Look what I woke up to this morning.....

Glad you takin it so well...cuz I'd have killed the broad. (probably not but she'll be catching a beat down from everyhood chick in a 20 block radius from my crib)

emotional @%$# aside, there's NO REASON to ever do that to a persons car.
Here's the truth, should've never cheated fam, did that deserve to happen to ur car? HELL NO but if you can't keep it in ur pants don't be in arelationship. Point Blank. Karmas a +$$%$ .
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

Edit: banned.
than they're even right?
Press charges. IDGAF if she's a woman. A lesson has to be taught. Hell, wait til she doesn't expect it and put sugar in her gas tank.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

my girl cracked my windshield on the passenger side....but i said some messed up stuff to her....so yea
how messed up are we talking?
umm messed up enough
...we had gotten into an argument earlier and when we got in the car i keep saying stuff to push her buttons....threw some stuff in her face (like bringing up stuff...not literally lol)....she already had her legs up there chilling so when i made a certain statement she just kicked my shh
......i laugh at it now but i wanted to hit her when it happened
Is this the same girl that got the eyes tatted on her chest? If so you need to tell her to kick rocks!
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