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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

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  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 36-40

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 41-45

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 46-50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 51-55

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 56-73

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Whiteside is not signing here this summer.

Deal with it.

We have no reason to believe he's staying or going as of right now.

But what we do know about Whiteside is he's a guy who craves attention and spotlight. Something he won't get and hasn't gotten in Miami. Not on that team, and not with Wade still there. Whiteside becomes an afterthought.

At least with Durant there are many reasons for him to stay in OKC, and more reasons than there are to leave.

Whiteside? There are more reasons to leave than there are to stay.
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i seriously doubt whiteside is going to surpass DLo/randle/ingram or simmons in terms of amount of shine one gets

also, dude looks like he loves being in miami - kicking it with khaled and all that.
i seriously doubt whiteside is going to surpass DLo/randle/ingram or simmons in terms of amount of shine one gets

also, dude looks like he loves being in miami - kicking it with khaled and all that.

Yea dude has way too much fun on Snap. And the difference in money even if it's not a max is likely negated by a state tax. Riles isn't going to let him leave especially if he knows he's getting a medical waiver on Bosh. KD likely won't leave OKC anyway right now with how they've acquitted themselves in the postseason so they could still make a run at him with Bosh's salary off the books next summer.
And what you do is you see how that works. It immediately puts you in the late lottery next year, so you get immediate improvement, and as the young guys improve & progress, the further they can take us. But if it's not as good as you want, you look to package Clarkson & Lou Will, or Biyombo & Lou or even Whiteside & Lou in 2017 or 2018, and you look to get what you need.

...or derozan and lou?
Lakers Rumors: Luke Walton Trying To Convince Brian Shaw To Join Staff

Okay, what I was trying to say during the game, if I had used the right mic:

The Lakers got the second pick in Tuesday's Draft Lottery, but their new coach, Luke Walton, is still working as the Warriors' associate head coach until Golden State is eliminated from the playoffs. So Walton may have to miss a number of Predraft workouts the Lakers schedule with some of the top Draft prospects. The Lakers are taping every workout for him to view when he can. Walton and Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak text each other every day and talk on the phone when possible, but the Lakers are being very respectful of Walton's remaining days at Golden State.

In the meantime, Walton is continuing to try and convince Brian Shaw to join his Lakers coaching staff. But Shaw is also being wooed by new Pacers head coach Nate McMillan for a similar position, according to sources. Ideally, Shaw would serve as Walton's proxy in L.A. during the Predraft workouts.


Shaw is a west coast guy, the only reason he wouldn't come back would be bitterness toward management for how they treated him
It's decided, time to re-sign Dwert.
I know you're joking, but just the idea made me...

Already a rumor going around that Philly is interested in our pick and they would give up Okafor....Thoughts??
What if they gave up Okafor and their 24th pick for the # 2?
nope nope nope
cowherds idea of bostons #3 and 16 is a better haul

Why would you pass on Ingram to pick up the 16th pick in a weak draft?
im not saying thats  what i want to happen at all

just saying its a better trade compared to what the guy proposed (okafor and phillys 24th pick) 

you only move down 1 spot, take dunn/hield or whoever you like best and acquire another asset you can draft or package in a trade. 

scenarios are a plenty

but the only one i want is to take ingram at #2
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