Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

MarleysProtege wrote:
i nominate myself ...
Im guessing your first order will be to name NikeShoeWearUh a terrorist and ban him from any NT events
I come to you today, the good people of NT, with a sense of purpose.

On this day, twenty years ago, I was born into this world with one God given purpose... to better the Niketalk experience you receive when you hit sign in. Myfriends, first and foremost, I am one of you. I'll leave the political talks and mud slinging for my opponents. You see, I'm here to bring real talkbecause I know the problems you have are indeed real. A vote for me would be a vote for yourselves, and a promise to NT's future generations. When youthink of iBlink, think of a young man who's dedicated to stand up for the little guy.
Originally Posted by importfan83

MarleysProtege wrote:
i nominate myself ...
Im guessing your first order will be to name NikeShoeWearUh a terrorist and ban him from any NT events

o you know it ... thats my top priority ... i heard he hasweapons of mass destruction

no bull though ... a postus/marley NT ticket is as strong as it gets
Originally Posted by iBlink

I come to you today, the good people of NT, with a sense of purpose.

One this day, twenty years ago, I was born into this world, with one God given purpose... to better the Niketalk experience you receive when you hit sign in. My friends, first and foremost, I am one of you. I'll leave the political talks and mud slinging for my opponents. You see, I'm here to bring real talk because I know the problems you have are indeed real. A vote for me would be a vote for yourselves, and a promise to NT's future generations. When you think of iBlink, think of a young man who's dedicated to stand up for the little guy.
Need a president that knows how to spell.
You have my vote
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by importfan83

MarleysProtege wrote:
i nominate myself ...
Im guessing your first order will be to name NikeShoeWearUh a terrorist and ban him from any NT events
o you know it ... thats my top priority ... i heard he has weapons of mass destruction

no bull though ... a postus/marley NT ticket is as strong as it gets

and I heard advanced armor too
Age, my friends, is a mere number. We're concerned with bettering the overall Niketalk experience.

[John McCain] I can do that my friends [/John McCain]
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by potus2028

iBlink straight plagiarized my speech, ole '80s Joe Biden in the face dude...

you made it a hot line....

he made it a hot song....


Potus has my vote though... Cowboys FTW!!
Hovkid, with your controversial bill charging nt'ers over 1000 to post, would members under 1000 be able to delegate their posting time to members over1000? What would your fee go to support?
People nominate someone or put your name out there. We'll have and election to determine 2 candidates and have them win our votes. 1 debate and we all vote
in 2 weeks on a Niketalk President

only two major nominees?

this system sounds as broken as our US one is currently
If one of my votes for iBlink can cancel 2 others that voted for him, thats the only way I'd check his name on a ballot.
Originally Posted by mrmossyman84

People nominate someone or put your name out there. We'll have and election to determine 2 candidates and have them win our votes. 1 debate and we all vote
in 2 weeks on a Niketalk President

only two major nominees?

this system sounds as broken as our US one is currently

thats what the primary's are for

we'll narrow it down to 2 candidates and they'll pick their vp's . i figure everyone can me pm their votes ( 1 per person ) on a saturday andi'll have the results by sunday. i got nothing better to do

or we can send all our votes to dirty, he'll love that
HOVkid's plan is flawed and works only 2 serve his own interests...he's not thinking about Joe the Poster. I plan 2 put everybody's post count in alock-box...one's post count is his, his, or her own business. What's more, I support same-sex PMs. What yall discuss in the privacy of yall own inboxesis yall business. I also propose the dissolution of the Grammar Police, 4 correcting minor grammar and spelling errors is futile...and is a prime example ofwasteful bandwidth spending. However, I will create a new 'Grammar Task Force' 2 eradicate the most egregious errors and/or wholly unintelligibleresponses.
These are trying times eNPHAN...and we all have 2 make sacrifices...you can't have it all...do you want a full strength Grammar Police or a Yuku SearchEngine Crisis Team? There are more pressing matters on the NT of today than 'your and you're' or '2, to, and too'. The time 4 partisanspellcheckin is over. We all need 2 work together 2 build a bridge 2 2010.
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