let this thread die (NYK)

Fields have the authority to wave anyone off is amazing

Shump has to get more minutes. I can see he is going in to the doghouse

I hope Lin work in his left side. If he does not he can't be considered a pg.

I wonder if golden state would do a centered around Jlin and Curry. Nah they are not that ******ed
STATue smh. That tip off play was ridiculous. I seriously hope he didn't think Lin would win that match up
No more fun and games
Cmon, b
Originally Posted by Lubu1

melo only got 1 shot this quarter.............
you're right, thats why:
-we need to trade him

-he's not a superstar

-he shoots us out of games

-all he can do is score

-he's a black hole

SMFH. If people cant clearly see that the coach (and amare) are our main problems after tonight, then they are blind and I feel sorry for them. 

Trade Amare for Tyler Hansbrough. SRS 
I am frustrated with Melo's play because I know that dude can play better than he does..But let's stop putting the majority of the blame on him. People say he's not a leader, he can't put a team on his back, etc.. but what about his days in Denver? Those teams were filled with talented offensive players and they had great regular season records..We can't even get above .500 with him on the squad. Let's not front like George Karl is a defensive guru and had them locking guys up, because there were a lot of years where the Nuggets had really poor defensive teams.

If players go out with no sense of urgency, the coach has a part in that. The NBA is just like any other job. The coach is essentially the boss. If your boss lets you slack and half !#* your job, you gonna work extra hard any time you're at your job? Or you gonna just lounge around and collect that check? If your boss is on top of you and hovering over your shoulder making sure you're getting things done, you're gonna make sure you get your $%%! done so you don't get fired (or in NBA terms, get benched/traded)..That's the same way it is in sports..If your coach is riding you for playing like trash, then you're gonna step your game up..Unfortunately, that is not in D'Antoni's nature
I agree a lot of the blame goes on D'Antoni even though being fair he hasn't had the time (a full training camp) to work witht his roster. However, tonight's loss as other have said and anyone watching could see was due to lack of effort and finishing when it came to rebounding. The team came to play defense tonight but they just didn't finish when it came to rebounding. I can live with the effort in this game but I wasn't shocked one bit that they showed up for the most part tonight. My problem with this team is not showing up at all for the games they are supposed to win. Its on the offensive stars (Melo and STAT) to set the tone. I am not in love with Pringles as a coach but its time for the stars to step up on BOTH ends of the court!! 
[h3]Carmelo: Not A Good Feeling Right Now[/h3]
Mar 13, 2012 12:54 AM EDT


Carmelo Anthony expressed his displeasure following New York's 104-99 loss at Chicago on Monday.

"It [stinks]," Anthony said. "The situation we're in right now . . . the way we've been losing games. Not a good feeling right now. Hopefully, tomorrow we'll feel better. But tonight it's not a good feeling. We need to get our act together and start to win basketball games."

The loss dropped the Knicks to 18-24 and to ninth place in the Eastern Conference.

"We're kind of down right now,'' Anthony said. "It's a hard situation to be in right now. Losing basketball games the way we're losing, it's kind of hard to stay upbeat. We'll have no choice but to do that and keep on pushing.''

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/news#ixzz1oybDrKeU
Melo on some "feels bad man" tip.
. Can't wait to listen to the SAS show on 1050 today. He destroyed Lin yesterday. I can only imagine what he'll say today.
We can't give D'Antoni this much leeway anymore. He's had too many excuses up until this point.

"Give him a chance to mesh the team"
"Give him a real point guard"
"Give him a full season with Amare and Melo"
"Well, there was a lock out"

I'm tired of all the excuses, because a real coach that does his job would at least hold players accountable and challenge them to do their jobs. I don't even see that happening on this team. A real coach would challenge someone to be our leader and carry on the teams identity. It's not happening with this team. We have the face the music--D'Antoni isn't fit for this team and he can't figure out a way to mesh the players we have on the roster. We're probably the most talented team in the league with our depth and D'Antoni can't even find a way for us to score 100 ppg on the regular and it's the middle of March already? Give me a break!!!

