First episode was shocking, not sure if I liked it or not though

Was shocked at the school shooting

Show made me feel some type of way the whole time from the scene with Oz scene with Otto to Jax cheating on Tara with the old chick

So dude still wants Tigg?
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I swear people in this country have selective sensitivity.

People are livid over that school shooting scene.
yea she is blowing it not talking to jax

toric is probably their most dangerous nemesis yet, motivated by revenge and crazy as **** but has all the pull in the world

i dont think hes going anywhere for a while, but i think i think itll get to the point where he starts hunting them down
yea she is blowing it not talking to jax

toric is probably their most dangerous nemesis yet, motivated by revenge and crazy as **** but has all the pull in the world

i dont think hes going anywhere for a while, but i think i think itll get to the point where he starts hunting them down

once jax know who he is its a wrap
Haven't seen the opener yet, but I'm laughing at how small this "club" is now. THey have like 5 members left :rofl:
Not sure if serious.
dead serious. at 10:39, during the commercial break, I turned to my wife and told her I was pretty much done with the show.
I'll break it all down:
Someone from the MC's crew, family, friends whatever gets hurt.
The MC goes out for retribution.
Cops (or Feds) surprisingly show and they get busted.
Getting busted turns into a business opportunity
One of more members of the MC are in jail. A fight or canary singing ensues while locked up.
Music montage while all the characters reflect on their lives.
I've just explained 95% of the episodes...
I was cooling on this show during last season and this "premiere" almost sealed the deal for me.
I've devoted 5 seasons to the show. I'll no doubt watch the 6th season, but I was not impressed with this episode.
Agree with me or not, this is all my opinion.

I swear people in this country have selective sensitivity.

People are livid over that school shooting scene.

They just need to understand that it was in no way done for shock value or to capitalize on a tragedy for viewers. It's something Sutter has wanted to do since the early seasons. He wanted something extremely heinous/shocking to be linked to the club for the final act.
, can someone confirm this for me but when juice was talking about Bobby to Gemma did he say that Bobby used to be Nomad before he joined redwood chapter ? I could've swore he said that but i'm not sure anymore.

Bobby lookin lost and confused :smh:
and why would august marks ask for tig after he's pretty much knows what happened to pope?

This confused me as well.

Otherwise, I liked the first episode, laying the groundwork for the season. Although tragic, the school scene was done well and from the previews the gun will be linked to the club which will cause the issues/story lines for this season.
and why would august marks ask for tig after he's pretty much knows what happened to pope?

gotta make it right for pope's family...

i took that as

"Im pope now & my minions & i know who killed pope i gotta kill one of yours or i look weak & replaceable"
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Where have I seen this brothel boss lady before? She seems familiar.

Not sure if you watched it, but she was on Lost.

I want the last hour and half of my life back. Ugh.
You telling me they had all that time off and they come back with this p.o.s.?


first episode was boring as hell, i damb near fell asleep. :smh:

kurt sutter is doing too much.

And that.

Show seemed all over the place. Like they were rushing to introduce new angles and characters. That fight scene with the Persians might be the crappiest **** I've ever seen.
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I don't have time to give my review of the full episode right now.

But one thing I want to say...

As an Iranian-American who is both fluent in Farsi and English, that was the worst spoken Farsi I have ever heard in my entire life. One out of every 10 words those dudes was real, the rest was gibberish. Sentences made absolutely no sense, and it really bothered me how pathetic of an effort the producers and the actors put into making the language sound even relatively authentic.

I know it's just a show and all, but there has been Farsi spoken in many mainstream American movies and tv shows throughout the years...and every single time, it's been at least relatively real. Why not take the extra hour to rehearse some real sensible lines to be spoken if you're going to have the actors speak a foreign language?

I know most of you don't care, and I apologize if I'm boring you. I love the show, and I still liked the first episode a lot. This is not a complaint of Persians being used as bad guys, not at all. I know all kinds of ethnicities get portrayed negatively on a daily basis in Hollywood. thats not my complaint. its just that whole Persian angle was just very lazy and embarrassing for Sutter's standards, when he usually has such attention to detail in his writing. It's really not that hard to say a few sentences correctly if you're a paid professional actor who is supposed to be playing a given role, do some research and don't make the language sound like such a pile of gibberish. When Sutter incorporates Spanish it comes out correct right? Jus sayin, why be so lazy on another language/ethnic portrayal. I bet 80% of those dudes weren't even Middle Eastern, let alone Persian.

/end rant
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