I won't say best season ever, but this is a much welcomed plot twist. Kinda wished they didn't do the super CGI explosion, maybe have done a botched hit or something.

Beside that, good episode. I thought for sure we'd see a bunch of pin the tail on the donkey for no reason.
For everyone asking the opening song is Alt-J (∆) Tessellate, it's a sweet song from a sweet album.

Good episode, kinda predictable but SOA sometimes is, can't wait to see where we go from here though, all hell is breaking loose.
I wonder what's going to come out of Jax sticking up for ol girl when talking to Robocop.
The show becomes more and more laughable. I'd say farcical, but that would connote classic literature.

Now, Clay is gonna hightail it to Belfast. Other than Bobby, who on earth has an organization stupid enough to deal with the Kings, through Clay, especially after they effectively told Marx to go pound sand?

Let me count the ways I give a turd about Gemma's soon to be dilemma - pray that Padilla somehow overcomes his aversion to being with extremely damaged goods, or go with Clay to Belfast. Ok, ready? Zero......... Well, I guess that's it.

I have no earthly idea why Jefferson is reluctant to to full bore after SAMCRO as they really did have a connection to the school shooting! He has a DA who will stop at nothing and there is not a jury anywhere who would not gladly have Jax and co. strung up on the flimsiest evidence imaginable. He has sooooo much on them that he would no doubt get at least one of them to give up intel that would nail SAMCRO.

Instead, he's gonna be all butt hurt about Toric and use that leverage to threaten the crooked DA and avoid all the school unpleasantness and SAMCRO.

I gotta admit, I didn't see Sutter dreaming up such a phenomenally twisted and sick scenario in the jail. For this alone, he deserves eyeballs. That was all sorts of awesome! (If it was real, I'd be sickened. But it is a SHOW!)

Anyway...the Irish do not give up their hatreds and Unser does not know any loyalty greater than his for Gemma. Wendy and Tara are goners.
holy ****. My stomach began to hurt in the final two minutes. Almost began to cry.

This is the GOAT show.

Kurt Sutter is the GOAT.

Jax gonna DESTROY the Irish.

Meaning that Clay took the deal and Gemma somehow didn't tell Jax.

lol so much hyperbole in one post. yeah good ep though.

naw bro. No hyperbowl here.

this episode got more emotion out of me than when Opie died. Those last minutes were too much for me, especially when Jax had to run into the room to grab Abel and Chibs was yelling waiting for him.
The show becomes more and more laughable. I'd say farcical, but that would connote classic literature.

Now, Clay is gonna hightail it to Belfast. Other than Bobby, who on earth has an organization stupid enough to deal with the Kings, through Clay, especially after they effectively told Marx to go pound sand?

Let me count the ways I give a turd about Gemma's soon to be dilemma - pray that Padilla somehow overcomes his aversion to being with extremely damaged goods, or go with Clay to Belfast. Ok, ready? Zero......... Well, I guess that's it.

I have no earthly idea why Jefferson is reluctant to to full bore after SAMCRO as they really did have a connection to the school shooting! He has a DA who will stop at nothing and there is not a jury anywhere who would not gladly have Jax and co. strung up on the flimsiest evidence imaginable. He has sooooo much on them that he would no doubt get at least one of them to give up intel that would nail SAMCRO.

Instead, he's gonna be all butt hurt about Toric and use that leverage to threaten the crooked DA and avoid all the school unpleasantness and SAMCRO.

I gotta admit, I didn't see Sutter dreaming up such a phenomenally twisted and sick scenario in the jail. For this alone, he deserves eyeballs. That was all sorts of awesome! (If it was real, I'd be sickened. But it is a SHOW!)

Anyway...the Irish do not give up their hatreds and Unser does not know any loyalty greater than his for Gemma. Wendy and Tara are goners.

Did you watch any if the seasons?

Cop is a real no nonsense dude. He didn't have much evidence on samcro.

He is not dirty as you saw from the previous seasonsand his wife got killed because he was messing around with that dirty fed .

He wants peace he will only charge when he have clear cut evidence and he don't have nothing now..

Just because dude had the dead girl DNA ,hair etc in his truck don't warrant a arrest or charge...

Gemma was his alibi and he checked his cell phone record

Cop knows torric set him up and cop isn't a dirty cop

Watch the show and pay attention to the the body language
So nothing about each episode this season being a tad bit too long, they all seem a little drawn out.
LOL. Where does this prison keep finding these degenerate guards?

That scene was so weird. Weird guards who like to jerk it next to each other and probably don't even wash their hands.

Jax sucks as the head honcho. I need the homie clay to get out and reclaim his throne.

As mich as I hate to admit it, Jax is horrible as the pres.

Anyone else notice the "In Memory of Opie" patches on the bottom of everyone's cuts? I just noticed it this episode. Cool to see.
One theory I read was that Clay was behind the prison guards being in on him and Gemma. Makes sense and nothing is past Clay to do so.

This season is totally "meh" so far....there are certain things I like (Jax putting 2+2 together when he saw the shamrock pen), but more often than not, this season has been way over the top and gratuitous for no reason.
So nothing about each episode this season being a tad bit too long, they all seem a little drawn out.

Some of the episodes feel this way to an extent but I didn't think that about this week's.

One theory I read was that Clay was behind the prison guards being in on him and Gemma. Makes sense and nothing is past Clay to do so.

I thought so at first, but he took too much of a beating

Eh, I think he'd sacrifice a beating for it not just to get a nut but to see if he can complicate things with Gemma, work some sort of angle. What does he have to lose?
holy ****. My stomach began to hurt in the final two minutes. Almost began to cry.

This is the GOAT show.

Kurt Sutter is the GOAT.

Jax gonna DESTROY the Irish.

Meaning that Clay took the deal and Gemma somehow didn't tell Jax.

lol so much hyperbole in one post. yeah good ep though.


One theory I read was that Clay was behind the prison guards being in on him and Gemma. Makes sense and nothing is past Clay to do so.

This season is totally "meh" so far....there are certain things I like (Jax putting 2+2 together when he saw the shamrock pen), but more often than not, this season has been way over the top and gratuitous for no reason.

I also thought that he was behind it. And I agree with all of your second point.
So, is it next Tuesday yet???

- Irish were NOT playing man... :wow:

- they need to make my man Chuckie a Prospect at least

- Tara and them boys are GONE

- those prison guards. :smh:

- Happy continues to be my favorite Son. i yelled when he slapped dude :lol:

- Bobby, where art thou? :nerd:
I just checked out the preview for next week and it looks like Bobby & Quinn are back in the midst with SAMCRO.
Just because dude had the dead girl DNA ,hair etc in his truck don't warrant a arrest or charge...
He could easily arrest/charge him, the only reason he doesn't/won't is because he knows(is pretty sure) that the evidence was planted.

- they need to make my man Chuckie a Prospect at least
He can't ride with those hands. Clay almost had to resign when his hands were acting up and he almost couldn't ride.
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So, is it next Tuesday yet???

- they need to make my man Chuckie a Prospect at least

You gotta be able to ride though. Chuckie can obviously ride his little scooter, but can he handle a real bike?

On second thought, if they patched him in and let him ride that scooter....i might die from laughter.
- they need to make my man Chuckie a Prospect at least

You gotta be able to ride though. Chuckie can obviously ride his little scooter, but can he handle a real bike?

On second thought, if they patched him in and let him ride that scooter....i might die from laughter.

I say let dude roll around in his scooter with a Prospect cut. Even if he can't mess w/ a Harley, he's been their errand boy and it looks like he isn't going anywhere. Hook my little dude up. :lol:
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