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finally watching final season of clone wars. this trace martez character is mentally disabled man.

has to be the dumbest character in star wars history.
Looking like he'll have to steal one if he wants one as a weapon.

mando gon give him a mini blaster and a mini jetpack with mini missiles

din gon have to search for more beskar in s3 to make him his own helmet
I’m positive Din is force sensitive
I think the thing that makes sense is Grogu leaving Luke's academy, despite being force sensitive, and then eventually becomes a Mandalorian that could be a Tarre Vizala-like figure by uniting both sides (I know someone mentioned this). In the future I can see the sequel trilogy being retconned as folks in Mandalore explain how none of it was their business and they were only concerned for their own planet's safety, which may have been able to resist whatever First Order or Palpatine had coming...
With jedi training he'd be one of the strongest in the galaxy but then remember as a collective group the jedi are weak and basically wiped out twice.
About the crest from episode #6



I know Barriss was on Kashyyyk during Order 66. Not sure if she survived. If so, I hope she will appear in the Ahsoka series
I think the thing that makes sense is Grogu leaving Luke's academy, despite being force sensitive, and then eventually becomes a Mandalorian that could be a Tarre Vizala-like figure by uniting both sides (I know someone mentioned this). In the future I can see the sequel trilogy being retconned as folks in Mandalore explain how none of it was their business and they were only concerned for their own planet's safety, which may have been able to resist whatever First Order or Palpatine had coming...

Coming from a big Sequel Trilogy hater and knowing so many people want them to ret-con it, I actually think it's the easiest thing for them to just ignore it entirely. The First Order came out of nowhere in Ep. 7 and got 99% of them blown up at the end, while the resistance had like 50 people:lol: Galaxy gave no dambs even though some planets got blown up...again.

Both were down even more people in episode 8 and was basically one big FO ship chasing a few Resistance ones in some desolate part of space. This all happened within about 48 hours of Episode 7 so again, Galaxy gave no dambs.

Ep. 9 just made up another entire army on a planet against the same 20 resistance people and IF they really wanted to, they could just be like Mandalorians they sent Leia some ships to Exogul at the end. All the ships at the end were vague anyway. Just CGI some Mandalorian ships in there and boom! People will go crazy seeing Din's Naboo Starfighter and the Slave 1 on Exogul:lol:

So yeah, easy peezy to ignore the entire ST and just have Thrawn create his splinter group that can actually be a threat to the galaxy that all these shows can build towards. But first, we'll probably see this season end next week with a shot of young Ben Solo with a de-aged Han Solo and Leia just because they have to spam us with nostlagia:lol:
Just went down the theories of who saved Grogu in r/starwarsspeculation and man, people go into supperrrr detail as to who they theorize saved Grogu lol
About the crest from episode #6



I know Barriss was on Kashyyyk during Order 66. Not sure if she survived. If so, I hope she will appear in the Ahsoka series
**** Barriss. All my friends hate Barriss.
Just went down the theories of who saved Grogu in r/starwarsspeculation and man, people go into supperrrr detail as to who they theorize saved Grogu lol

Ooo, thanks for the subreddit. I enjoy reading theories from fans

**** Barriss. All my friends hate Barriss.

I strongly dislike her as well for what she did to Ahsoka

I cannot deny her comment about the Jedi Order being strayed from their Jedi way
I strongly dislike her as well for what she did to Ahsoka

I cannot deny her comment about the Jedi Order being strayed from their Jedi way
Yeah cant forgive those moves she made, even if she was right about the Jedi losing their way. But girl couldn't even see clearly to know she was about to get all her friends killed. FDB.
Getting back to Boba Tea- how is Danny Trejo and the rancor going to fit into all of this? It’s clear that he was hired to take out Boba. Somebody’s getting eaten by the rancor next episode. Maybe Fennec? Would be lame if there’s no real stakes here.
nah, boba gon be riding that rancor down the street or on to war, its really the only cool thing he could do in the season and even that they might f it up

and machete was just the rancor trainer, he follows whoever the rancors master i guess which is boba, i dont think he was there to kill boba or he wouldve unleashed the rancor on him while they were alone in the dungeon
That’s the vibe I got from that final line. Then again, with Machete, even a greeting sounds like a threat.
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