Longest youve stayed awake?

24 ++ hrs..

went to go clubbin after school..
went to class early morning after clubbin...

<--- was like this the whole time at class..
2 days, I went to sleep after that for 5 hours, woke up and everything seemed either slow motion or just weird. Like taking a shower was weird.

My friend did 4 days with Adderall after he had to catch up on a month's worth of homework after being suspended. He had to learn AP Chem, Bio, and Calculus all by himself while doing homework and finishing labs. He said that after all of his homework was done, he walked into his family TV room and asked if they were watching Claymation. It was Avatar.
Mines like 30hrs or so... House party and stayed up till afternoon next day.

I remember walking to catch the train and my knees were buckling cause i wanted to sleep that bad. I was telling myself to keep my eyes open but them !!%@+ were already shut.

Straight zombie status 

I was asleep for 22 hours straight, 1 hour bathroom/eat break, then slept another 2 or so hours.
So I'm not sure how long I was awake before that.
36 hours flight delayed from JFK to London, then next flight was delayed from London to Amsterdam. When I got to Amsterdam it was about 8am so I stayed up smoked and then honestly just died for like 15hours of straight sleep.
Around 48-52 hours.
I was hanging out with people, so it wasn't too hard to stay up.

One time I had 6 hours of sleep in a 3 day span (procrastinating FML).
For some reason by the 3rd day I wasn't even tired.
72+. Three whole days + two exams. Probably between 74 and 78. College.
I slept for 7 hours after that, woke up, got hammered, then slept another 12 hours that night.
If you can avoid it, do. If you have to do it, eat regularly, take breaks when needed, and stick to consistent caffeine intake rather than a Red Bull + espresso shot every few hours.
5 days. I told myself months in advance that I had to and had my body prepare for it. I was alright but my hunger was more than average and I was more irritable. When I finally laid on a bed though I was knocked out!
around 48hrs didnt keep track. i woke up at 7 on a thursday than at night just ended up playing ps2 all night and went camping friday
28 hours I think this past summer when I camped over night for something then had class the next day
Been up since saturday morning, qorking on almost 40 hours not one second of sleep smh.
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