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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

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  • 56-73

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  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

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I'm curious what mamba actually expected to happen heading into this offseason
Where have I misunderstood you? You have been consistent in saying we should continue these 1-2 year deals to have room for the next big player to sign.

Why should any big FA sign with us if we're going to continue plodding along, stagnating because we're hoping we get saved by them signing with us?

The reality is that you're willfully ignoring the potential for using these contracts we've signed as valuable pieces for trade or, even more to the point, ignoring that the players we signed will actually benefit us. One or two years of Festus Ezeli is not a commitment to helping our young guys get better, which they deserve to have a chance at.

Oh I'm sorry if Moz and Deng were on 1 year deals instead of 4 year deals would they suddenly not be effective in helping the kids? These deals are actually horrible trade assets given the length of the contracts and age of the players. The young kids are going to get better by playing more we hope and a better coaching staff and system. We hope they compliment the development of the core but it's no guarantee and we don't have any kind of fail-safe in place of it doesn't.

And all the jokes about me expecting a contender to come next season are just silly. I did have some expectations we'd grab someone who was young and significant cause y'all told me when Kobe was the reason we didn't get anyone the past few seasons. But it's looking like it's much more of a roster and incompetent front office issue cause all the cap space one could want was there. After I saw leading up to FA that we couldn't even get meetings with even the young guys, my expectations lowered to just fill out the roster with vets ala Hibbert, Wes Johnson, etc and just let the kids run. Specifically I did not want to bring in older guys long term just to say we spent money and that's exactly what we did. A still above average wing is fine, 4 years for him is not. A below average center isn't ideal, but we had Hibbert last year so it's something that's been dealt with before, but we also didn't have Hibbert beyond last season so it doesn't hurt us going forward.
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Who was going to successfully sign Deng and/or Ezeli Moz to a one year deal?

Given the past year Moz had I'm pretty sure nobody would have offered him anything more than a 2 year deal. Deng can still be effective but again nobody is giving him 4 fully guaranteed years. Again look at Minny and Philly. Especially given the timing of the deals.
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You have ZERO idea what Moz was gonna be offered. ZERO. You're just guessing, no facts backing you up.

They gave him a deal perfectly fine in the market with other bigs. Ezeli took Durant choosing OKC and bad knees to get less than market. IE, long odds man. You can't expect Mitch to project KD would choose GSW.
Philly offered Jamal Crawford 1 year 25 million & he turned it down. If that happened to La, cats would be screaming about how embarrassing it is & fire Mitch, etc.

Vets aren't stupid. They want long term contracts to come to this situation. And I can't get mad at the Lakers for missing on RFAs that turned into FAs. I'm glad they identified the center they wanted right away & pounced. **** the market, just get your guy.
‏@JonesOnTheNBA Jul 1
Lakers fans complaining about Mozgov: you guys really think the Lakers didn't research the market for Mozgov before making an offer?

@JonesOnTheNBA Jul 1
Again, why do you think that the Lakers didn't know the market for Mozgov and teams interested before making offer?

@JonesOnTheNBA Jul 1
No, I live to bash people that don't actually think before they make statements. Teams don't just throw out numbers
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You have ZERO idea what Moz was gonna be offered. ZERO. You're just guessing, no facts backing you up.

They gave him a deal perfectly fine in the market with other bigs. Ezeli took Durant choosing OKC and bad knees to get less than market. IE, long odds man. You can't expect Mitch to project KD would choose GSW.

What about the other deals like Boban, Aldrich, Hibbert, etc. They're in his same tier. He asked what I thought, I still don't think any of the teams who were listed as interested in Moz (Spurs, Heat etc) offer him 4 years. Lakers were bidding against themselves. Hard to blame market price when he's the first signing you hear about. I mean I'm pretty positive the market for Kobe wasn't 50 mill two years ago but that didn't stop them then. I mean Mitch has a bad history of overpaying guys when they're free agents, our head coach being one of them.
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Teams like the spurs and heat are bargaining from a different position. This is the 2nd worst team in the league you're suggesting should offer a one year deal as if that holds the same weight as it would coming from the warriors or something. Also like e pointed out, just because you're just now hearing about it doesn't mean the market hadn't already been more or less decided
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You have ZERO idea what Moz was gonna be offered. ZERO. You're just guessing, no facts backing you up.

They gave him a deal perfectly fine in the market with other bigs. Ezeli took Durant choosing OKC and bad knees to get less than market. IE, long odds man. You can't expect Mitch to project KD would choose GSW.

What about the other deals like Boban, Aldrich, Hibbert, etc. They're in his same tier. He asked what I thought, I still don't think any of the teams who were listed as interested in Moz (Spurs, Heat etc) offer him 4 years. Lakers were bidding against themselves.

You. Do. Not. Know. That.

