Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

Oh, and Marley...I can't name a running partner til after the primaries...otherwise that's tampering...or some $#!+...I got you tho...
I will take a VP spot behind my dude NH

Originally Posted by potus2028

My fellow NTers,
I speak to (yes, 'to' for once, not '2) you today, not to further my own purposes...but to serve yours. You see NT...I am you. I've laughed at the PYPs, I've thrown out stonefaces, I've shook my head in the Music forum and lambasted JRAIN. I believe I am a candidate that best represents the full circle of Niketalkery. I can appreciate random humor. I can get real in serious threads. I believe I debate well. I can crack a joke in a wholly inappropriate situation with the best of them, and test the ROC with comments that could or could not be considered flames. I've always been a Maverick...I was born in Dallas. Are these things not what NT is about? Can you not bridge the gaps in grammar and culture to find common ground between us?

My friends, today's NT General is flooded with race threads, conspiracy theories, and girlproblemthreads. I'm tired of it and *points* SO ARE YOU. Its time for change. Change for the future of a General forum so crippled by repetitive topics, a broken search engine, and calling each other out. My responsibility as NT President is not to serve the interests of offshore postwhoring or one-handed beasting bailouts. My responsibility is to do all that I can to bring you, Joe the Poster, comedy, knowledge and opinions. My responsibility is to fight for you. My responsibility is to make the General forum as entertaining a place as possible, and if that means meeting with ISS leaders with no preconditions, then so be it.

It is with these sentiments that I, and my running cuz Young Rilla, ask for your support in these trying times. We're the candidates for the posters. We're the candidates for you...yamean?
This guy for NT prez.
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
If one of my votes for iBlink can cancel 2 others that voted for him, thats the only way I'd check his name on a ballot.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

But you see, my friends, this isn't about who said what first. All that matters is that you get someone who's going to stand up for eJustice.Someone who will say "NAY, good sir" to the dirty ways of Kingcrux and his unfair locking pyp tactics. We've been undermined, swindled,bamboozled, and plain out CHEATED out of some of our eRights and I say no more! I'll march all the way to New Jersey, if necessary, and demand Dirty unbanall those who were snipped in the PYP's of the past. I'll demand a thumb tack be placed on the big breast appreciation thread to ensure it lasts aneternity so that our children's children can oggle at one of the best threads ever made. NT, if elected, I guarantee there will be two back up screen namesper banned user (depending on the grounds of your banishment, of course). It's all about getting what you what you deserve when you made the choice to jointhis great eNation. Together, we can take Niketalk out of the hands of methodman and the rest of his band of oppressors, and return it to the people.
so far the 2 standouts are



" I'll demand a thumb tack be placed on the big breast appreciation thread to ensure it lasts an eternity so that our children's children canoggle at one of the best threads ever made " - iblink

i like this dudes policies .......
PRESIDENT - METH = Dude just has the knowledgeto run ISSH hands down
VICE PRESIDENT- FLINT GREY- the Perfect mediator to keep peacewithin the Sneaker community
SEC of DEFENSE- ROCK DEEP... dude will nuke that "OTHER SITE" with writing thewords "Eff BENEDICT ARNOLD" on the first bomb because they CLAIM to have WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and the fact they are tied in with the NWO andIlluminati, its been proven those at that site have influenced HYPE BEASTs and Resellers to cause the world recession today. I feel these 3 members can make NTand the Sneaker world a better place then what it was when Napolean was here..

and you gotta have NINJA in the CABINET somewhere
Originally Posted by iBlink

But you see, my friends, this isn't about who said what first. All that matters is that you get someone who's going to stand up for eJustice. Someone who will say "NAY, good sir" to the dirty ways of Kingcrux and his unfair locking pyp tactics. We've been undermined, swindled, bamboozled, and plain out CHEATED out of some of our eRights and I say no more! I'll march all the way to New Jersey, if necessary, and demand Dirty unban all those who were snipped in the PYP's of the past. I'll demand a thumb tack be placed on the big breast appreciation thread to ensure it lasts an eternity so that our children's children can oggle at one of the best threads ever made. NT, if elected, I guarantee there will be two back up screen names per banned user (depending on the grounds of your banishment, of course). It's all about getting what you what you deserve when you made the choice to join this great eNation. Together, we can take Niketalk out of the hands of methodman and the rest of his band of oppressors, and return it to the people.
I approve this message.
eNPHAN can be Bill O'Reilly
..and besides, most of our Presidents were guilty of some wrongdoing or other...I just believe in political transparency,that is, being honest about who I am 2 the folk I want 2 support me. Have I made some (grammatical) mistakes in my life? Sure...but he without any squiggly redlines in his Word documents may cast the 1st stone. Judge me not on the color of my sig, nor the football team of my choice...but the content of my posts.
Originally Posted by Vidasman

PRESIDENT - METH = Dude just has the knowledge to run ISSH hands down
VICE PRESIDENT- FLINT GREY- the Perfect mediator to keep peace within the Sneaker community
SEC of DEFENSE- ROCK DEEP... dude will nuke that "OTHER SITE" with writing the words "Eff BENEDICT ARNOLD" on the first bomb because they CLAIM to have WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION and the fact they are tied in with the NWO and Illuminati, its been proven those at that site have influenced HYPE BEASTs and Resellers to cause the world recession today. I feel these 3 members can make NT and the Sneaker world a better place then what it was when Napolean was here..

and you gotta have NINJA in the CABINET somewhere

there is really no need for any of the other positions if meth is elected...rockdeep and those other mods don't come close
no fanboy
Originally Posted by potus2028

My fellow NTers,
I speak to (yes, 'to' for once, not '2) you today, not to further my own purposes...but to serve yours. You see NT...I am you. I've laughed at the PYPs, I've thrown out stonefaces, I've shook my head in the Music forum and lambasted JRAIN. I believe I am a candidate that best represents the full circle of Niketalkery. I can appreciate random humor. I can get real in serious threads. I believe I debate well. I can crack a joke in a wholly inappropriate situation with the best of them, and test the ROC with comments that could or could not be considered flames. I've always been a Maverick...I was born in Dallas. Are these things not what NT is about? Can you not bridge the gaps in grammar and culture to find common ground between us?

My friends, today's NT General is flooded with race threads, conspiracy theories, and girlproblemthreads. I'm tired of it and *points* SO ARE YOU. Its time for change. Change for the future of a General forum so crippled by repetitive topics, a broken search engine, and calling each other out. My responsibility as NT President is not to serve the interests of offshore postwhoring or one-handed beasting bailouts. My responsibility is to do all that I can to bring you, Joe the Poster, comedy, knowledge and opinions. My responsibility is to fight for you. My responsibility is to make the General forum as entertaining a place as possible, and if that means meeting with ISS leaders with no preconditions, then so be it.

It is with these sentiments that I, and my running cuz Young Rilla, ask for your support in these trying times. We're the candidates for the posters. We're the candidates for you...yamean?

First of all, I didn't read any of that.

Second, I can't vote for you for NT prez when you aren't even voting in the real election

Third, I can't vote for you because you're a Vol..ew.

Other then that, I'm still undecided
Originally Posted by onewearz

ogbobbyjohnson is getting alot of endorsements. will he accept and run ?

WTH, I woke up and walked into a presidential nomination. Im feeling like Palin right about now. I wish I was prepared for this. First order of business,Im gonna need some interns to "help" me out. Ladies, PM me your "body of work" if interested.

Thanks for the endorsements. Oh and I'd like to nominate Purple Face as my running mate.
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