Let's Help Shundy

[color= rgb(153, 255, 0)]Update from Natalie as of October 21st:[/color]

Day +100!!!!!!!

I can't believe we have made it to this point in our crazy, life changing journey!!!  I think about everything we've been through over the last 8 months, and I finally feel hopeful and thankful that we have a very bright future ahead of us.  It's comforting to know that we don't have to worry about the next round of chemo,  or another long hospital stay....all we need to think about is getting a little better each and every day!

Day +100, is scientifically, a huge milestone for transplant patients !  For Mike, it means he is out of the woods for any acute GVHD, his meds will start slowly tapering off,  physically he will start feeling stronger and less nauseated, AND, his chance of beating this disease GREATLY improves.  There is still a possibility for some chronic GVHD, however most things are easily treated and/or easily tolerated.

He has been feeling pretty good for the last week or so, and his counts are all within a normal range.  We were able to take Emily to the pumpkin patch last Saturday, and went to Villa Nova tonight for a celebratory dinner.  The most frustrating thing for Mike, is how long it's taking for him to snap back.  He just wants to be able to do the things he used to do, and return to his everyday way of life.  Everyone is reminding him of what he's been through, and says it will take up to 1 year before he will feel normal again.

So, what happens next....  On Tuesday, he will have his central line removed, have a pulmonary function test, and possibly (not sure yet) another bone marrow biopsy.   Then, we will meet with Dr. Devine to discuss the next steps for Mike's continued treatment regimen.  

There is always a small chance that he will relapse, but his will to live is enormous!  Right now, he is in remission, and the fog seems to be lifting!!!  Thanks to all the love, support, and prayers from our family and friends we are ready to continue the fight and make it to a cure!!! 

Tomorrow is another step closer...

[color= rgb(0, 204, 0)]You're one hell of a warrior, Mike.[/color]
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