deadass B, Gemma is a *****. At first I really liked her, but man. They did her worse than Opie. Opie died a noble death, "Went out like a warrior." Gemma on the other hand, no grandmother would do this type of ish to her family.
deadass B, Gemma is a *****. At first I really liked her, but man. They did her worse than Opie. Opie died a noble death, "Went out like a warrior." Gemma on the other hand, no grandmother would do this type of ish to her family.

Yeah, she's acting like Oregon is on a different planet. She could visit the grandkids on the weekend. Not smart for her to threaten their lawyer either.
Sutter is making it a personal goal to employee every person that worked on Deadwood..

This ep. is living up to the wait..

So Chibbs is angry Jax is giving juice a pass, so he's beating him up? Why is Juice just taking the beating?

Also, I knew this kid was up to some crazy stuff the minute he rolled his sleeves. No idea what Sutter is doing working him into this though.
I'm just hoping not everyone thinks he did this for some kinda shock value. That gun is one of the guns Jax gave to Nero's crew last season. All gonna come back around :smh:
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