Let's Help Shundy

Jul 6, 2004
Many of you may not know Mike Schundelmier. Many of you do.

Mike is one of our own here on NT. He lives in Columbus, Ohio and has been not only a great guy, but has helped a lot of us find those rare sneakers we've wanted for so long as well as most general releases.

[color= rgb(153, 255, 0)]And, as of February 20th this year, Mike is fighting Leukemia.[/color]

I only know Mike through buying sneakers from him, but he's been great as a source and has been a class act each time I've conducted a transaction with him. A lot of you may know him much better than me, but I would still call him a friend – much as we would call many other ''friends'' we communicate with here on NT.

I'd like to get the word out even more about Mike as he is fighting his %$@ off every day through all of the hellacious treatments and side effects to stay with us and his family. He has been up and down so many times that I am amazed at the courage of the human spirit as well how his circle of supporters has grown into the thousands.

Please donate at least $25, more if you can, to Mike and his family to help offset his medical costs. We all can afford $25 to help one of NT's true good guys.

[color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]See my signature or go to Paypal and make a ''Personal Gift'' payment to [email protected].[/color]

Also read about his good days and bad days here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelschundelmier

Thanks NT.
It's time to make a donation for a good cause.

I wish you all the best Mike!
I wish him the best, but I don't think requesting a minimum of $25 is the right way to go about things.
I'll keep him and his fam in my thoughts but this is awful presumptuous of you:

We all can afford $25 to help one of NT's true good guys.

Because I can't afford $25.  That's 1/4 of the grocery bill. Times are tough for a lot of people.
You have the right to criticize.

However, sometimes, giving can create opportunity for yourself as well. [color= rgb(153, 255, 0)]If you can't afford $25, donate what you can. “Nickels and dimes add up.[/color]
I was truly saddened to hear that Shundy's battling leukemia.  He's long been one of the most respected and well known collectors out there.  Yet, as long as he's been here, I can't recall coming across anyone with anything negative to say about Shundy. 

Often times people with impressive collections tend to rub people the wrong way.  They may come across as boastful, for example, or consider themselves somehow better than those who may not know or possess as much.  Instead, Shundy just seems like a humble guy who simply enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for his hobby.  He's not one of those guys who posts frequently and seeks to be the center of attention.  He's a friendly, helpful person and someone who's helped make NT a pleasant and informative place to spend time.

Shundy's often proven happy to help a fellow NT'er out, so I hope more than a few of us will respond in kind during his time of need. 
Dann, great idea on the post!

for more on Shundy's story everyone please click on the following link http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelschundelmier (note: please make your donation as Dann has stated above, donations through the caringbridge site does not go to Mike)

I met Mike through NT some 8-9 years ago, we both live in Columbus Ohio. In the past 2-3 years I feel me and Mike have become good friends always looking out for each other to acquire different kicks going to different sneaker shows/events.

I know personally for some NT'ers to donate $25 is not possible, but even if you have a few bucks left over in your paypal account donate it to a great cause, I encourage you all to check out the link I posted above to read on Mike's battle with leukemia.

Thank you NikeTalk!

best wishes out to him and his fam
Just received an e-mail from Shundy's wife:

[color= rgb(51, 204, 255)]“We can't begin to express what your gift means to our family. The money is most definitely helpful
and will go to extremely good use. But, more than the monetary value, we so greatly appreciate
the thought behind the gift. Illness is an awful burden but your actions have really lightened the
load. For that, especially, we thank you.[/color]
[color= rgb(51, 204, 255)] [/color]
[color= rgb(51, 204, 255)]This time has been difficult for us, but knowing we have the support of people like you certainly
helps. Please know we won't forget your kind gesture. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.[/color]
Truly a tragedy to see a great NT'er battling such a disease. Not much of a prayer but his family and him are definitely in my thoughts. This is something nobody should have to go through
I second the nomination.  Maybe consider it for voting during the next round of NT charitable contributions?  That is, if we need some sort of formal approval.
Absolutely speechless.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, Natalie, and the kids.  Shundy is a stand up guy. Period.  I'm at a loss for words...
[color= rgb(153, 255, 0)]A Good News Update from Natalie, Mike's wife:[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]“We found out that the potential 10/10 donor was contacted and told that he was a match and we needed his marrow.  He was asked to come in to submit a blood test, and he did!!! It was received by the James and the match was confirmed!!!  This is a really good sign that he is ready, willing, and able to follow through with the procedure!  [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]At this point, we are shooting for the last week of June for transplant and specific dates are being negotiated with the donor.  Please send lots of prayers and well wishes to him and Mike so that they stay good, healthy, and strong!  We are so thankful and excited that things are moving along in the right direction.  [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]The doctors are very confident that because of Mikes current condition and the marrow coming from a young male (the best possible donor) that this is the absolute best scenario and all should go well![/color]
I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers, hoping for the best to come out of this situation
Dann, that's great news!

very lucky Mike was able to find a perfect match for a donor so quickly, looks like the donor is willing to donate is bone marrow.
hopefully all goes well...
Mike is still going through some seriously tough side effects and enduring them like a true warrior.

It's amazing how life seems to focus you on what's truly important and provides real perspective -- and it ain't sneakers. The good news is, through it all, he's still responding well and has a donor with an amazingly perfect bone marrow match willing to go through transplant surgery to help Mike! He is scheduled to go into surgery for the transplant on July 6th. [color= rgb(153, 255, 0)]He is not yet out of the woods,[/color] but through all the hell he has endured so far, things are improving.

Here's more from Natalie (Mike's incredible wife) pulled from their website (website link is in my sig):

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]“For the 1st time in a long time, we don't have any appointments or meetings....YAY!  We are taking full advantage of the down time and just hanging around the house.   [/color]

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]At yesterdays lab appointment, all his counts look really good....not perfect yet, but certainly on the way up!  In fact, he doesn't have to get them checked again until next Monday.  Tomorrow he has a dental exam and cleaning.  I also received an email from Michelle (BMT Coordinator) today...looks like all remaining appointments have been scheduled and everything is in place for the July 6th admission.  The best news....the donor has completed all of his pre-transplant tests and has BEEN CLEARED and READY TO PROCEED!!!!  He's a 24 year old male in perfect health and a perfect match....it doesn't get any better than that!!![/color]

[color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]Mike keeps getting stronger and stronger and should be in great shape come time for transplant! Tomorrow is another step closer...[/color]
Don't mean to dig up an old thread but I just ran into this post.

Shundy, I hope you get well soon. Hit me up when you get a chance! Stay strong!
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