im glad the show is back but i too was underwhelmed.

i understand they gotta touch on loose ends from last season, but it just seemed like they were trying to pack in as many story lines as possible in the first ep.

bobby moving away and wanting to join the nomads
expansion of diosa (new brothel)/stockton conflict
the us marshall (and him being a druggy)
august marks
the kid shooting up the school
wendy coming back
tara locked up

it was just a bit.. much, but still felt underwhelming.
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The ending scene was funny to me. Tara must've watched a lot of prison shows because she didn't hesitate in hitting that inmate from behind.

And to all the people saying the first episode was boring, what do you expect? It's the first episode of the season and they have to touch on all parts of the storyline. Expecting some good stuff later on.

And to all the people saying the first episode was boring, what do you expect? It's the first episode of the season and they have to touch on all parts of the storyline. Expecting some good stuff later on.

Exactly. They have to prep the entire season in one episode. That's why there are so many different story lines being thrown out there.

To clarify too, the kid is Dave Navarro's and the guns are from the MC, correct?
the kid may or may not be his, but heavily implied he is the son of the blonde woman and yes the gun came from the club last season
I love the show but the school shooting rocked me as much as gemma's rape.
the kid may or may not be his, but heavily implied he is the son of the blonde woman and yes the gun came from the club last season

Gotcha but in one of the last few scenes wasn't Navarro sitting down with the blonde at the breakfast table?
im glad the show is back but i too was underwhelmed.

i understand they gotta touch on loose ends from last season, but it just seemed like they were trying to pack in as many story lines as possible in the first ep.

bobby moving away and wanting to join the nomads
expansion of diosa (new brothel)/stockton conflict
the us marshall (and him being a druggy)
august marks
the kid shooting up the school
wendy coming back
tara locked up

it was just a bit.. much, but still felt underwhelming.

Wendy isn't coming back, she's leaving, for good.

thought it was a good one.
kinda saw the whole shooting thing coming once the ep started with the kid and him leaving from Dave Navarro's crib while his mom is sleeping. after they did the whole recap of last season and for some reason they showed the club giving Nero's crew guns and knew that it would eventually turn out bad for the club.

didn't really see a big deal about Jax hitting that chick from Stockton, didn't the club have a rule that when the member is in jail the old lady is free to be with whoever (ie Bobby hitting Luann wihle Otto is doing his bid) so why wouldn't the opposite be possible?

and not really worried about the retired marshall or whatever he is. so far they've been able to outsmart the law enforcement easily in the end, it just gets to the point where it's like "why didn't they just do that in the first place?"

it's like everything works out in the end but more problems brew at the end of the season. getting really repetitive now, i guess maybe at the end of the series we'll either see the club folding so Jax can have a happy ending with his wife and kids or they die from their problems.
After watch the season premiere, I feel like sutter is doing a lot. We came into this season with like 4 or 5 story lines. Clear some of them then introduce more. Still love the show tho.
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the kid may or may not be his, but heavily implied he is the son of the blonde woman and yes the gun came from the club last season

Gotcha but in one of the last few scenes wasn't Navarro sitting down with the blonde at the breakfast table?


Yeah, kid doesn't have to be his. He could be the mom's boyfriend but the father is someone else. Reckless of him though if he didn't lock up that heavy duty gun in the house where the kid couldn't get it.
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Yeah, kid doesn't have to be his. He could be the mom's boyfriend but the father is someone else. Reckless of him though if he didn't lock up that heavy duty gun in the house where the kid couldn't get it.

Actually at the beginning of the ep when Nero drops Dave Navarro's Character off at home, he says "hey M'hijo" (Spanish for "my son") to the kid as he's leaving for school... Being that he's blonde, its hard to see any resemblance to a Half Latino kid, so speculation can be made that he's The blond chick's (emily from entourage as her name on SOA hasn't been established IIRC) son with another man... Time will only tell...

And although I LOVE the show, it was DEF ALL over the place... Still will be watching intently this season...
its the 1st ep of the new season it has to be all over to get new comers up to date , return watchers a reminder & to set the stage for the new stuff gonna happen in this season

i really dont get the %^^&*ing going on it was a damn good ep that set the stage for mayhem this season
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Oh yeah, slipped my mind that he said mi hijo to him. Jax is going to be furious. I wonder if he'll want to stomp navarro out.
I'm assuming that Navarro's character and the girl know that her son was involved in the shooting at the end right?

From the way he was interacting with her, it seems like they do have some of serious relationship.
its the 1st ep of the new season it has to be all over to get new comers up to date , return watchers a reminder & to set the stage for the new stuff gonna happen in this season

i really dont get the %^^&*ing going on it was a damn good ep that set the stage for mayhem this season

You don't have to do all that on day 1 tho. Look at past season openers. First episode was straight buns.
You can't compare the past season openers to this. Maybe last season. But 1-3, you can't compare. Totally different situation with the characters, the club and how tight the brotherhood/plan was. If you feel that way about the ep, to each their own. But you should realize that this season opener should not be compared to any opener IMO.
I don't have time to give my review of the full episode right now.

But one thing I want to say...

As an Iranian-American who is both fluent in Farsi and English, that was the worst spoken Farsi I have ever heard in my entire life. One out of every 10 words those dudes was real, the rest was gibberish. Sentences made absolutely no sense, and it really bothered me how pathetic of an effort the producers and the actors put into making the language sound even relatively authentic.

I know it's just a show and all, but there has been Farsi spoken in many mainstream American movies and tv shows throughout the years...and every single time, it's been at least relatively real. Why not take the extra hour to rehearse some real sensible lines to be spoken if you're going to have the actors speak a foreign language?

I know most of you don't care, and I apologize if I'm boring you. I love the show, and I still liked the first episode a lot. This is not a complaint of Persians being used as bad guys, not at all. I know all kinds of ethnicities get portrayed negatively on a daily basis in Hollywood. thats not my complaint. its just that whole Persian angle was just very lazy and embarrassing for Sutter's standards, when he usually has such attention to detail in his writing. It's really not that hard to say a few sentences correctly if you're a paid professional actor who is supposed to be playing a given role, do some research and don't make the language sound like such a pile of gibberish. When Sutter incorporates Spanish it comes out correct right? Jus sayin, why be so lazy on another language/ethnic portrayal. I bet 80% of those dudes weren't even Middle Eastern, let alone Persian.

/end rant

Maybe Sutter was too busy preparing himself mentally for his cheek clapping scene.

But c'mon brah. You're complaining about what, 45 seconds of television.
Have to imagine they'll play some role. Tig killed one that he was supposed to let go on Robocop's/Jax's orders. Gotta figure that comes back to bite them in the ***.
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