Roy. :lol:
Aldrich. :rofl:
Boban. K. And what, exactly, is he gonna teach these young guys?

Dude had 3 double doubles in the NBA Finals 12 months ago. He rushed back from a cyst operation. Not an ACL. :lol:

Did we overpay? Absolutely. Does it kill our timeline? Not one single bit. They targeted guys that will improve the kids. Boban isn't gonna be that guy man, same as Roy wasn't, and def not Aldrich.

Moz at least fits their strengths, pick and roll, can catch/finish, small midrange ability, defend rim, he fits their core.

Hou, SA, Mia, GS all were lookin at him. We had to overpay to get him over them. Easy to understand that.
Last time I'll speak on this. I think Luol will help, Mozgov I don't. Both are here at too high of a cost and for too long in my opinion. I'll be thankful when Mitch and Jim are gone, and I'm ready to see the next franchise guy get started tomorrow in Vegas. Go Lakers and ready for tank 2017.
Just let him live y'all :lol:. We all respect each other in here as Lakers fans. I don't agree; but can understand where the man is coming from.
But you can't base arguments on assumptions and things we just don't know. We are who we are (young) & we have to overpay. Thats it.
But there is a huuuuuuuge difference from us offering a 2 year deal and someone like SA, GS, etc offering it.

Oh have you guys seen that JC practice video. That boy looking noooooiiiiiiiice :smokin
Last time I'll speak on this. I think Luol will help, Mozgov I don't. Both are here at too high of a cost and for too long in my opinion. I'll be thankful when Mitch and Jim are gone, and I'm ready to see the next franchise guy get started tomorrow in Vegas. Go Lakers and ready for tank 2017.
Respek. :smokin
The deals we made are about providing the future core of this team the support it needs to develop correctly and with the best possible influences. There is value in bringing in players with well-respected character and capable of fitting alongside your youth without stifling them. More importantly, to attract these kind of players to a bad team requires being willing to pay a premium for it. No one expected the Lakers to compete this year, and we weren't going to compete next year either.

Who could we have expected to come next year that would fundamentally change our current path to being contenders? No one. Instead, we chose to develop our most important assets so that they have every tool available to them to become this franchise's future.

I don't understand how that can be misunderstood or criticized. There is no home-run signing or trade that will immediately transform our situation. This is about sitting back and developing with time.

Dope post. Well said Johnny.
Actually made me feel real good about our direction :pimp:
The one time I'm actually interested in a knicks fan opinion and they are nowhere to be found. I need the scoop on j.o.s.e :nerd:

Sup :nerd:

The one thing he does on the floor is is shoot. He's an above average shooter from almost anywhere on the floor. The most important thing he brings to the table is being a great locker room presence. He'll be a good mentor for DLo, Ingram, Clarkson, & Randle:

“I credit a lot of my knowledge and my success — my understanding of the game of basketball — to Jose,” said DeRozan, a shooting guard who was named an All-Star about an hour before the Raptors’ 103-93 win over the Knicks on Thursday. “He gave me a lot of confidence early on, trusting me, putting me in position to be a great scorer. He always instilled that in me.”

You all know his flaws (defense, playmaking, running, etc.) so I won't get into that. I actually wouldn't have minded if we kept him around to get 10-15 minutes a night but we needed the cap space more than his shooting.

Lastly, he owns a successful ham business in Spain:

HOOP: The Raptors' Media Guide says you own a pig farm. Is that true?

Calderon: Well, kind of. It's not like I have it all by myself, but yeah, we sell the ham there in Spain and I've tried to get it here to Canada, too.

HOOP: Ah, okay. We thought you had a bunch of pigs for pets or something.

Calderon: No, no. It's just for my business, that's it. They're really nice animals sometimes, but it's not like I have pigs because I like them.

HOOP: How did you get into that? That's an unusual business.

Calderon: Not really in Spain. Where I'm from is where the best ham is. I thought it would be a good thing to bring the ham here to Canada and to the U.S.

HOOP: What's different about the ham in Spain?

Calderon: Well, the pigs there only eat walnuts, so everything is organic. It's much better.
Watching Simmons in SL, he has the vision and command of the offense D'Lo was supposed to have.  We'll see how Russell develops but right now he's just a scorer who can make a few nice passes a game 
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Watching Simmons in SL, he has the vision and command of the offense D'Lo was supposed to have.  We'll see how Russell develops but right now he's just a scorer who can make a few nice passes a game :smh:  

Yayyyyy... Summer League Analysis.

Do you possibly think that perhaps the **** offense we had last year had anything to do with it... We were dead last in FG% & 3P% by over 2% each. Lack of spacing. Lack of ball movement... Lack of quality Pick & Roll Bigs... Nahhhhhhhh that can't be the problem.
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