Jeremy Lin came and extended D'Antoni's fate, but now comes the time to fire the man. I feel like we gave him all the time in the world to make it work in NY and he hasn't done it. The reality is, if he can't do it by now, he'll never be able to do it ever.

I really wish there was some realistic prospective replacements out there for us, but I just don't see any right now. Don't bring up Phil, because there's no indication that he even wants to come back. And lets say he does. Do you really think Melo and Amare would learn the triangle? I actually thought about Phil coaching our team and bringing in the triangle offense. It's not the easiest system to learn and a lot of good players get lost in the mix. Do you think Melo and Amare would be able to pick it up and excel in the system?

At this point I don't even know. But all I know is that we'd be the laughing stocks of the NBA if we gave up Melo just to see him start playing well again on another team. Dude can ball and he's a legitimate superstar. I don't blame him. I blame the coaching.
I have a feeling Mike Woodson is going to be the interim coach very soon. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

John Sterling wrote:
I can't wait till Dantoni is fired and the team is still trash. Who will everone blame then? That actual players that are you know PLAYING the game and attempting the shots? Like our come our co-captains by chance? Nah just keep blaming the coach!
Everybody thinks its all the Coaches fault. Hell, it might be a partial reason but our players especially our stars have to be held much more accountable. This just isn't working, this forumla doesn't work, why are we SO BLIND TO SEE?
When we get a better coach won't they be held accountable by him? or do you think the fans holding the players accountable will change anything? They've already booed Melo a couple times when he didn't pass or took a bad shot. Not like the fans can do anything more than that.

Serious question here, how can anyone know that the players aren't held accountable? What does that even mean? Amare should be spanked infront of the team when he doesn't box out? How can anyone know what goes on in the locker room. Do you know for a fact that Dantoni doesn't hold anyone accountable? You don't and you can't. Also please stop with this nonsense about Dantoni can only coach with one system. They haven't run his actual offense in a year and if anyone thinks anything else you're not watching games. Seven seconds or less is not what we're watching. I'm assuming everyone here has played orgainized sports. When you lost a game have you ever gone into the locker room and thought it was your coaches fault? No, its always completly yours for bot executing. Listen I'm all for Phil Jackson but he's not gonna make Melo's 18 footers fall.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I give Pringles 3 more games til he gets popped.


If we can lose three more and fire Dantoni I would be ecstatic

I guarantee you just him getting canned would make us play way better and inspired to get that 8th seed back .
The Knicks played well enough to win. Defense? Good overall, you had Rose shooting 3-10 after the 1st quarter. 13 blocks. Offense? Good ball movement, good defense was turning into good transition offense. Lin went 15 and 8, Amare showed signs of life. Kept the TOs down. When Amare started going off, I thought the Knicks will pull away.

But man, 22 offensive rebounds? You aren't going to win games no matter how well you play. Giving second, third, fourth chances to an NBA team?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

@ dudes getting a sense of urgency now
Marc Berman: Carmelo Anthony said it "sucks right now'' about three times in the locker room and Amar'e Stoudemire said too... http://www.sulia.com/new_po
Tina Cervasio: Amar'e post game: Gotta be better prepared ... Less joking...get in earlier, weight room, get bodies warm "No more fun and games" #Knicks



No more fun and games, he says.
The entire problem might not be the coach but lets be serious, the coach is a huge part of the problem.

Why is fields out there more than Shump+JR combined?
Why do we run 0 plays?
Why take out players when they are heating up/hot? (Melo / Bucks)
Why leave a hot player in but never return to him after he heats up? (Stat / today against the Bulls)
Why are Melo+Stat combining for like 5 shot attempts in the entire 4th quarter?
Why do we switch on defense 80% of the time?
The rotations sometimes 

Dantoni is definitely a problem it would do a lot of good to get a coach in there that would even care about fixing these things ^
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