I wouldn't say Balkman is an unknown.

Also we haven't been taking as many 3s. He probably only remembers that the 3s caused us to win.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

sidenote: we have 113 team nyk members (pre-melo) and not including the bandwagoners that just arrived this week. How is this thread shorter than the Lakers?? lol
we're never catching up with them. too many expectations, games, trade talk and players (and coach...and system...and MWP) to talk about.
they up like 60 pages...we have 2 players and a coach to talk about and we took like 3 weeks off from caring.

and the biggest player we got to talk about...has a separate thread where they talk about him
I'm a KNICKS fan and I personally dislike this thread.

This will just give Dolan another reason to raise ticket prices, he does not deserve this.

Can't wait for STAT to come back, it will be a seamless transition with Lin. Melo on the other hand....
Walker is at least a threat to shoot, Balkman isn't.

Don't think you can play Balkman and Jeffries together in a lineup, everything would get shut off for Lin.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

how long untill the trade jeremy lin talks start?

I think he'll have a rough stretch near the trade deadline and we're gonna here rumors of him for steve nash
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